Warrior Grandpa and Supreme Granddaughter

Chapter 34

Episode 34 Okay, let’s see the end (3)

Yang Chung, general manager of the Heavenly Dragon Chamber.

His eyes were wide open, as if he was seeing something in vain. This was because I was watching with my own eyes a girl who looked to be about two or three years old running.

It was clearly not a light ball, but it was extremely fast, as if using a Chukji technique.

The target would be the old man on the other side.

I didn’t understand the current situation, but it was definitely a golden opportunity.

He lowered his posture and stretched out his left hand to catch the running child.


The left arm moves forward, drawing a half moon. And that was the moment when the fingers snatched the child’s body.

Suddenly, Yuseol’s cute feet bounced off the ground and rose like a spring.


Yang Chung looked dumbfounded as he saw the child bouncing up and down on his left arm.

‘…You avoided my hand?’

It wasn’t just avoidance. Before I knew it, the child was sitting on my shoulder.

His mind became confused.

It was something I couldn’t understand with common sense, but I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.

He wrapped his right arm, which held a sword, around the child.

Is it because my body was restrained by a stranger? A cry burst out from the child’s mouth as if he had been waiting.


Although he had amazing abilities, he was still a child. I couldn’t withstand the skill of an experienced adult.

Yang Chung, who came to his senses, pulled his sword and shouted.

“Don’t move! “If you come near, I will kill you!”

It definitely worked.

Yu Jin-san staggered one step as if his whole body had lost strength.

“No way, you idiot!”

At that time, Yang Chong’s face, which was showing an expression of conversion, suddenly stiffened.

This is because the child in his arms suddenly started running wild.

The force of the fluttering motion, like a fish fluttering, was enormous.

“Ugh. “Stay still!”

Even though I increased my strength, my arms couldn’t hold on. There was no end to the absurdity.

Then something even more shocking happened.


Isn’t the child’s wide open palm hitting his wrist?

But at best, it was just a fern-like grip.

Yang Chong, who expected there would be no shock and ignored it, soon realized that he had made a huge mistake.


A shock wave erupted from the area where the palm hit.


A mind-boggling shock. At the same time, the strength in my wrist disappeared and the sword I was holding fell down with a ‘snap’.

The bones in his right arm were shattered.

‘What an absurd thing…’

If I had known this would happen, I would have at least used my self-defense skills. I had a lot of regrets, but I couldn’t turn back what had happened.

The child had already escaped from his hands.

And the moment he looked in the direction where the child disappeared, his pupils shook.

“Yes you guy!!”

Before I knew it, Yu Jin-san, who was very angry, was running right in front of me.

A short spear rushing fiercely towards one’s front chest.

I had to remove the red lance from the tip of the spear, but there was nothing I could do since I lost the sword.

Soon, a blood-red beam of light passed through his chest.



When Yu Jin-san pulled out the spear again, all the strength in his body went away.


Yang Chung’s eyes were full of resentment as he knelt down.

He looked like he still didn’t understand why he was dying.

“How on earth… how could this happen…”

Yu Jin-san muttered as he carefully hugged his granddaughter.

“Don’t be too upset. “It happened to a child who would become the greatest.”


How would you know that the child in front of you has the body of Hwa-gyeong? Yang Chung could not solve the mystery until the moment of his death.

His mouth opened as if he were trying to ask something, but no sound came out.

After a while, Yang Chong’s head, which had slowly fallen, hit the floor.


There were no longer any resistance within the manor.

As I looked around, I saw the members of the Cheonryong Company looking at me from a distance with scared expressions.

They all seemed to be wearing expensive silk clothes and precious metals.

I felt no sympathy at all because I knew full well whose pocket their luxury came from.

Jinsan Yu aimed the tip of the javelin he was holding in his right hand at them.

“You have enjoyed luxury through the suffering of others, so please pay the price for your sins in the future.”

Yu Jin-san, who left a meaningful word, turned his back and ran.

There was no time to linger here any longer.


He jumped over the fence in just one leap and moved without hesitation.

At that time, Yuseol held in my chest was sobbing.

“Why is my granddaughter crying?”

“I’m scared. Hmm…”

“Grandpa will always protect you, so don’t worry.”

He comforted his granddaughter by patting her back.

As he escaped the crisis, a smile of satisfaction appeared on his face.

A little while ago, he clearly witnessed his granddaughter hitting Yang Chong on the wrist.

It was clearly Confucianism, one second, one wave, and one muheun.

I can’t believe I’m already putting my family’s martial arts skills to work. I couldn’t help but feel amazing and proud.

After a while, the place he arrived at was the ferry port.

A large ship was anchored, ready to sail.

Although it was an asset of the Cheonryong Trading Company, the deck was full of only bandits from Heuksando.

“Elder, here we are!”


Yu Jin-san nodded and ran as fast as he could.

Soon his feet bounced on the water and moved forward like a swallow.


It was an advanced spiritual art called Deungpyeong Dosu (登萍渡水).

The sight of him stepping on the water and running like lightning was like a painting.

The bandits on deck cheered at the wonderful sight.


“That’s amazing, old man!!”

Soon his new model took off like a hawk and landed on the deck in one fell swoop.


Upon reaching his destination, Yu Jin-san started yelling at the bandits.

“You guys, just scream at us to come and kill us because we’re here!”

The martial arts people who were already fighting in the guest house might have noticed the situation and were coming to catch him.

By the time the bandits realized their mistake and were reflecting, the central sail was fully spread.

“Start at full speed!”

