
Chapter 305: Betting on Xiao Nanfeng

Chapter 305: Betting on Xiao Nanfeng

Ye Sanshui, Ye Dafu, the Sanyuan sect master, and Sage Hong'e led a coalition of Xiao forces to surround an island on the Eastern Sea.

The disciples of the Immortal sect on the island were startled to find unwelcome guests massing outside the island's defensive formation. A robed elder with a horsetail whisk strode forward.

"You must be the subordinates of Young Master Xiao. Might I ask why you have gathered here? Has my Fuyou Immortal Sect offended you in any way?" the robed elder asked.

Ye Sanshui began, "Fuyou Sect Master, I appreciate your asking. My young master's troops never involve the innocent, and we would not be here if not for your sect's offenses against the Xiao manor. Let me ask you this: have your junior brothers joined the rogue forces allied against the Xiao clan?"

"How did you know?" the Fuyou sect master asked, raising an eyebrow.

The disciples of the Fuyou Immortal Sect were taken aback. Clearly, this was a secret that they hadn't been privy to.

"Your junior brother, on behalf of your Immortal sect, participated in the confrontation between empires. Some days ago, alongside Xiang Tanlang, within the peach orchard in the Spirit Emperor's hidden realm, attempted to assassinate my young master, the source of this conflict. You must be well aware of my young master's custom by now: he doesn't want to involve the innocent, but he expects proper compensation in the form of your sect's draconic vein. Will this be satisfactory to you?" Ye Sanshui asked.



"How could it be?"

The Fuyou Immortal Sect's disciples were enraged. Word had long since spread across the Eastern Sea of Xiao Nanfeng's forcible extraction of six Immortal sects' draconic veins. The disciples of the Fuyou Immortal Sect had thought it a grand joke—until they became the victim themselves.

"Please explain what happened within the peach orchard," the Fuyou sect master requested.

"According to the young master, Qiangwei colluded with Nalan Yunhai to trick Xiang Tanlang and his subordinates into the peach orchard. They were sacrificed to a blood peach tree which absorbed their vitality and essence to produce a blood peach, which Nalan Yunhai has ingested. Your junior brother likely fell to the blood peach tree," Ye Sanshui said.

"What?!" the Fuyou disciples exclaimed.

"Will Young Master Xiao let bygones be bygones if the Fuyou Immortal Sect cedes its draconic vein?" the Fuyou sect master continued.

"He will," Ye Sanshui promised.

The Fuyou sect master took a moment to make up his mind before he nodded. "The Fuyou Immortal Sect has indeed wronged Young Master Xiao. He is magnanimous and his demand reasonable. I cede the Fuyou Immortal Sect's draconic vein to you."

"Sect Master, what if they're lying to us?"

"We can't! How can we give up on our sect's draconic vein just like that?"

"Sect Master, let's activate the defensive formation around the island. They won't be able to break in!"

The Fuyou sect disciples were taken aback by the sect master's abrupt decision. How could he have surrendered their sect's priceless treasure so easily?

"Silence!" the Fuyou sect master demanded.

Just then, a gray-clad man walked out from a hall within the sect grounds.

"Senior Uncle? What are you doing here? They said you died in the Spirit Emperor's hidden realm—was Xiao Nanfeng really lying to us?!" the sect disciples gasped.

The gray-clad man smiled wryly and bowed to the Fuyou sect master. "Senior Brother, I apologize for my misdeeds. My actions alone have spelled the sect's downfall."

The Fuyou sect master patted the gray-clad man on the shoulder. "Forget it. The death of your clone in the Spirit Emperor's hidden realm has allowed us to probe the ramifications of this opportunity. The confrontation between empires is too dangerous for the likes of us."

"Sect Master, if we activate our defenses at full strength, they won't be able to enter. Once the Xiang cultivators emerge from the Spirit Emperor's hidden realm, perhaps—" the gray-clad man began.

The Fuyou sect master sighed and smiled wearily. "Considering how cautious Xiao Nanfeng is known to be, do you think Ye Sanshui and his forces would have shown up without having a plan to deal with it?"

"Could they have infiltrated the sect?" the gray-clad man exclaimed.

The Fuyou sect master nodded.

"But that's lawless behavior! Isn't he afraid that the Immortal sects of the Eastern Sea would band together to deal with him?" The gray-clad man was taken aback.

"Xiao Nanfeng uses honor as his shield. He never takes the initiative to attack; you were the one who attempted to kill him first. Isn't it normal that he would seek you out for revenge and compensation? Who would stand up for you? The Xiang clan? It remains to be seen whether the Xiang clan can even make it back from the hidden realm," the Fuyou sect leader said, frowning.

"Senior Brother, didn't you think well of the Xiang clan? Why have you changed your mind now?" the gray-clad man exclaimed.

"Two Immortal cultivators and a crow Immortal of the Xiang clan have already fallen. How did Xiao Nanfeng enter the Spirit Emperor's hidden realm? Have you thought about that?" the Fuyou sect master asked.

"Ah?" The gray-clad man frowned.

"Losing a draconic vein doesn't mean much. All the disciples of the sect remain safe; that is the true treasure of the sect. We need only find a new draconic vein and shift the sect there to reignite our former glory," the Fuyou sect leader continued.

The gray-clad man pursed his lips.

"Deactivate the defensive formation!" the Fuyou sect leader commanded.

The defensive formation wound down as Ye Sanshui stepped onto the island with Xiao Nanfeng's forces. Given what had happened with the Sanyuan sect master and Sage Hong'e, Xiao Nanfeng's honor was worth trusting. The disciples of the Fuyou Immortal Sect had their cultivations sealed.

Of course, part of the reason the Fuyou sect master hadn't resisted more was that he could see the disparity in strength between his disciples and the Xiao forces. If they actively tried to resist the Xiao incursion, their whole sect could well have been destroyed.

