What Do You Call a Benevolent and Reasonable Person in Xianxia? An Impossibility! (BTTH)

Chapter 82: True Scum

Chapter 82: True Scum

After listening to Xiao Yans words, Xiao Yixian remained stunned for a while before snapping back to her senses. However, instead of feeling embarrassed, she felt a sense of annoyance.

Are you sure youre not insulting me?

By saying that you dont want to acquire too much ill-gotten wealth, arent you indirectly calling me a greedy person?!

Just as Xiao Yixian was about to get angry, she suddenly saw Xiao Yans clear black eyes and immediately calmed down.

She could determine that Xiao Yan absolutely didnt mean it that way.

But in this comparison, Xiao Yixian felt even more inadequate!


So what if Im greedy?

So what if I like to acquire ill-gotten wealth? Dont like it?  bite me!

Xiao Yixian broke the jar, as she indeed wanted to use the money here to make up for the losses of the Wan Yao Pavilion. To put it bluntly, it was taking advantage of the generosity of others to solve her own financial difficulties.

Since she thought that way and had indeed done so, Xiao Yixian wouldnt be hypocritical enough to take things and still demand to be viewed as the righteous one.

Whats the use of having a good reputation?

Can you eat it? Drink it? Is it worth any money?

Xiao Yixian crossed her arms, pouted, and turned her face away, leaving Xiao Yan confused.

Why is she suddenly angry again for no reason? This girls emotions are truly unpredictable

Oh, and this. Xiao Yan tossed the string of keys and the scroll in his hand to Xiao Yixian. These are for you too.


Looking at the scroll and keys in her hand, Xiao Yixian, who was just angry moments ago, suddenly felt stunned.

You Youre really not keeping anything, huh?!

Xiao Yixian remembered clearly that the first things the skeleton gave to Xiao Yan were the string of keys and the scroll. However, before she could even ask for them, Xiao Yan gave her everything from the storage ring except for that peculiar herb.

How could Xiao Yixian ask for more now? She hadnt reached the point of shamelessness, even though she was greedy.

Although she brought Xiao Yan here, whether it was the items in the storage ring, the string of keys, or the scroll, all of them were personally given to Xiao Yan by the owner of this secret chamber. To be honest, even if Xiao Yan wanted to keep them all for himself, she wouldnt argue. At most, she could use the advantage of being the guide to gain some benefits.

But now, Xiao Yan gave everything to Xiao Yixian, except for that herb. How could Xiao Yixian bring herself to ask for the keys and the scroll?

After all, if it werent for the skeleton personally giving them to Xiao Yan, she probably wouldnt have found them herself.

However, now Xiao Yan had unreservedly given her everything, including the keys and the scroll, leaving Xiao Yixian feeling frustrated.

This person! Is there something wrong with his brain?!

Xiao Yixian was truly at a loss. Xiao Yan didnt seem like someone with intellectual deficiencies, right?

While Xiao Yixian was internally ranting, Xiao Yan waved his hand and turned to walk towards the exit of the secret chamber.

You can open the treasure chests yourself. Ill wait for you outside.

Watching Xiao Yans departing figure without any trace of reluctance, Xiao Yixian stood there dumbfounded, her mind in chaos.

Am I dreaming? Am I still asleep?

How could there possibly be someone like this in the world?

If Yao Chen knew what Xiao Yixian was thinking, she would surely nod in agreement.

Indeed, how could there be someone like this in the world?

But unfortunately, Xiao Yan was exactly like that.

If it werent for Xiao Yan, they wouldnt even have the concept of someone like this.

After all, even if they heard about someone like this as a story, they would consider it to be nothing more than a baseless tale.

They would never believe that there could truly be someone in the world who could be so upright.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Alone in the secret chamber, Xiao Yixian stomped her feet in anger.

The comparison between things determines their value, and the same goes for people.

The more upright Xiao Yan was, the more despicable and greedy Xiao Yixian felt she was.

This bastard! Is he deliberately trying to embarrass me?!