As the boat departed, Yuseol flapped her legs to get off.

“You have to play carefully and don’t fall.”


The child, who was on a boat for the first time, ran around on the deck as if he was excited.

I felt relieved only after seeing the bandits chasing after me and playing with the child.

Eugene San held his back and looked around the deck.

The injured, including Hyeonhee, seemed to be lying in the cabin.

Soon, as we moved to the bow, Pungho was looking at the route with the captain.

“Are you here, sir? Thank you for your hard work.”

“hmm. I think it’s all over now. “You did a good job too.”

Pungho bowed his head once and then pointed somewhere.

Dozens of boxes neatly placed on one side of the deck. These were loot stolen from the headquarters of the Heavenly Dragon Chamber.

“I still can’t believe it. “Let’s take a look at the loot first, shall we?”

“That’s right.”

Pungho took the lead and began to open the boxes one by one.

As each box was opened, the bandits watching from the side let out exclamations.

It was filled with precious metals and all kinds of luxury goods, including a hermit box. The value of it all was immeasurable.

“Wow… it’s really amazing.”

But Yu Jin-san’s expression was grave. Because what he was looking for was not gold, silver, or other treasures.

“I can’t even imagine how bad he must have been to accumulate this much wealth by sucking the blood of the common people. “Please come back first.”

Yu Jin-san, who exchanged positions with Pung-ho, rummaged through the boxes one by one, as if searching them.

It was when I reached the most unsightly box among them. After a while, I removed the contents and fumbled around inside.


The box separated and another space appeared inside. As expected, it was a box made of two layers.

Inside were books decorated with gold leaf.

“What is that?”

“That’s what I was looking for. “Maybe it’s a secret ledger.”

When I opened the ledger, I saw a detailed record of the bribes paid by the Cheonryong Chamber of Commerce. The list of officials involved and the amount of money were very detailed.

“There is no one here, from the bottom to the top, who hasn’t received a bribe.”

“A bunch of really dirty guys were joining hands. But what use is that ledger now?”

Jinsan Yu answered as he packed the books in his arms.

“Once you start a job, you have to make sure it’s finished. “I will convey this to the royal court in Janganseong.”

The Eosadae (御史臺) was the central government office in the capital that inspected officials.

It was an object of fear to the officials, to the extent that there was a saying that if they were caught cheating, they would lose their heads.

“Are you saying you are going to the capital?”

“How can I get there while being chased? “I know a righteous official, so I plan to convey it through him.”

Pungho laughed as if it were refreshing.

“haha. “Those evil bastards will join hands and become entwined like a gangster.”

Jin-san Yu nodded, grabbed a handful of silver coins and put them in his purse.

“It will definitely happen. And this is mine.”

“You asked for half the loot, right? Why do you only take that?”

“What does this old man need that much money for? “It’s enough to just have money to buy snacks for my granddaughter.”

“Then why then…”

Yujinsan, standing tall on the deck, gazed intently at the brightly rising moon.

After a while, he sighed with a sad expression.

“I was planning to distribute it to the affected villagers. But I thought it might actually be poisonous to them.”

“Then what should I do…?”

“As time passes and everything calms down, then come and give. “If you have any conscience left.”

Yu Jin-san believed in Pung-ho’s personality.

If he doesn’t do that, there must be a good reason. I decided to leave it to the will of heaven.

“Thank you for trusting me. “I certainly will.”

“hmm. “Anyway, how far do you plan to go?”

“We are thinking of going to an island called Iheungdo. They said it would take about a day at current customs.”

It was an island in the Han River, the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. It seemed like they thought they would be able to escape from the Murim Alliance’s pursuit there.

“It’s a day away…”

“Is there any problem?”

“I guess it’s because I don’t feel safe. “If there are no problems with supply, how about moving to a farther place?”

“Well, it doesn’t matter, but what’s the reason…?”

“With today’s incident as an opportunity, the Volcanic Sect and the Shaman Sect will stop at nothing to find you. Moreover, the martial arts people’s tracking skills cannot be ignored. “Wouldn’t it be dangerous if it was only a day’s journey?”

Pungho nodded as if he had nothing to think about.

“I have never regretted listening to the old man’s words, so I will do so. “How far should I go?”

“If the rumor from here won’t reach you, it would be better to at least move to Henan Province. “You can feel safe there.”

From here, it was a distance of 10 days on the Yangtze River and then overland for more than 5 days.

“It’s Henan Province… I guess that place isn’t bad either.”

“Be sure to do so. “What do you plan to do after you settle down?”

“Nothing has been decided yet. “I plan to find something that my family can do together.”

“Now that I have wealth, I can make it big no matter what I do. “If we have a relationship, we will meet again.”

“yes. “If you come to Hanam in the future, we will definitely repay you for helping us.”

A meaningful smile appeared on Jinsan Yu’s face.

“Since when did the world become so small? “You and I will have to become famous to find each other.”

“Anyway, I have a feeling I will definitely see you again. “But where are you going, old man?”

Jinsan Yu stared at his granddaughter running around on the deck in silence.

Seeing a child’s bright smile was his only happiness.


“You may fall, so walk carefully!”

He lifted the running child up and gave him some air.

Deep concern flashed in his eyes as he looked at the waves of the Yangtze River.

It was dangerous to travel to Heuksando with a child, so we had to take our own paths. But there is no way there is anywhere to go.

‘Wherever that place is, I’ll have to find another resting place… a place where I can pass on the family’s secret technique, the Spray Spear.’

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