Wedding Night: I Became the Female Supporting Character and Married the Villain!

Chapter 201 - Chapter 201: Danger Descends

Chapter 201: Danger Descends

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The flight took place during the dark in Prague.

A partially undressed girl was hurriedly rushing along an alley.

She had no idea how she was once again in trouble.

To the end of the alley, Su Su sprinted. She drew in several deep breaths when she realized her pursuer was not going to catch up.

Luo Ying had secured a job and an apartment for her. Her debt-collector adversaries had not come looking for her in a very long time.

However, they found her residence and even damaged her work. There was nothing else she could do except flee for her life.

Sighing, Su Su briefly looked at the text Luo Ying had given her.

Luo Ying was really concerned about her well-being, but she could not communicate with her at the moment.

There were too many snakes among her relatives for any quick solution to be possible.

Su Su cocked her head to the side and scanned the area. She seemed to finally be alone. She let out a heavy sigh. Her existence was akin to trash decomposing in the sewers; it gave her no room to move or grow.

“I think she’s in this room!

“We must not let this opportunity slip. Let us get her in our hands and put her up for sale right now.

“Then why don’t we have some fun together as brothers?”

The voice of the big guy came through the walls.

Su Su felt goosebumps spread all throughout her body. Her tired legs hurt from her recent run. She no longer had the strength to continue running.

With tears in her eyes, she turned to face the big guys. She reached down and picked up a brick lying nearby. She could not stop thinking about Sirius.

Would anyone grieve for her if she died here today?

There most likely wasn’t. After her cruel deception, Sirius would not even bat an eyelid. If anything, he and his buddies would commemorate her demise with a bottle of champagne.

Her eyes welled up with fresh tears at the realization of this.

“Little girl, why are you crying? Think of how well we take care of you. When we come across other girls, we would simply harvest their vital organs for profit. You are unique. If you were to be sold to a brothel, I have no doubt that you would be quite popular there.

The big guy in front had seen Su Su coming a mile away. Under the dim illumination of the streetlights, his yellow teeth seemed even more repulsive when he smiled.

When Su Su was greeted by this sight, she felt a wave of revulsion wash over her. “Please, just leave me alone. My parents’ debt is none of my concern…”

“What gives? Are you not aware of the phrase, ‘sins of a father!?” The big guy let out a hearty chuckle. “Your parents could submit themselves to us entirely and yet not be able to repay our boss’s money. Even if they attempt to sell you to us, that won’t nearly be enough. Where does that leave us?”

The big men in the room laughed heartily.

Su Su felt immense terror seize her heart. She peered carefully at the individuals in front of her as she clutched the brick in her palm. “If you touch me, my friends will come after you.”

“Do you even know anyone here?” The large guy in front moved forward confidently. he reached out to yank the brick out of Su Su’s grasp.

Su Su’s fingernails were about to shatter from gripping the brick so firmly. She put up her hand, trying to buy more time.

“Girl, just give up. Your parents may be considering selling you to settle their financial obligations. You are still in your prime. If you let some of those old men have their way with you, you may even walk out of it as a wealthy lady.”

The men let out a fresh wave of laughter.

Cold perspiration was trickling down Su Su’s back. She would not consent to having her body sold to that establishment, even after death. “You lot, how much does she owe you?”

From behind the large guy, a clear voice suddenly rang out.

Beneath the lamppost, a young guy dressed in all black stood.

He didn’t seem to be very old, but he had a menacing expression in his eyes. “I can assist in repaying her loan.”

“A young guy like you can’t possibly have…” The large guy laughed at first, but then stopped when he saw the watch on the man’s wrist.

The man’s watch stood out from the crowd. It was a luxury timepiece from a well-known brand from throughout the world.

The big guy had never worn a luxury watch before, but he had seen them in action while assisting his employer with several projects.

This timepiece could easily pay off Su Su’s obligations 10 times over.

The large man’s face lit up with happiness. “5-5 million is the magic number. But we’ll make do with five million dollars..

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