
Chapter 351: Alliance

Chapter 351: Alliance

Three days later, within a hall in Tianwu, the main city of the Xiang clan, Xiang Shaoyin sat at the seat of honor with Xiang Immortals on either side. None of them spoke; everyone seemed to be waiting for something.

Just then, a guard rushed into the hall with a report.

"King Shaoyin, Xiao Nanfeng has appeared by himself outside Tianwu. He's requesting an audience with His Majesty and you, King Shaoyin," the guard stated.

The Immortals gaped at each other in surprise.

"Did Xiao Nanfeng really show himself?"

"I thought that his letter was merely part of his scheme. How can he dare to venture into Tianwu, the heart of Xiang power, alone?"

"Is he crazy? Isn't he afraid we'll kill him?"

The Immortals murmured among themselves.

"Are you certain that Xiao Nanfeng is alone?" Xiang Shaoyin asked in disbelief.

"Yes, King Shaoyin! No one else is present," the guard replied.

"How arrogant. Does he really think we can't do anything against him?" Xiang Shaoyin asked, a strange look on his face.

"What should we do now, King Shaoyin?" the Immortals asked, perplexed.

"Send him in," Xiang Shaoyin said.

"Understood!" the guard replied.

Xiao Nanfeng stood quietly outside the gates of Tianwu. He knew that there had to be countless glances directed his way, but he didn't mind. Only when a guard came to invite him in did he fly into the city proper.

"King Xiao, we've prepared a carriage for you. Please step in!" the guard invited.

"There's no need. Lead the way!" Xiao Nanfeng commanded.

The guard was somewhat at a loss for Xiao Nanfeng's unorthodox maneuvers, but his fellow guard immediately took to the sky to lead Xiao Nanfeng deeper into the city.

Xiao Nanfeng flew across Tianwu, causing many of its cultivators to gape at him and rub their eyes. They were unable to believe that Xiao Nanfeng would appear here.

Xiao Nanfeng flew toward the hall in which Xiang Shaoyin and the gathered Immortals were waiting. They frowned to see Xiao Nanfeng behaving so ostentatiously.

"Xiao Nanfeng, you really are bold, aren't you? Aren't you afraid of entering Tianwu alone? What if we don't let you leave?" Xiang Shaoyin demanded.

If it were him, he certainly wouldn't dare to enter Yongding alone.

"I'm not afraid—and if I'm not, what's there for all of you to be afraid of? Where's your Emperor Taiwu?" Xiao Nanfeng asked.

The Immortals gave each other odd looks. Xiao Nanfeng really didn't seem to be concerned for his safety.

"My brother's off on urgent business. He doesn't have time for you," Xiang Shaoyin said.

Clearly, without figuring out what Xiao Nanfeng's intentions were, Xiang Shaoyang didn't intend to show himself. Xiang Shaoyin would be responsible for handling him for now.

"The Xiang clan really does put on airs, doesn't it? I wrote to you three days ago and have personally come to your city. Do you intend to continue this charade and stop me from talking to Xiang Shaoyang directly? How petty—and to think I thought highly of you," Xiao Nanfeng said.

The Immortals' faces grew cold.

"Enough nonsense. What's your purpose here in Tianwu?" Xiang Shaoyin pressed.

"Let's talk inside," Xiao Nanfeng suggested.

Xiang Shaoyin gave him an odd look. Xiao Nanfeng was behaving in an unexpectedly familiar fashion.

"Come in, then," Xiang Shaoyin said gruffly.

The Immortals stepped back into the hall. They surrounded him, their hands on the hilts of their weapons, prepared to strike at Xiao Nanfeng on a moment's notice.

"What's the matter with all of you? Do you want me to stay here? If this body were to die at your hands, Dazheng and Taiwu really will be mired in inescapable conflict. The fighting between our two forces will only benefit Nalan Qiankun," Xiao Nanfeng said disdainfully.

Xiang Shaoyin waved a hand at the Immortals, beckoning for them to stand down. He invited Xiao Nanfeng to take a seat and had the servants prepare Immortal tea.