Very quickly, Ye Dafu activated the Immortal's Destruction and excavated the Fuyou draconic vein.

"Following Young Master Xiao's command, this draconic vein shall be given as merit to the forces who have participated in conquering the Xiao lands. Now, enjoy the feast!" Ye Sanshui shouted.

"We will!" everyone shouted in excitement.

The Xiao forces absorbed the entire draconic vein quickly. Everyone was glowing with golden light as their cultivation advanced.

The Sanyuan sect master and Sage Hong'e had both managed to break through. They opened their eyes quickly, and, upon seeing their disciples enjoying the fruits of their labor with the Taiqing disciples, shared a smile. They were relieved that they had made the choice they did so many months ago. Although they had lost their own sects' draconic veins, it would be easy enough to make back the difference in allegiance to Xiao Nanfeng.

The Sanyuan sect master and Sage Hong'e walked up to the Fuyou sect master.

"Might I help you?" the Fuyou sect master asked, frowning.

"Please don't worry, Fuyou Sect Master. We may have had past enmity, but Young Master Xiao has commanded us not to bother the Fuyou sect disciples. I don't intend to break my word or to have my position rescinded," the Sanyuan sect master said.

"You aren't going to try to persuade me to pledge my allegiance to Xiao Nanfeng, are you?"

"If I could, that would count as merit on my part. Would you give me the opportunity to try?" The Sanyuan sect master smiled.

The Fuyou sect master's brows furrowed.

"We were in the same situation you were in the past. We had pledged our allegiance to the Xiang clan, but we've since decided to follow Young Master Xiao instead. You've born witness to his virtue and honor for yourself. Please think it through," Sage Hong'e added.

"Xiao Nanfeng only possesses a small tract of land. What would he do with so many Immortal sects' disciples? Isn't he afraid of a confrontation with the Tianshu Empire?" the Fuyou sect master asked. Then, he raised an eyebrow. "No. Nalan Yunhai and Cui Haisheng have already been targeting Xiao Nanfeng. Has there already been fighting between Xiao Nanfeng and the Tianshu Empire?"

The Sanyuan sect master smiled. "We wouldn't pressure you into a decision, of course. That said, if you were to miss this opportunity, King Xiao might not give you another one."

The Fuyou sect master narrowed his eyes. "You address Xiao Nanfeng as King Xiao?"

The Sanyuan sect master immediately corrected himself. "You must have been mistaken. I said, 'Young Master Xiao.'"

The Fuyou sect master suddenly seemed to come to a realization. He re-analyzed the strength that Xiao Nanfeng commanded and suddenly realized that the battlefield on which the Tianshu Empire was situated was now host to three forces of comparable strength. The Xiao clan had, out of nowhere, joined the ranks of the Nalan and Xiang clans.

Very quickly, the remaining Xiao troops awoke. Their cultivation had all increased by some extent, and they were all very excited.

"Fuyou Sect Master, Young Master Xiao tasked us with re-activating your defensive formation as we left so you wouldn't fall prey to external cultivators. In a few days, you should be able to bypass the seal on your cultivation. Farewell," Ye Sanshui said.

After the formation activated, Ye Sanshui left with his forces.

The Fuyou sect master watched them leave with an uncertain look in his eyes.

"Senior Brother, are they going to take advantage of the time lag in our response to pay a visit to many other Immortal sects in the area, too? If they forcibly claim the draconic veins of those other Immortal sects, aren't they afraid that the Immortal sects will band together against them and attack Yongding?" The gray-clad man still seemed somewhat aggrieved.

"Yongding?" the Fuyou sect master asked. "Would you dare? Have you forgotten that it's being guarded by the red rope cursed effigies?"

"But surely we can't just take this humiliation?"

"Of course not. Once we free ourselves, you'll head to Yongding with me immediately," the Fuyou sect master said.

"What? Didn't you say we wouldn't be able to attack Yongding?" the gray-clad man asked.

"We'll be declaring our allegiance to Young Master Xiao," the Fuyou sect master replied.

The gray-clad man gaped. "Sect Master, are you crazy? How could Xiao Nanfeng beat Nalan Qiankun?"

"What if Xiao Hongye were to return? Do you think Xiao Hongye can beat Nalan Qiankun?" the Fuyou sect master asked.

"What? How could that be?"

"Yongding is being guarded by a cultivator at Yin Body, along with these red rope cursed effigies. I suspect that Xiao Hongye may have returned," the Fuyou sect master said.

"Xiao Hongye?" The gray-clad man's eyes twitched.

"Have you forgotten about Xiao Hongye's dominance in the past? If not for Xiao Hongye voluntarily ceding his position, how would Nalan Qiankun ever have become the Tianshu Emperor?" the Fuyou sect master pointed out.

"If that really is the case, then the Xiao clan would immediately catapult to the forefront in terms of strength!" the gray-clad man exclaimed.

"It's as you said. Choose the most beautiful female disciples of the sect to accompany us to Yongding."

"Senior Brother, surely the Fuyou Immortal Sect hasn't fallen so low as to need to sacrifice our disciples' purity to curry favor from others?" The gray-clad man frowned.

"Don't be ridiculous! Xiao Nanfeng isn't married. Who might his consort be? We're not forcing these disciples to do anything untoward; this trip will serve to broaden their horizons, and if one of them can catch Xiao Nanfeng's eye, that would prove to be as much a boon to them as to us."


"If I'm not mistaken, once all the cultivators return from the Spirit Emperor's hidden realm, a huge war will break out to determine the fate of the Eastern Sea. If the Xiang clan can seize dominance then, their fortunes will surely rise. This is an opportunity we can't miss," the Fuyou sect master asserted.


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