Xiao Yixian screamed in her mind, clutching her head, overwhelmed by guilt and even self-doubt.

Why! Why does someone like this exist in the world?! And why did I have to encounter him?!

If Xiao Yan had really done this to embarrass Xiao Yixian, she would be able to accept it with a clear conscience.

But Xiao Yixian was absolutely certain that Xiao Yan didnt have such intentions! It was precisely because he didnt have those intentions that Xiao Yixian was so infuriated!

This also indirectly indicated that although Xiao Yixian was slightly greedy because of the matter with Wan Yao Zhai, she still had some basic sense of shame, otherwise she wouldnt feel so uncomfortable.

Tsk! No way!

Xiao Yixian pouted and made up her mind. She took the keys and walked towards the three treasure chests.

She couldnt let the treasures in front of her go to waste! At most, she would only take what she could use and give the rest to that guy! It would be a way to preserve her remaining dignity!

Then Xiao Yixian used the keys to open the three treasure chests, revealing a poison manual, a flying martial skill manual, and a mysterious-ranked martial skill.

Fortunately there was only one that she could use.

Xiao Yixian breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the poison manual. A trace of sadness flashed in her eyes, and a bitter self-deprecating smile appeared on her lips.

Is this fate It seems even the heavens dont want to spare me.

Shaking her head lightly, Xiao Yixian cleared her mind of stray thoughts and stored the poison manual in her spatial ring. As for the two martial skill manuals, she planned to give them to Xiao Yan later.

There was also the scroll that Xiao Yan had thrown to her earlier along with the keys. Xiao Yixian opened it and glanced at it. It seemed to be a tattered map, but she couldnt understand it, so she would give it to Xiao Yan.

With this decision made, Xiao Yixian surveyed the now empty secret chamber, making sure nothing was left behind, and then walked towards the exit with the three scrolls in her hand.

However, as she approached the entrance, Xiao Yixian heard a commotion outside, which gave her a sense of unease. She quickly put the three scrolls into her spatial ring and quietly eavesdropped on the voices outside.

Xiao Yan, my dear friend, we are in the same team after all. Its not right to find good things and want to keep them all to yourself, is it?

(Mu Li? How did he end up here?)

Xiao Yixian immediately recognized the voice and quickly guessed what was going on. She searched her body and finally pulled out a wriggling, dull-red colored worm from her hair.

Peeping Gu! A worm specifically used for tracking!

Damn it!

Xiao Yixian cursed inwardly and forcefully tore the worm in half before throwing it to the ground. She then heard Mu Lis voice from outside again.

Oh, the Peeping Gu is dead? Mu Li chuckled and greeted, Since youve already discovered it, theres no need to hide, Xiao Yixian.

Xiao Yixian snorted coldly and walked out from behind the door, glaring coldly at Mu Li.

Mu Li, you really have no shame, using a Peeping Gu to spy on me?

Dont say that~ Im just concerned about your safety. Who would have thought that you would secretly find such a treasure trove? Mu Li smirked and looked at Xiao Yixian, saying, So, I suppose youve already taken everything inside?

Can you please give it all to me? I will take over the entire Qingshan Town with you! I will trample everyone under my feet!

Feeling the extreme greed and arrogance in Mu Lis words, which were in stark contrast to Xiao Yans utmost integrity, Xiao Yixian felt a strong sense of disgust. This disgust became even more prominent when compared to Xiao Yan and Mu Li.

Xiao Yixian looked at Mu Li and sneered.

Just a moment ago, I was doubting myself because of Xiao Yans integrity, wondering if I was too greedy. In comparison to your greed, Im truly a saint. It actually makes me feel better. For that, I express my sincere gratitude to you.

Xiao Yixian looked at Mu Li, who gradually revealed a murderous look in his eyes, and insincerely nodded with a curtsey, wearing a smile devoid of any amusement on her face, sarcastically saying,

I, as a woman, feel deeply inadequate compared to you. You are the true, unquestionable scum.


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