
Chapter 381: The Ancient Dragon Palace

Chapter 381: The Ancient Dragon Palace

In Xiao Nanfeng's study in Yongding, Ao Zhou's face twitched as he watched Xiao Nanfeng's robes repeatedly change color.

"Aren't you tired of it?" Ao Zhou eventually grumbled, unable to watch on any longer.

"It's none of your business," Xiao Nanfeng said, continuing to review the documents on his desk.

Ao Zhou couldn't wait any longer.

"We dragons fought off all the crow and crane spirits during that huge battle. We've earned considerable merit, haven't we?" Ao Zhou began.

Xiao Nanfeng glanced up at Ao Zhou before returning to his documents. "I've provided you with all the benefits I promised, didn't I? You got the fortune you wanted."

"But aren't you going to make us all guardian spirits of your empire? Croak and Warble get annual tribute and monthly wages, whereas it seems like us dragons are a once-and-done thing!" Ao Zhou cried out, aggrieved.

"They were heralded as guardian spirits of the empire because of their history of commitment and timely availability. You dragons don't share that notion. It would be better for you to remain as mercenaries," Xiao Nanfeng replied.

"What? How could that be? We dragons have risked our lives for Dazheng! If you make us all guardian spirits of the empire, we'll surely come help out in times of war!"

"You haven't done enough. You've contributed far too little to be deemed guardian spirits of the empire."

"But we haven't had the opportunity to contribute!"

"You weren't present when there were opportunities to gain merit."

"But I'm a member of the Qitian Alliance, aren't I? Help me out, won't you?"

Xiao Nanfeng put down his brush and gave Ao Zhou an odd look. "You didn't have any problems with these terms in the past. What's the problem now? Don't beat around the bush. What are you trying to achieve here?"

"What? How did you even manage to deduce that?"

"Don't say anything if you don't want to. You're never involved in anything good, anyway."

"No, no, there's something good! I'm here to share an opportunity with you." Ao Zhou leaned in with a bright smile.


Ao Zhou suddenly looked furtively around.

Xiao Nanfeng sighed. "Are you crazy? This is my study. There's no one eavesdropping here. Speak your mind or get lost!"

Ao Zhou whispered, "We found a draconic palace in the Eastern Sea."

"A draconic palace? Weren't they all destroyed? Did you find a temporary one that the dragons used as a waystation?"

"It's true! It's a real draconic palace. The interior's dark and dim, but I can sense that there's treasure inside. There were even some sea spirits that managed to wander in. It's a huge palace comparable in size to my father's, but the interior seems to be filled with deathly aura."


"I suspect that it's a draconic palace from an ancient era."

"Another draconic palace?"

"My father's Eastern Sea Draconic Palace has been passed down for generations, but it can only account for twenty or thirty thousand years of recorded history. What came before that? Perhaps other dragons built their own palace; perhaps they died out millennia ago, and their palace turned to ruins. Some spirits may have taken it over."

"That is possible," Xiao Nanfeng murmured, frowning.

"Two centuries ago, the Eastern Sea dragons controlled countless spirit clans within the Eastern Sea. There was no information about this draconic palace at all, suggesting that it had yet to make an appearance two centuries ago. It must only have been occupied within the last two centuries, and its lack of information must mean that the spirits within don't dare to be too ostentatious. They must not be very strong."

"How did you discover this ancient palace?" Xiao Nanfeng asked curiously.

"Some of my subordinates were swimming around the Eastern Sea and discovered it out of nowhere. There's nothing special about it."

"That can't be. Think more carefully. If this palace hadn't been unearthed for two whole centuries, I doubt you could have discovered it just by wandering around. Furthermore, the fact that other sea spirits were lured to the palace meant that there was something attracting you to it." Xiao Nanfeng shook his head.

Ao Zhou frowned and thought back to what had transpired. "I remember now. When my subordinates called for me, we could hear faint dragon cries even from very far away."

"That might be bait. Other sea spirits may have been lured into the palace against their will, but as dragons, you could have natural immunity thanks to your racial advantage," Xiao Nanfeng analyzed.

"That... might be," Ao Zhou said.

"How long has it been since you discovered the palace?"

"Almost two months."

Xiao Nanfeng frowned. The fact that Ao Zhou had waited for two months to bring it up meant that he had likely tried to claim all the benefits for himself, only to fail and have no choice but to ask Xiao Nanfeng for assistance instead.

"What do you intend to gain by informing me about this?"

"We're both members of the Qitian Alliance, aren't we? I found an opportunity, so I naturally wanted to involve you. If you lead some of your subordinates to explore the palace with me, I'll share some of the rewards from the expedition with you," Ao Zhou immediately declared.

Xiao Nanfeng narrowed his eyes at Ao Zhou. "Forget it. Have fun on your own."

