Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 43: Battle Against the Blue-Scaled Fishman Chief

Chapter 43: Battle Against the Blue-Scaled Fishman Chief

“Then I’ll go first!?” Zhang ZhengXiong turned back and looked towards Ye Cang and ThornyRose for confirmation.

“Go. Everyone follow closely and stick to the plan.” ThornyRose nodded. Hearing her, Zhang ZhengXiong took big strides and charged over, everyone following behind him.

They ran along the winding road until the fishmen noticed Zhang ZhengXiong running towards them.

Ye Cang could now clearly see the fishman chief.

Blue Scaled Fishman Chief – Gil Rage (Rare – Boss)


“Chief Gil Rage said: ‘It’s those cruel human intruders! Skin them alive! Tonight we eat barbecued humans!’ And over there the shaman said he wanted to eat the tall and ugly girl. Judging by the direction he’s pointing, he’s probably talking about Sister Rose.” Ye Cang ran while drawing his bow and translating.

“F* off!!” ThornyRose roared. She didn’t know if he was messing with her or not. She looked towards the fishman shaman and roared: “Icy! Stab him a few extra times for me!”

FrozenBlood sighed and didn’t reply.

Zhang ZhengXiong jumped and crashed into the three fishman warriors. The sage and shaman stood not too far away. From behind the three fishment warriors, the chief charged over. Seeing the sage and shaman casting a spell at him and the three harpoons coming towards him, he quickly raised his hand and used his ring’s ability. The light flashed and the spells were interrupted. Everyone quickly took out their flame flasks, and threw them at their assigned targets. Fire exploded and the six fishmen were covered in flames causing them to howl in pain. Zhang ZhengXiong raised his machete and slashed left and right at a fishman’s burning head.

FrozenCloud who had rushed over sent a mighty left hook at the fishman shaman’s chin. FrozenBlood’s dagger accurately stabbed into it’s heart, then continued to fill the shaman with holes. On the other side, Lin Le looked at the blind, burning fishman sage and suddenly stopped. He swung his axe bringing about a spurt of blood and a miserable scream. Lin Le spun and sent another axe strike, saving up his rage. The fishman sage quickly tried to retreat.

Ye Cang’s attention was mainly on Zhang ZhengXiong. His arrows accurately shot towards the fishmen warriors’ eyes, distracting them. One arrow after another shot out and together with Zhang ZhengXiong, they held back the fishman fighters.

ThornyRose and SpyingBlade had already started heading towards the chief, but they didn’t manage to make it in time. It had just restored it’s vision, and waved it’s long blade. ThornyRose twisted her body and raise her shield to deflect the attack. The blade slid off the the shield and slashed into a boulder.

SpyingBlade pounced over from the right, he dagger leaving numerous scars on the chief’s chest. He didn’t dare to stay too long though and quickly turned and retreated. He frowned, it’s defence was so high? Noticing an attack coming at him from the corner of his eye, he calmly took a step back letting it slash past right in front of his nose.

ThornyRose saw SpyingBlade dodge the attack so easily. He had already judged the weapons range and could dodge so calmly, he really wasn’t simple. He’s was just like the rumors: the man who could pull a tooth from a tiger’s mouth and escape completely unscathed, the treasure hunter – SpyingBlade. She quickly activated flamestrike and dealt a large amount of damage.

Ye Cang aimed his bow while casting healing stream. The arrow stabbed into the throat of the fishman that Lin Le was oppressing. He then made a handsign and finished casting his healing stream on Zhang ZhengXiong who was steadily losing health. Zhang ZhengXiong didn’t hold anything back, he directly activated his ring’s 15% damage resistance. His body started glowing from both the ring and Ye Cang’s spell.

Having finished her chant, GreenDew pointed her finger sending 4 magic missiles flying out. It hit the shaman that FrozenBlood and FrozenCloud had injured, finishing it off. On the other side, Lin Le activated his weapons ability, sending out a wave of fire, knocking over the fishman sage that was about to cast a spell. A ferocious chop followed, slaying it and filling up his Rage. He activated Berserk and charged towards Zhang ZhengXiong. “Brother Lil’Xiong! I’m coming to help! Here comes Lele’s Big Windmill!!”

Zhang ZhengXiong panicked. He quickly waved his shield pushing away one of the fishmen and dived away. Lin Le spun, sweeping into the 3 warriors, dealing massive damage. Then his heavy chop came, slaying two of them. The remaining one was finished off by Zhang ZhengXiong’s double strike. FrozenCloud and FrozenBlood saw Lin Le finish so they quickly hurried to help ThornyRose and SpyingBlade..

At this time, the only one left was the fishman chief. Ye Cang readied another arrow and changed his target while also starting to chant another healing stream. The arrow flew towards it’s throat. The chant also finished and he waved his glowing right hand, sending the healing stream to ThornyRose.

Zhang ZhengXiong and Lin Le also hurried over. Everyone started to besiege the boss together, but it’s outrageous defence made most of them helpless. Lin Le, one of the few who could deal a good amount of damage, was repeatedly dodged or blocked. It seems the boss’s reaction speed was also extraordinary. He was much stronger than that guy in the volcano if you ignored the terrifying aoe attacks.

No matter how many times Ye Cang shot, it would be dodged or knocked away by those those robust arms. He couldn’t manage to strike any weak points, he only managed to prick it’s skin, not dealing any significant damage. The only one doing better was GreenDew whose magic missiles hit dealing a good amount of damage.

The fishman chief brandished his long blade, forcing Zhang ZhengXiong and ThornyRose to retreat. He used the hilt to smash and send FrozenBlood flying away. He then crouched down on all fours like a frog, looked at GreenDew and sneered.

“Not good! Don’t let him pass!!” ThornyRose raised her shield and prepared herself to block against a powerful leap, but she was too late. The boss leapt, falling towards GreenDew. GreenDew quickly interrupted her spell and dived out of the way. An impact hit where she just stood, as if Mt Tai had fallen. The ground shook so violently that she couldn’t stand back up. Her heart sank as she saw the long blade slashing towards her.

Ye Cang had his bow ready, wanting to provide support; but the shaking ground caused his arrow to veer off course, hitting it in the forehead and only causing it some minor injury. He sighed, there was no way to stop it now. The long blade flashed, cutting towards GreenDew’, killing her. Everyone felt gloomy. Without their only spellcaster, this battle had become much more difficult.

“Lele. Me and Shaking Bear and everyone else will try to create opportunities for you to attack! Focus and wait for your chance! Go!” ThornyRose calmly said. She turned and brought everyone to charge at the fishman chief who wore a condescending smile.

Ye Cang quickly changed his position. He arrived at the edge of the clearing and leaned on a low hanging stalactite so that he wouldn’t miss again like last time. He crouched, reached for his quiver and frowned. He only had one arrow left. He had find the perfect opportunity to use it so that it wouldn’t be wasted.

1: I imagine this sort of sound:

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