Villainous Young Master's Otherworldly Harem

Chapter 464 Proposing A Deal

Chapter 464 Proposing A Deal

The moment Jun Tianyun saw Hayama, he realized it was time to activate the cliche plot and show off a bit.

Not to mention, he knew that to make the Exorcist's Association accept his demand, he needed to prove his strength first.

' Eh? I didn't even use my power. Yet… I am already producing such results?'

With a grin, Jun Tianyun chose to play with the audience. He slowly controlled the beam of light, turning it into a giant dragon. Everyone was shocked when they saw that.

" My goodness! The manifestation stone! It's projecting a dragon!"

" Is it even possible? Just how powerful the spiritual energy of that person is?"

" Heaven's! A dragon? This feels so…surreal."

Hayama's face turned while when he saw that. " This… This is impossible! How? How is this possible?!"

" Why not?" Jun Tianyun shrugged. As he retracted his palms, the lights slowly vanished and the dragon also slowly faded away. Putting his hands in his pocket, he looked at the scoreboard.

" Well, 10,000 Points? Not bad." Jun Tianyun nodded with satisfaction. " So, How was my performance, everyone? Am I average? Or…This is a bad result?"

The crowd turned silent when they heard Jun Tianyun's statement. Bad result? If this is bad, then they are even less than worthless trash.

" Yay! I told you, My husband is the best."

Ren appeared beside Jun Tianyun and hugged his arms tightly. She grinned ear to ear, satisfied with Jun Tianyun's performance.

" No…No…This is absurd…" Hayama seemed to lose his mind. " How? How can you be so powerful?"

" I am just better than you, that's all." Jun Tianyun chuckled.

After all, if it was a difference of a thousand or two thousand points, Hayama might have been jealous and tried to fight against Jun Tianyun.

But 10,000 points was enough to crush Hayama's ambition under a mountain of fear and pressure. The disparity was simply drove him into madness.

Jun Tianyun's lips raised as he felt several figures rushing towards him. After all, the commotion was enough to alarm everyone in the building.

An old man with a white robe, a man with a katana on his waist, and a woman appeared right before Jun Tianyun.

" This person…"

" Who are you? What are you doing here?"

" Everyone, Calm down." Ren waved her hands, stopping them." He is Jun Tianyun. He is the person I talked about last time in the meeting.

" Not to mention, you already noticed me from the beginning. Why are you asking me once again?" Jun Tianyun looked at the old man with a smirk,

Because, he was the one who stopped Hayama from taking action in the corridor.

" You…You actually saw me there." The old man was surprised. He didn't expect Jun Tianyun to see through his concealment.

" Ara~ To think Little Ren would bring such a hotty here." The woman winked at Jun Tianyun. " How about we chat in somewhere private?"

" Well, If you want, I will definitely accompany you." Jun Tianyun grinned. " But, you don't need to use your charm techniques on me. They are useless."

" Nagisa Senpai, How can you do it?" Ren couldn't help but become annoyed. " He is my husband, you know?"

" Oh? Is that so?" Nagisa was surprised. " Then it would be even more fun."

" Hmph, I won't talk to you." Ren snorted as she looked at Jun Tianyun introducing the remaining two. " This is Arashi San, the Spirit Sword Master. And this is Seikyo Sensei, The Branch Manager and one of the elders of the Exorcist's Association.

" I see." Jun Tianyun nodded as he looked at them. " Well, I don't think this is the right place to talk, yeah?"

" Oh, Of course." Old man Seikyo looked at Jun Tianyun and nodded amicably. " Please come with me to the meeting room."

Jun Tianyun and Ren followed them into the meeting room. As Jun Tianyun seated, he looked at them with a calm face.

" Well, I shall be frank. I am here to propose a deal."

" Yes?"

" I need something that belongs to Demon Serpent Yamato. You know, anything closely related to him."

" Why?" Arashi couldn't help but ask. " Yamato is a divine serpent who turned into a demonic serpent. It already evolved to a local god, making even the Celestial Masters unable to kill it."

" Well, Just because they can't, doesn't mean I can't kill it." Jun Tianyun shrugged.

" You sure boasting." Arashi couldn't help but snort. " We are talking about a Demon God. Are you sure…"

" Well, You should be thankful to me. At least now you don't need to face the Blood Demon and Hungry Demon." Jun Tianyun chuckled.

When he said that, everyone's expression changed, looking at Jun Tianyun in a new light.

" So, It was true." Nagisa couldn't help but murmur. " The burst of demonic energy and the malevolent aura…they truly belong to the Demon Gods."

" To think both of them are dead…" Seikyo rubbed his beard, making him thoughtful.

" We have a treasure which is connected to the Demon Serpent Yamato." Nagisa opened her mouth. " However, It's highly dangerous and precious. We can't simply let an outsider see that thing."

" Well, That's why I said it's a deal." Jun Tianyun shrugged. " Give me that treasure, and I will give you something in return."

" Heh, What can you give?" Arashi chuckled. " Do you even know that treasure…"

" In return, I shall enchant everyone's weapon and turn them into powerful treasures."

Everyone was stunned when they heard Jun Tianyun. " You are…You are an artisan? A blacksmith?"

" Arashi San, is it?" Jun Tianyun looked at him. " That sword, Can you pass it to me?"

" This…" Arashi frowned a bit. But seeing Ren's nod, he nodded and gave it to him. " Here, this is my sword."

Jun Tianyun unsheathed the sword as he looked at the pristine blade. " Not bad, I guess you are a wind attribute swordsman?"

" You guessed right."

" Then…" Jun Tianyun smiled as he took out his Imperial Carving Brush. With a swift movement, he drew a dozen runes on the sword, making it shine with a dim light.

" Now, Why don't test it?"

Arashi's expression changed the moment he held the sword. A sharp aura of wind burst out, like an approaching whirlwind.

" This…I can feel the energy. My sword…This has become twice as powerful than before." Arashi shouted with excitement. " Not to mention…This… I can control the Wind Element so well."

Jun Tianyun grinned, " How about this? May I see that treasure?"

Saying that he looked upwards as if looking at an invisible figure. " Am I right, Vice Chaiman of Exorcist's Association?"

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