Ao Zhou's face stiffened. If he could handle it on his own, he wouldn't have to ask Xiao Nanfeng for help!

"A fifth of all the treasure we find within. That's already generous enough, isn't it?" Ao Zhou asked.

Xiao Nanfeng rolled his eyes and ignored him.

"How much do you want? A fifth is already a significant loss for me. Go on, say a number!" Ao Zhou cried in vexation.

"I don't intend to take advantage of you. If there's any treasure to be found, let's split it evenly among us," Xiao Nanfeng suggested.

Ao Zhou looked unwilling, but he had no other choice. In the end, he gritted his teeth and nodded. "Fine. An even split it is!"

"I'll send some subordinates to check out the palace with you. Croak and Warble should go as well. If they can handle the palace, I won't have to go personally."

"You're not going?" Ao Zhou exclaimed, his eyes wide.

"You're often unreliable. What if the ancient palace is just a pile of useless ruins? It'd be a waste of my time. I'm a busy man, and I don't have the time to do everything myself," Xiao Nanfeng replied.

"You should have told me, then! I would have just hoodwinked Croak and Warble into coming with me. I wouldn't have needed to pay you half the profits!" Ao Zhou raged.

"You were the one who proposed this deal. I didn't force you to do anything," Xiao Nanfeng retorted.

Ao Zhou's face was as dark as charcoal, and he could hardly back out now that the deal had been established. He had already brought up the ancient palace, and if he were to go back on his word, Xiao Nanfeng could easily dispatch his own subordinates to explore it. Then, he wouldn't even obtain half the profits.

In a small cottage of an equally small town by the shores of the Eastern Sea, wisps of fog rose into the air. Beams of starlight could be seen descending from the heavens, piercing through the fog and encapsulating Mr. Wen.

Mr. Wen was in the midst of manipulating the Star Map of the Complete Heavens and inducing beams of stellar energy into his body. However, he was doing so in a particularly subtle manner, so the starlight wasn't obvious and largely drowned out by ordinary sunlight.

Wisps of black smoke were forced out of Mr. Wen's body.

The youth beside him smiled in excitement. He was guarding Mr. Wen. At various places scattered throughout the town, some spectral guards were doing the same thing. However, they were likewise very subtle about it.

Mr. Wen continued this process for almost two weeks until black smoke stopped emanating from his body. His complexion improved considerably, and he no longer coughed.

Mr. Wen breathed out as he awoke from meditation.

"Master, has your malady been healed completely?" the youth asked urgently.

"This is the Star Map of the Complete Heavens, and it will naturally allow for complete recovery. I've had this malady for a century. It truly does feel good to be rid of it," Mr. Wen sighed.

"Thank goodness."

"With my malady gone, it's time to take revenge for what happened a century ago." Killing intent flashed in Mr. Wen's eyes.

"But those clans that caused ours to perish are long since gone..."

Mr. Wen shook his head. "I've found out where they are."


"They're currently sheltering somewhere within the Eastern Sea, where the ruins of an ancient draconic palace are located."

"If they were that strong a century ago, will we be able to deal with them now?"

"Don't worry. I'll lure the various Immortal sects around the Eastern Sea into handling them. They'll die a pitiful death!"

"You intend to leverage the sects' strength, Master?"


"And what if the sects of the Eastern Sea can't handle them? Should we ask for help from the Dazheng Empire?"

Mr. Wen frowned. "I don't want to bring in Xiao Nanfeng at the moment. We can take our own revenge."

"Got it!" The youth nodded.

Shrouded by clouds, Lan Jiguang and Xiao Nanfeng flew rapidly through the air. Twelve cultivators followed behind them: Ye Dafu and his lackeys.

"Senior Uncle, what sort of place is Fengdu like? I've read up on what information the sect has on the city, and it's supposed to be particularly dangerous."

"Have you heard of the divine empire of Dafeng?"

"I have. A century past, its crown price fomented rebellion and caused the collapse of the empire. It's been relegated to the annals of history since."

He even knew that it was Mr. Wen who had served as strategist to that crown prince that had sparked a rebellion.

"Indeed. The Immortal city of Fengdu was once the capital of the divine empire of Dafeng. Allegedly, Fengdu seals a gateway into hell that prevents demons from hell from emerging. A century ago, for some unknown reason, that seal was broken. Countless demons crawled out of hell and ultimately caused the collapse of the empire. Of course, that crown prince's rebellion was part of it too. The details of what happened back then have been all but lost to time. After the Immortal empire of Dafeng collapsed, Fengdu was filled with roaming demons and essentially fell to ruin," Lan Jiguang recollected.


"Later, Fengdu became part of the divine empire of Dayin."

"Does it really seal a gateway to hell?"

"I'm not sure, but it's true that countless demons emerge from a deep abyss every full moon. The vicinity is particularly dangerous territory."

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