
Chapter 462: Complete Destruction of the Yanluo Lords

Chapter 462: Complete Destruction of the Yanluo Lords

Blue Lantern, and Ye Dafu's crew waited anxiously within a forest.

"His Majesty will be alright, won't he?" one of Ye Dafu's lackeys murmured.

"Don't jinx it! How can any harm befall His Majesty?" Ye Dafu hissed.

Everyone quieted down, but they continued to give each other anxious glances out of worry.

"There's no need to worry. His Majesty is more than sufficiently strong to handle this dilemma. Don't you remember what he told us before he left?" Blue Lantern asked.

"That we're to listen to you?" Ye Dafu replied.

Blue Lantern nodded. "The battlefield can be disrupted instantly at any moment. I hope you'll remember His Majesty's command."

"What do you mean? His Majesty will return within moments and will command us himself. Do you expect us to listen to you over His Majesty?" Ye Dafu demanded.

"I do. Regardless of what happens later, you must obey me," Blue Lantern warned.

Everyone gave Blue Lantern a disbelieving look, not knowing what to make of the situation. Upon seeing Blue Lantern's serious expression, however, Ye Dafu seemed to react. He didn't say anything; he looked up into the air as Blue Lantern gave him the slightest of nods.

Ye Dafu understood what was going on in an instant. "Of course. I understand. We'll listen to your commands."

"Very well." Blue Lantern nodded.

Ye Dafu's lackeys glanced curiously between Ye Dafu himself and Blue Lantern. Considering how serious Ye Dafu was, they knew that something had to be amiss, and treated this situation with proper gravitas as well.

"His Majesty's here. Quick, get to your positions. Stabilize the formation!" Blue Lantern called out.

"Understood!" The cultivators split up across the forest.

Meanwhile, the golden arhat shot toward the forest, swiftly followed by the Tiger Yanluo.

The Tiger Yanluo drew closer and closer to the forest. He smirked. "Xiao Nanfeng, you won't be able to escape now."

He smashed a fist into the golden arhat's back, knocking it into the ground in a cloud of dust. The arhat armor cracked and looked as though it would shatter at any moment.

Without any hesitation, Xiao Nanfeng clambered out of the pit and continued to run.

"Do you really think you can escape?" The Tiger Yanluo sneered at Xiao Nanfeng.

He sped up once again, overtaking the golden arhat in an instant and slamming his palm down on the golden arhat's neck, as though trying to decapitate Xiao Nanfeng.

"Die!" Xiao Nanfeng shouted.

The golden arhat exploded in a blazing fireball that encapsulated the Tiger Yanluo.

"Do you think you can hurt me with an explosion of this magnitude? What a fool you are!" The Tiger Yanluo laughed uproariously.

He dispelled the flames with a wave of his hand and was about to pounce toward the Divine Seal of Dazheng right by his side when he suddenly halted. He found himself trapped by another spherical barrier.

"This formation of natural law again? Were the blinding flames from the explosion of the arhat armor just to hide the nascent starlight? Xiao Nanfeng, you were scheming against me all along!" the Tiger Yanluo thundered.

By then, Xiao Nanfeng had emerged from the nearby Divine Seal of Dazheng, a crystal star map in his hands.

"Tiger Yanluo, you murdered a Martial Aspect of the Imperial Court. I, his successor, am obligated to investigate his death and avenge him. It's time for you to die!" Xiao Nanfeng cried out. "Starlit blades, strike!"

From the skies, 361 starlit blades manifested and shot toward the starlit barrier.

"Xiao Nanfeng, you underestimate my strength. This starlit barrier won't be able to take me down." The Tiger Yanluo gave him a grim smile.

With a fist, he obliterated a swathe of blades headed his way. The punch possessed immense strength and even managed to shatter a portion of the starlit barrier, though it was swiftly repaired by incoming beams of starlight.

"Do you see that? Your barrier can't hold me in forever. I'll be able to break it apart in no time."

"Then it's lucky for me that I have Heaven's Hands as well."

While they were talking, the skies had suddenly been covered up by blood-colored clouds. The next moment, a Heaven's Hand poked out of the clouds and shot straight toward the Tiger Yanluo.

"Impossible. How could there be Heaven's Hands here?"

The Tiger Yanluo attempted to break down the starlit barrier with another punch, but the Heaven's Hand reacted even more quickly. It caught the Tiger Yanluo in an instant.

"Damn these Heaven's Hands. They can't kill me. Now, break!"

With an earsplitting boom, a crack formed on the Heaven's Hand that had caught the Tiger Yanluo. Even Xiao Nanfeng blanched upon seeing such a sight. The Tiger Yanluo was truly a strong opponent.

"Again!" the Tiger Yanluo shouted.

The Heaven's Hand suddenly exploded in a burst of flames that caused mountains to crumble and streams to burn up. Everything in range was destroyed.

