What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 149 She's A Succubus For Sure

I was laying in bed with Lisa cuddled against my side.

Looking towards the direction of the window, I could see the hint of daylight peeking through the curtains.

Both Lisa and I had dishevelled appearances and our lingerie was scattered around the bed. Even my penis sheath had come off some time during our love making since she wanted to taste my seed somewhere near the end.

As much as I would like to say that I managed to keep up with Lisa, the fact was that she wrung me dry completely.

The Infrid was absolutely insatiable and she kept going and going and going, as though her libido was truly bottomless.

Pretty much halfway through the session I was lying down on the bed and unable to move while Lisa just continued riding me through orgasm after orgasm.

Don't get me wrong, it felt really good even then but I was really exhausted by then.

It seems like if I want to keep up with her in sex, I'm going to need my lewd boons before I stand a chance.

I wasn't even sure if I passed out first or she stopped first since the last part was really, really fuzzy.

That's why it took me a moment to remember where I was and what I had been doing when I woke up.

Thank goodness I already told Mother and the rest that I might be sleeping over at her place last night or they might have come and busted Lisa's door down last night.

Lisa stirred in my arms, yawning groggily while cuddling closer to me.

"Oh… Mnnn~ Good morning Aster~ Last night was wonderful~ Did you enjoy it too?"

"Well… My hips definitely feel sore… But I don't hate it," I admitted.

"Ehehe~ I said I would give you the best night of your life but I think you gave me the best night of my life instead~"

She crawled up to me and straddled my waist, the blanket falling off her shoulders and leaving her in all her naked glory.

"Do you think you're up for a quickie this morning?" She asked coyly

I felt myself twitch at her words but I groaned, "Nngghh… I think I may need to at least take a few days to recover from what you've wrung from me last night…"

"Ehehe~ I'll take that as a compliment~"

She then laid down on my chest, intentionally positioning her head in between my bosoms while gazing into my eyes lazily.

"So what are your plans today, Aster? I'm happy to just lay in bed with you the entire day too, you know?"

"Mmm… As much as I would like that, I have to get back home soon or my family would worry about me…"

"Ah… I suppose that's true… Shall we take a bath together before you go? I'll drop you off at your place if you want."

"Umm… Don't you have your store to manage as well?"

"Ehehe~ It's fine, it's fine~ When the school term starts, my shop is usually closed unless I feel like opening it so no need to worry~"

That sounds worrying by itself already, no wonder you don't usually have that many customers aside from kids who just come here for the sweets.

Well, since she offered, I accepted her invitation for the bath and we bathed together in her bathroom that was across the hallway.

There was a lot of touching but nothing really happened.

That was when I realised something while the both of us were getting dressed inside her room.

"Lisa, we didn't kiss at all?" I noted.

She suddenly snapped her head around to face me, "Ki… Kiss?! You… You want to… To kiss me?!"

I tilted my head at her, "Ummm… What's with that reaction? Is it really a big deal?"

"E… Eh? Umm… Aster doesn't know what kissing means?"

What? Is this something related to a custom of Infrids where if you kiss you get pregnant or something?

I guess just to be safe, I shook my head to show that I don't know.

Lisa blinked at me, "O… Oh… I… I see. Umm… I guess that's normal. Umm… When umm… When two people kiss… They're ummm… It's pretty much the same as getting married."

Now it was my turn to blink at her, "Wait what?"

Lisa nodded with a serious look, "A kiss is sacred and the God Nilali oversees such a union so umm… To kiss is to pledge yourself to your partner…"

"E… Eh? Really? But… What if it happens on accident or if someone kisses you without your consent?"

"Ah, that's different of course. But if two consenting parties kiss, then it's official~"

"But… Wasn't there a guy kissing a girl at the park but another girl was also going down on him last night?"

She nodded, "Those three were most likely in a relationship with each other."

"And… What does it mean to be married?"

"Ehhh… No one taught you, Aster?"

I shook my head.

She pondered over the question for a while, "When two people marry… They're basically exclusive to each other unless both come to an agreement about their own relationships. If one of them were to cheat, the other partner would know instantly and… Ehehe~ The cheater would be at the mercy of the other partner."

Ok… Wow… So kissing is actually a really big deal here. I wonder how many Off-Worlders are going to make the mistake of kissing someone else and think it wouldn't mean anything?

Lisa poked her fingers together while blushing up to her ears, "Umm… Now that Aster knows about the meaning of kisses… Do you still want to kiss me?"

I smiled at her, "Didn't you say that I'm your soulmate? Isn't that practically saying that we'll be together anyway? So it wouldn't matter if I were to kiss you now right? I guess the real question would be whether you want to kiss me?"

Her face brightened up immediately, "Yes! Yes! A million times yes!!"

I quickly added in, "Another question. What about harems? If I were to intend to create one in the future… Would you still want to kiss me?"

Lisa giggled at me, "Ehehe~ Aster~ I want you to have a harem~ Would that be enough of an answer for you?"

I'm still not very sure of how that worked but I guess that the fact that being with her wouldn't restrict my freedom that much was a big plus.

It's a good thing since I actually like kissing and missing out on it while having sex is a real bummer.

I went towards Lisa in preparation for our first kiss but she took a step back timidly..

"Ehehe… As much as I don't mind kissing you, Aster, but umm… You know once you do that you'll be stuck with me for life right? I… I wouldn't be able to let you go even if you want me to… Actually… I would but umm… Umm… Oh gosh… I won't be able to live without you anymore…"

I felt my face heat up at her words, "I… Umm… Maybe we'll wait until I graduate?"

"Ehehe~ I suppose that is for the best~"

So in exchange of sex becoming more casual, kissing is now the epitome of intimacy huh. I would have been less surprised if it was hand holding but apparently even that was considered normal here.

Guess I'll have to put up with no kisses until later on… Oh wait, does it have to be on the lips?

I turned back to her, "The… Kissing thing only matters when it's on the lips right?"

Lisa poked her fingers together, "Yes~ So if Aster wants me to start kissing you in other places, I'm all for it you know~ I can start with your toes and work my way up! Ohhhh~ That sounds good~ Could I do that now? I want to do that~"

"Maybe next time we can start with that before we do anything else?"

"Ehehehe~ Aster really knows how to spoil me~"

The two of us resumed dressing ourselves and I even helped her clean up the room.

It seems Lisa was quite prepared since there were already new bedsheets prepared for her to switch out her cum stained ones from last night. The only cleaning up that took the longest was gathering the flower petals and the candles she had used to line the corridor and floor.

Soon enough, everything was cleaned up and the room no longer smelled of sex.

I was just about to tell her that I would be leaving when she suddenly stopped me.

"Umm… Aster? I… I suppose since you did tell me about your wish of kissing me… It would also be fair if I were to tell you about something I've been keeping from you…I have a… A weird fetish… A fetish that I wouldn't be able to stop myself from indulging no matter what…"

Oh… I think I know what it is… It starts with a 'B' and ends with a 'DSM' right?

Instead of guessing, I nodded to let her tell me herself.

She blushed and hesitated for a second before blurting out, "I'm really, really into cucking~ Kyaaa~ I said it!"

Lisa then buried her face in her hands as she blushed up to her ears.

I'm sorry, what?

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