Villainous Young Master's Otherworldly Harem

Chapter 401 War And Profit

" Sigh, Ningxue, If you bring me into a case one more time, you have to pay me for this." Zi Yanrou glared at Cai Ningxue as she yawned. Looking outside, the eastern sky was already red. 

" Hehe, Sorry, Sister Zi. However, We really needed to extract the evidence from this bastard." Cai Ningxue sighed as she drank some coffee. " He was the lead to a five year old cold case."

" I would have invited Jun Tianyun, but after what happened in the party, I thought it would be a bad idea to ask for his help right now." Cai Ningxue laughed lightly. " Thankfully, We have you, Sister Zi. Hehe, I really envy your mind reading power."

" Is that so?" Zi Yanrou sighed, " But you know, it gets so exhausting sometimes. I feel a headache when I read someone's thoughts continuously."

" You know, It simply reduces the fun if I can directly read someone else's mind." Zi Yanrou glanced at Cai Ningxue. " It makes relationship somewhat…stale and awful."

Cai Ninxgue felt a light shiver when she saw Zi Yanrou's crystal-clear eyes looking at her. She felt like Zi Yanrou could read all her thoughts like news flashing headlines.

" Haha, Don't worry, Cai Ningxue. I won't be reading your thoughts." Zi Yanrou chuckled.

Cai Ningxue gave an awkward smile when she heard that. " But then…Won't you be able to hear Jun Tianyun's thoughts all the time?"

Zi Yanrou sighed. " I wish I could. But he is the only person in the world whose thoughts I can't read."

" Really?"

" Every time I gaze at his consciousness, It was like I am seeing the turbulent chaos of multicolored lights." Zi Yanrou spoke as she rubbed her temples.

" The more I stare at it, the more my headache increases. So, I couldn't see his thoughts at all."

" I see…"

Zi Yanrou stood up as she stretched her body. " Alright, It's already morning. I should go back now."

" Take care of you, Sister Zi."

Zi Yanrou walked out of the police station as she sighed. " I wonder what he is doing right now? I hope he isn't mad about the incident."

After a while, she reached the villa.

" I am back…"

" Ahh, Sister Zi, You are back." 

Zi Yanrou saw Yan Mingzhu was sitting at the table and having breakfast. 

" He already prepared breakfast so early?" Zi Yanrou was a bit surprised. " What's this? Herbal Gingseng Soup, salad, stuffed dumplings…"

" Where is he?" Zi Yanrou suddenly asked. Yan Mingzhu ate the dumpling as she looked at Zi Yanrou. " Brother Jun got a call from the office in early morning. So, he left early." 

" Is that so?" Zi Yanrou sighed as she sat beside the table and took a spoonful of soup. " Was he angry last night?"

" He was. But, then, I soothed him and he is alright now." Yan Mingzhu smiled. " He is probably refreshed and returned to his usual carefree self."

Zi Yanrou drank the soup even more as it was pretty tasty. She could feel Jun Tianyun using no ordinary ginseng as she could feel her internal energy stirring.

" Ginseng is pretty good to nourish blood and vitality, you know?" Zi Yanrou smiled lightly. " After long hard work, this soup can invigorate someone's body…"

Suddenly, Zi Yanrou paused as her eyes turned wide. She raised her head and stared at Yan Mingzhu with disbelief. 

" Err… Sister Zi, What happened?" Yan Mingzhu felt a light shiver as she forced out a smile. " Why are you…looking at me like that?"

' Damn, Could it be…She knew I and brother Jun slept together last night? But how can she?'

Zi Yanrou could see Yan Mingzhu visualizing all those moments of last night. It looks like Jun Tianyun found someone to feel his anger and frustration after all…

No wonder Jun Tianyun prepared so many healthy breakfasts for Yan Mingzhu. They really toiled hard last night.

All the sympathy and worry for Jun Tianyun vanished from Zi Yanrou's eyes as she clenched the spoon. Nonetheless, she finished the soup.

" Mingzhu, Don't you have school today?"

" Yes, Sister Yanrou." Yan Mingzhu nodded.

" You aren't going today." Zi Yanrou suddenly spoke. Yan Mingzhu was surprised when she heard Zi Yanrou. " Why though?"

Wiping her lips, Zi Yanrou got up, a bright smile bloomed on her face.

" Yan Mingzhu, It's been a while since I tested your martial arts techniques, right? How about having some training today."

" Wh-What? Sister Yanrou, I… I have a test today…"

Yan Mingzhu's heart thumped as she hurriedly waved her hands. However, Zi Yanrou held Yan Mingzhu tightly as she dragged her away.