The Formation of the Complete Heavens had been protected by a few smaller defensive formations, but they were ill-equipped to handle destruction of such magnitude.

However, Ye Dafu and his crew had been stationed by key points of the formation and were prepared to handle the aftermath of the Tiger Yanluo's attacks. None of them wielded Immortal relics; rather, they activated Indomitable Body at full strength and defended against the shockwaves with nothing but their physical bodies. The flaming tempest struck them instantly.

"It hurts!"

"This is too strong!"

"I can't stand it much longer..."

The cultivators shouted amidst the explosion, their bodies quickly overwhelmed and shrouded by fire and wind.

As the resulting shockwaves finally subsided and the flaming tempest dissipated, twelve golden cultivators were revealed in sight. Their clothes were tattered, their hair singed and hanging down loosely. Their bodies had bloated up like giant bruises.

"Ye Dafu, how are you?!" Xiao Nanfeng called out.

Ye Dafu, who had been closest to the explosion and had borne the greatest brunt of the impact, had a head that was swelling up like a pig's.

"I'm alright. It's comfortable!" the pig-headed Ye Dafu called out.

"Right, Your Majesty, we're all fine! That was exciting!" the other golden cultivators shouted.

Xiao Nanfeng nodded in relief. He and Blue Lantern had been far from the epicenter of the explosion, and hadn't been injured.

Thanks to Ye Dafu and his crew's sacrifice, the twelve nodes of the formation remained intact. Blue Lantern continued to draw on their strength to form a starlit barrier around the Tiger Yanluo.

Within the starlit barrier, although the Tiger Yanluo had managed to destroy the Heaven's Hand that had shot down toward him, he was bleeding all over and heavily wounded.

In the past, he would already have escaped; now, however, he had been trapped by the starlit barrier.

"Damn you, Xiao Nanfeng! You won't be able to trap me like this. Each Heaven's Hand takes quite a while to regenerate after being destroyed. I have more than enough time to destroy this barrier. Now, break!"

The Tiger Yanluo struck the starlit barrier again, leaving cracks spiderwebbing through its surface. Suddenly, however, as though sensing a great crisis, he lifted his head.

"Impossible. How could Heaven's Hand have regenerated so quickly?!"

A second Heaven's Hand had appeared and was heading straight for the Tiger Yanluo, not giving him any time to relax.

"Impossible. How could this be? Xiao Nanfeng, what have you done?!"

At that moment, Xiao Nanfeng was manipulating his crystal star map as quickly as he could, summoning all the clouds of annihilation from the vicinity.

There wouldn't be much downtime between strikes from the Heaven's Hands, because there were plenty of them in the sky waiting to be deployed on Xiao Nanfeng's command.

"Break!" the Tiger Yanluo roared.

The Tiger Yanluo's barrage of attacks caused the second Heaven's Hand to shatter, then explode. Another flaming tempest filled the forest.

The Tiger Yanluo's body was sleek with blood. He panted—then suddenly looked up, sensing yet more crises to come.

A third Heaven's Hand attacked without any hesitation. Behind that Heaven's Hand, a whole flock of them lay in wait.

"No!" the Tiger Yanluo howled.

The third Heaven's Hand clenched around the Tiger Yanluo, crackling with lightning. The Tiger Yanluo, heavily wounded, barely managed to destroy the third Hand.

After the explosion, he was stumbling on his feet. All he wanted to do now was flee,

but the starlit barrier around him prevented him from doing so. He had only temporarily been able to break free even at full power; now, he was drained.

More importantly, the starlit barrier possessed the mysterious ability of being permeable to external forces; it only stopped the Tiger Yanluo escaping from within. Even the Heaven's Hands outside could pass straight through the barrier without any resistance.

"Damn this barrier! Break!" the Tiger Yanluo cried out in fear.

A fourth Heaven's Hand clenched around him. Bolts of lightning struck him from all over as he felt death descend.

"Let me go, Xiao Nanfeng! I can help you take on the Peach Buddha. I'll let bygones be bygones. Let me out!"

"Tiger Yanluo, you brought this on yourself. It's time for you to leave this world."

"No!" The Tiger Yanluo attacked the Heaven's Hand furiously,

but he was simply too weak to do anything. The Heaven's Hands took turns attacking him, and it took him longer and longer to take them down as his injuries worsened.

By the time the sixth Heaven's Hand exploded, he was numb and paralyzed, without any remaining combat power whatsoever.

A seventh Heaven's Hand caught him in its grip.

"No. I won't die like this!" the Tiger Yanluo howled in despair a final time.

His voice slowly vanished without a trace. Against a whole flock of Heaven's Hands, he couldn't escape. His life was draining from him by the second.

In a nearby forest, the Peach Buddha was watching the scene unfold in shock. "How can Xiao Nanfeng be controlling these Heaven's Hands? How can this be?"

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