"Xiao Nanfeng, why have you come alone? You have some sort of scheme prepared, don't you?" Xiang Shaoyin interrogated.

Xiao Nanfeng smiled. "Who said I came alone?"

"Oh?" Xiang Shaoyin frowned.

"I wrote to you three days ago. Given your poor ability to secure information, Nalan Qiankun likely heard about my plans three days ago, too," Xiao Nanfeng said.

Xiang Shaoyin's frown deepened. What was Xiao Nanfeng up to?

"Nalan Qiankun might have an ambush prepared outside your city, waiting for me to show myself. I didn't come alone—I brought a large group of Tianshu Immortals with me," Xiao Nanfeng replied.

Everyone: ...

"You lured them here intentionally? Why?" Xiang Shaoyin frowned.

"Of the land around the Eastern Sea, Nalan Qiankun controls roughly half, the Xiang clan a third, and I a sixth. Don't you want to take control of Nalan Qiankun's land?" Xiao Nanfeng countered.

"You want the Tianshu Immortals to attack you, and for us to step in to help you?" Xiang Shaoyin asked.

"That's right! I came to ask for an alliance with you to take down these Tianshu Immortals together. I intend on making the Tianshu Empire pay—and who knows? We might be able to catch and get rid of Nalan Qiankun, too," Xiao Nanfeng said.

"This is nonsense! How shameless can you get, Xiao Nanfeng?" Xiang Shaoyin demanded.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Nanfeng asked.

"Alliance? You're alone! You want us to send out a large batch of Immortals to take on Nalan Qiankun's subordinates. There'll be death and injuries on both sides—but you'll be just fine! Not only that, you're luring the Tianshu Immortals to Tianwu, which will surely sustain damage from the fighting. Why didn't you set this up in Yongding? We'd be sacrificing manpower and land to take on the Tianshu Immortals, whereas you would just reap the benefits!" Xiang Shaoyin thundered.

"If you think your side is losing out with this alliance, then we'll switch things up. Have Emperor Taiwu head to Yongding alone and lure the Tianshu Immortals there. How about that?" Xiao Nanfeng offered.

Xiang Shaoyin: ...

What a joke! Emperor Taiwu himself serving as bait? That was impossible. What would happen if he were to die?

"See? I've presented you with two options, but you don't want to take either one. What I bring to the table is the risk I take by being bait. If we want to nab Tianshu, we'll have to make innovative plans," Xiao Nanfeng replied.

"What do you intend to do, then?" Xiang Shaoyin demanded.

"I'll lure the Tianshu Immortals over, while you prepare to attack them. Once they expose themselves, I need all your Immortals to make a move immediately. Have Emperor Taiwu use the Spirit Emperor's treasure to kill them as quickly as possible in one fell swoop."

"You want us and the Tianshu Immortals to fight each other while you make a run for it?" Xiang Shaoyin summarized.

"We can always flip things around," Xiao Nanfeng said. "Have Emperor Taiwu go to Yongding as bait. He can run while my subordinates fight the Tianshu Immortals."

Xiang Shaoyin: ...

That was obviously unreasonable. What if Xiao Nanfeng were to trick his elder brother? He felt as though Xiao Nanfeng had to be plotting something, but he couldn't figure out what.

"I've created an opportunity just by being here. There are Tianshu Immortals waiting outside the city, and Nalan Qiankun himself might be here. If we don't ally together and take them down, we'll regret it for life," Xiao Nanfeng said.

Xiang Shaoyin was left in a quandary. He felt that Xiao Nanfeng had prepared a trap for him, but he didn't know where that trap was laid.

"Xiao Nanfeng, let my brother and I discuss your plan in private."

"Very well. It's my first time in Tianwu, after all, so I might as well go shopping. Assign two Immortals to me to show me around the city and sample its specialties," Xiao Nanfeng said.

Xiang Shaoyin stiffened. Xiao Nanfeng was being far too familiar for his liking!

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