" Little girl, You already tasted honey last night. Now, Taste some hardship to digest it."






Jun Tianyun entered his chmabers in Sky Fire Group's buildind and sat on his seat. Soon, Qing Ying appeared and placed a coffee cup before Jun Tianyun.

" Such a considerate secretary." Jun Tianyun took a sip of coffee as he looked at Qing Ying. " So, What happened? Why did you call me so early?"

" I needed to inform you bout two important things." Qing Ying placed two files before Jun Tianyun. "The first one is, Xia Country's department of defense is extremely satisfied with the batch of weapon and equipment we sent last time."

" The Special Corps Suit and the Reaper Rifles did their jobs fantastically. Beside, our newly modled V6 Engine vehicles also became the favorite of the army."

Jun Tianyun chuckled when he heard that. " Well, That was expected. After all, no one can beat the quality of our company."

" They are asking if we can provide them more." Qing Ying smiled. " And… They also wish to know if you have any new toys."

" Hah, They finally got baited, huh?" Jun Tianyun grinned viciously. " Well, give them a contract of fifty billion yuan."

" Yes… Wait, What?"

Qing Ying's eyes turned wide when she heard that. Jun Tianyun directly asked fifty billion yuan from the government?"

" What? If they want better stuff, they also gotta pay better, no?"

" But, What are we going to sell them this time?"

" Well, I have too many things." Jun Tianyun shrugged. " I would figure it out."

" Huh?"

Qing Ying felt like her head getting dizzy. No product to show? So, Jun Tianyun really just showing his palm and expecting the government to pay him fifty billion yuan?

" Alright, What about the second news?"

" The country Felzon attacked the northern coast of Southern Island Nation." Qing Ying took a deep breath as she looked at Jun Tianyun.

" Oh wow, That's nice." Jun Tianyun suddenly clapped his hands. " It gave us an excellent opportunity to showcase our new toys." 

" Huh?"

Jun Tianyun stood up as he threw the empty paper into the dustbin. " What? I am just saying how can we maximize the profit from this war."

" We are going to let the world know about our new generation weapons. Soon, the other nations would be coming to Southern Island Nation to purchase the weapons. We are going to profit from that."

" But, Won't that put Xia Country at a disadvantage?" Qing Ying frowned a bit. " After all, currently, We have better technology compared to others."

" Think like this." Jun Tianyun grinned. "Currently, All the world having silver grade weapon, while we gave Xia Country gold grade weapons."

" Now, After the war, We can sell the gold grade weapons to the rest of the world. And, if Xia Country wants, they can simply pay more to get platinum grade weapons from us."

Jun Tianyun grinned as he held the waist of Qing Ying. " Who said I am putting the country into disadvantage? I am simply a businesman generating more taxes for country."

Qing Ying blushed when she felt Jun Tianyun holding her waist. However, Jun Tianyun's boldness truly impressed her.

" Our newly trained troops of Southern Island Nation are ready. Besides, a squad of Heaven's Calamity is also stationed in Southern Island Nation. So, you can rest assured."

" En, That's right." Jun Tianyun nodded.

" Well, Then about the meeting with the generals…"

" You can handle it." Jun Tianyun cut Qing Ying's words in the middle. Qing Ying rolled her eyes as she glanced at Jun Tianyun.

" You already avoided them three times, Chairman Jun. At least be serious this time."

" What? I am just a university student." Jun Tianyun shrugged. Qing Ying sighed when she saw the expression of Jun Tianyun.

" Actually, Someone else is also coming."

" Who?"

" A supreme elder of True Martial Order." Qing Ying replied. Jun Tianyun became interested as he chuckled. " Well, Since that's the case… I might meet with him only."

" Alright, I shall arrange it." Qing Ying nodded.

After a while, Jun Tianyun walked into the meeting room. Other than an old man, no one was there.

" We meet again, Elder Hao Tianzu."

Jun Tianyun's tone was sarcastic as he glanced at the old man. It was the same old man who stopped him from killing the disciples of Shushan Sword Mountain.

" You know me?" Hao Tianzu was surprised. " Interesting, your network is even more impressive than I thought."

" Nothing worth mentioning." Jun Tianyun shook his head. " Having too much knowledge can bore a person as it kills the curiosity of the heart."

" Is that so?" Hao Tianzu smiled. " Then, Do you know why I came here?"

Jun Tianyun looked at him for a moment as he chuckled. 

" Really? You want to negotiate with me? As I said, I don't give a fuck about any ancient family or hidden sect. If any one of them dares to stand against me, I will stomp on them like an ant."

Hao Tianzu's expression turned stiff.

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