Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 490 Convergence Of Authority

Towards the back of the beach, the sand rose gently, forming dunes adorned with tufts of beach grass. These resilient sentinels swayed in the breeze, their feathery fronds catching the sunlight and casting delicate shadows on the ground. The dunes served as a natural boundary between the sea and the land, a soft transition from the fluidity of the water to the stability of the shore.

Nestled against the base of the cliffs, small tide pools brimmed with life. Shimmering translucent waters held within them a microcosm of marine existence – miniature forests of seaweed, vibrant anemones that dotted the rocks like living jewels, and small, darting fish that navigated the sheltered pools with graceful precision.

As my eyes traced the curve of the cove, my gaze settled on a lone sailboat, its sails unfurled as it gracefully cut through the water. Against the backdrop of the cove's beauty, the sailboat appeared almost ethereal, a living brushstroke against the canvas of nature's masterpiece.

At this moment, as I stood on the ridge and took in the intricate details of the cove's beach, I felt a deep sense of tranquility and harmony. The symphony of colors, textures, and life are woven together by the elements reminded me of the profound beauty that the natural world can offer a beauty that transcends mere aesthetics and speaks to the very essence of existence.

"Incredible…" I gasped, unable to retrieve my breath. 

My throne world brought it to life. That sight which I had been searching for once more. And as it enveloped the entire battlefield in a tsunami as tall as a mountain peak, I couldn't help but smile. 

Orion was there as well, looking over at me in disbelief. Even he, who had become stronger tenfold had no choice but to acknowledge that I didn't always need his help. I no longer needed his assistance. I no longer needed him to always be there… I can support myself and I will follow through with my objectives. 

"You're pretty good, but unfortunately, just a little bit of water isn't going to take me down…" A deep voice resonated through the rippling surface of the now bellied-out tsunami. It had turned into an ocean, complete with its own aquarium of floating dead bodies and drowning palm trees. 

He ran atop the water effortlessly, that man clad in demonic black armor. I of course had full control over this world, so I was able to stand atop this natural disaster, but somehow, without even a hint of mana, he sprinted towards me, creating bubbling pockets of liquid with each step he took. 


And then all of a sudden, he was dragged underwater. His right leg was first and as if a mysterious force had entered our little ring, the rest of his body was pulled under. This caused me to lift an eyebrow before quickly sprinting over in his direction, clicking my tongue with disappointment and anger. 

"[Throne World: Funeral of The Living]." 

A gaping hole had been carved out of my plane of water, extracting so much mana from me that my throne world was forced to crumble. But just as the water retreated into nothingness, a seemingly extending graveyard replaced it. 

"Cy… don't get in the fucking way…" I grit my teeth, but it was already too late. 

"Hey, lemme have some fun. It's been a couple of hundred years since I've really been able to fight…" A voice cackled from below the deathbed of soil. "... I've been getting my ass beat for so long that I've forgotten what it's like to win." 

As the desolate wasteland stretched out for miles in every direction, the air crackled with an eerie energy. The sky, once swathed in a perpetual beam of sunlight, began to twist and contort, as if reality itself was being rewritten. A low, haunting hum filled the air, growing steadily louder, like the mournful requiem of a thousand desolate souls.

In the midst of this desolation, a massive, obsidian throne slowly materialized. Its form seemed to emerge from the very fabric of the void, as though it had always existed but was just now revealing itself to the world. The throne's intricate carvings and wickedly sharp spikes spoke of ancient, malevolent power. A power not from this era. A power not from this time. 

Its jagged, imposing silhouette dominated the landscape, casting ominous shadows across the barren ground. It bore an aura of maleficence. Its cold, onyx surface seemed to absorb all light, making it difficult to discern where the throne ended and the void began. Sinister runes etched into the arms of the throne pulsed with a malevolent gray glow, hinting at the dark energies harnessed within. 

As it fully materialized, the very ground beneath it seemed to wither and die, crumbling into dust and ash. The surrounding landscape appeared to recoil in terror, as though acknowledging the dreadful presence that had been awakened. The air itself seemed to thicken with premonition, and a bone-chilling shiver ran down the spines of any who dared to witness this grand spectacle.

Atop the grotesque, nightmarish throne sat a figure shrouded in shadows. The ruler of this dark domain emanated an aura of otherworldly power. Their silhouette was imposing and formidable, a silent testament to their dominion over this twisted realm.

"Don't get carried away!" A voice flung out, gathering a dark aura amidst his pitch-black gauntlet. It formed a massive lance that flung out at a speed unreadable to the naked eye, but upon stabbing the silhouetted figure did he truly feel a sensation of solid fear. 

Two hands gripped his ankles, pulling him completely underneath the soil. He struggled and gasped for air as the earth around him began to compress as if it was straining to destroy the sole thing it had detested the most. 

"Sorry, but, I killed him. The owner of this throne world was pretty strong…" 

The silhouette disappeared and a myriad of abyssal weapons hovered in the air. Each one glinted with a tinge of stars. And like a starry night, they filled the sky. It was beautiful. Absolutely stunning. 

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