Villainous Young Master's Otherworldly Harem

Chapter 461 Bad Smell

Chapter 461 Bad Smell

" Uhm, Are you alright?" Jun Tianyun looked at Tuba San as he asked.

" Uh huh, It's been a while since I tasted a Divine Spark." The black cat licked its paw as it nodded with satisfaction. " With Hungry Demon's ability of gluttony and hunger, my power shall increase quite a lot."

" Does it mean you can't devour Divine Sparks with another attribute easily?" Jun Tianyun rubbed his chin.

" Of course, It's possible. However, you must have heard that proverb, Don't bite more than you can chew, right?" Tuba San chuckled.

" It's easier to absorb the Divine Sparks with similar elements and concepts. For example, A Divinity of Fire element can easily absorb the Divine Sparks containing the power of Flames, Heat, and Light. But absorbing a Divine Spark containing the energy of water would be very hard."

" But there are also many divinities who rule over multiple elements at once. They are more powerful than any average divinity of the same class."

" Most of them starts off as Ascendant Divinities and reaches True Deity Realm very fast. Even Nebulous Stars can be achieved if they are allowed to remain alive for a few tens of thousands of years."

Tuba San laughed as she added another sentence. " However, It's truly a matter of fate and chance to be able to become a divinity naturally wielding more than one concept. In ten thousand years, there might be none of them being born."

" Someone like Elemental Spirit King?"

" You know him?" Tuba San was surprised. " Yes, He can be considered as a prime example. He is a divinity representing the Elemental Spirit World. Unfortunately, the Last time I heard of him was when he got injured and forced to hide himself."

' Well, He is dead now, absorbed by me.' Jun Tianyun thought inwardly.

" Then what about you? I believe you are wielding the power of many domains too?"

" You can say so. To increase your own power, you need to constantly accumulate energy and understand the concept of your own power."

" For example, I was born as a cat of darkness. However, as time passed and I grew more and more power, I incorporated the concept of Stealth and Corrosion with my darkness."

" But yes, my concept would be naturally weaker than a divinity who is directly born with all those concepts. Innate and Acquired concepts are different after all."

" So, Now, You are going to add the concept of gluttony of Hungry Demon to your power?" Jun Tianyun asked in a curious voice.

" Bingo, You are wise." Tuba san chuckled. " But to get this concept, it might take a few centuries or a thousand years. But primarily, I need the energy from the Divine Spark as it's somewhat compatible with me."

" As far as I know, there are only three demons remaining. The Demonic Serpent Yamato, Thousand Faced Demon, and the Lightning Rage Demon.

" We shouldn't wait and eliminate all the demons as fast as possible." Jun Tianyun proposed. " This arc is getting a bit stale."

" What do you mean?"

" Uhm…I mean, I need to finish my task and return to my original world." Jun Tianyun rubbed his palm.

" Well, If you want to go for hunting, you can go by yourself. Because I will need at least a week to connect this Divine Spark with me."

" Whaat?"

" What what, Brat?" Tuba San snorted. " Do you think absorbing Divine Sparks is a joke? A single mistake and you might lose control, turning into a fallen monster."

' But I devoured the entire spark in three days though?'

Jun Tianyun mumbled in his heart. However, he remained silent, not spilling his secret.

" However, Seeing how well you can fight right now, you might be able to take down Yamato the Demon Serpent." Tuba san mumbled.

" But even for that, you need to utilize your blood controlling ability and decaying energy well."

" However, Beware. The demons might have already learned that something was amiss. So, they might go into hiding or prepare a trap for you."

" Hehe, Don't worry about that." Jun Tianyun chuckled. " I just want to end this entire matter as fast as possible."

" Very well, Even if I can't assist you directly, I would gather some intelligence regarding the heretics and give it to you."

" But, I would like to have the Divine Spark of Thousand Faced Demon."

" Hmm, Alright. Then I shall have the Demon Serpent's Divine Spark. As for the Lightning Rage Demon, It shall depend on who would kill it."

" Alright, Bring it on."

With a laugh, Jun Tianyun sealed off the gate to stop the spread of ghost miasma. After that, he left with Tuba San and returned back to his mansion.

It was already dawn when he returned. When he stepped inside, he saw Sayu rubbing her eyes as she walked on the corridor with sleepy eyes.

" Uhn? Papa? Where were you last night?"

" Err…Papa went to fight off against some bad guys." Jun Tianyun smiled wryly.

" Ugh! Papa, you stink so much!" Sayu's face twisted as she backed away.

" Huh? Stink?" Jun Tianyun sniffed and felt there was nothing like that. " Sayu, But I don't feel anything though?"

" No papa, You are stinking too much. Like those…bad ghosts…

but even more terrible."

Jun Tianyun was alarmed as he hurriedly activated his Eyes of Fortune, looking at his body. He could see a strange, green odor lingering around his body, probably from the Hungry Demon.

' I didn't expect Sayu's spirituality to be this sensitive. To think she would smell the smell of Hungry Demon."

" Ahaha, My bad, Sayu. I shall wash it right away."

Faint arcs of lightning crackled around him, destroying the green odor. Jun Tianyun flicked his hair as a gentle, fragrant wind blew from him.

" How about now, Sayu?"

" Hehe, Papa looks handsome and charming as before." Sayu rushed and hugged him tightly.

' This girl…' Jun Tianyun caressed her hair as he smiled faintly.

' No matter what, I shall protect you. I shall not let a single hair of yours be harmed.'

" Sayu, Go and brush your teeth. Huh? Husband, You are back." Saki was startled as she looked at Jun Tianyun.

" Where you were last night? You didn't even call."

" Just cleaning some dirty pests, Dear." Jun Tianyun walked towards her and hugged her tightly.

" How about we go outside today?"

" So sudden?" Saki was surprised. " Hmm, I am a bit busy toward. How about we go for dinner?"

" Alright, As you wish."

Suddenly, Jun Tianyun's phone rang as he looked at the caller. It was none other than Ren.

" Why is she calling me?"

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