Villainous Young Master's Otherworldly Harem

Chapter 143 Incomplete Technique

Ren readied herself as she put on a stance. She held her sword straight, leaning forward a bit.

Jun Tianyun only smiled as he held his sword in one hand and swung casually. Ren took a step as the wooden sword burst forward.

" Forward Pierce!"

Jun Tianyun swung his sword as he blocked the attack of Ren. However, He was surprised that Ren's sword moved as it slipped past his sword.

" Heh, Triple Thrust!"

Jun Tianyun raised his brows as he leaned to the side. The sword touched his clothes, But Jun Tianyun dodged easily. Ren's attack became more aggressive as she started to use more techniques.

" Hidden Slash!"

Ren used her sword as she jumped to the side. She tried to use Jun Tianyun's blindspot to make an attack. Jun Tianyun ducked as he avoided the slash.

However, He realized it was a feint as the Ren already slashed at his thigh. Jun Tianyun flung his wooden sword as he rotated it like a spear. With a thrust, he clamped Ren's sword to the ground.

Ren was amazed by Jun Tianyun's reaction time. Not many can escape her Hidden Slash. However, It only fueled her battle intent. She jumped forward as she continued attacking Jun Tianyun. Jun Tianyun only smiled as he continued to block and dodge.

However, Ren finally became serious as she raised her sword. " Hmph! It seems you got some skills. However, That ends here! Taste my ultimate attack! Flashing Lightning!"

Jun Tianyun held his sword tightly as his eyes narrowed. He could feel the immense power behind the attack of Ren. It suddenly invoked his battle instinct, making a fierce counterattack. However, Jun Tianyun stopped himself.

" Damn it! I almost used too much power. If it had landed on Ren, She would have died in one go." Jun Tianyun smiled bitterly.

While pausing his attack, Jun Tianyun made an opening for Ren. There was still a chance for him to dodge. However, Jun Tianyun didn't dodge as he braced himself for impact.


A voice thundered, Shocking Ren. Her attack speed lowered, but it was too late. The wooden sword landed on Jun Tianyun's left shoulder. Jun Tianyun chuckled as she raised his hands and caught it.


Ren's eyes widened when she saw Jun Tianyun catching the wooden sword with his bare hands. With her power, Ren was sure that it might even break someone's bone. However, Jun Tianyun grasped it casually.

" Ren! What are you doing? Why did you use Flashing Lightning?"

An old man walked out as he scolded Ren. Although he looked old, His body was robust like an athlete's. His skin was pale, but the face of the old man was radiant. The old man walked to Jun Tianyun as he held his palms.

" My my! What a powerful body. Young man, Are you also a martial practitioner?" The old man asked curiously. " Even though little Ren lowered her power, It wasn't easy to block that attack with one's hand alone."

Jun Tianyun only smiled as he shook his head. " It's fine, Elder. It was my defeat." The old man sighed as he glared at Ren. " Why aren't you answering me?"

Ren lowered her head as she growled. " I didn't do anything! It was he who said our dojo is bad. Besides, Isn't he the one who challenged me?"

" So what?! Why you used Flashing Lightning? Don't you know it's a fatal technique? Moreover, The Flashing Lightning Move isn't completed. If you use it recklessly, You will suffer a backlash."

" I know... I... I am sorry."

Jun Tianyun chuckled as he looked at Ren. " It's fine, Miss Ren. You have successfully convinced me that Glorious Sword Dojo really lives up to its name." Jun Tianyun bowed. The old man nodded as he cupped his fist.

" Thank you, Young man. For showing leniency. Ren is still a child. How about we have some tea?"

" What? Leniency? Isn't that me who defeated him? What are you talking about?" Ren became confused as she asked. The old man sighed as he looked at Ren.

" Elder, I am afraid I don't have time today. I have to go back."

" Ah! Such a shame. But, Do come again. I would love to chat with you. Ren, See him out." The old man laughed as he went back. However, He let out two loud coughs as he held the wall.

" Grandpa!"

" I am fine! Just a little cough." The old man laughed as he entered his room.

Ren looked at Jun Tianyun with a complex eye. " You! You are also a martial artist, right?"

" Maybe? I just dabbled in martial arts a bit." Jun Tianyun shrugged. " That elder, He is your grandfather right?"

" Indeed, You are right. He is Araki Asagaki, The tenth head of Glorious Sword Dojo.." Ren spoke with some pride.

" Hmm, You should know about it, right? Your grandfather's illness..." Jun Tianyun looked at Ren as he suddenly spoke. Ren froze as she looked at Jun Tianyunwith disbelief. " Yo-You How did you know about..."

" Well, I am a doctor as well. When we shook hands, I checked his pulse. His meridians must have overstrained by some sort of technique. Hmm, Is it that Flashing Lightning?" Jun Tianyun spoke as he calculated, The more Jun Tianyun spoke, the more astounded Ren got.

Tears appeared in her eyes as she let out a deep sigh. " Yes, What you have said it true. The Grand Sky Sword Technique of our Glorious Sword Dojo is incomplete. My grandfather tried to complete the second phase of the Flashing Lightning stance. But, It resulted in energy backlash and almost killed him."

" His health is pretty worse these days. I am afraid..."

" Six months... Your grandfather has six months to live."

Jun Tianyun spoke. Ren was stupefied as she looked at Jun Tianyun. "

No-No way! The doctor! He said my grandfather's condition is very stable! What the hell are you saying!?!"

Jun Tianyun shook his head as he sighed. " I am sure that even Elder Araki also knows about that. However, He chose to keep it a secret as he didn't want to hurt you."


Ren burst into tears as she punched the wall. She fiercely glanced at Jun Tianyun. However, She realized Jun Tianyun wasn't faking it.

" Miss Ren, You must prepare for yourself. If you are not believing me, Why don't you ask your grandfather?"

" You! You!!!!" Ren pointed her finger at Jun Tianyun as she took a deep breath. " Fine! I will find the truth. But, If you lied to me, No one would be able to save you."

Ren turned around without saying anything else. Jun Tianyun only laughed as he also left.

" It really made my plan easier. It seems like the old man isn't going to die anytime soon, ah." Jun Tianyun murmured.

" Xiao Yue, Come out."

A bright light flashed as Xiao Yue appeared in front of Jun Tianyun. " Yes?"

" I have a question. Can you make someone fall in love?" Jun Tianyun suddenly asked. Xiao Yue became confused. " Fall in love? Are you asking for something like Charming Spell?"

" Sort of."

Xiao Yue leaned on Jun Tianyun as she giggled. " Why? Does Master wishes to charm that lady swordsman?"

Jun Tianyun didn't back down as he hugged Xiao Yue, holding her waist tightly. " Why? You think my face isn't enough to charm a lady?"

" Even though you sound narcissistic, Your words are true. Then, Why did you ask for that kind of spell?"

" Hehe, It's not that I am asking for myself. Just tell me if you can do that."

" Hmm, I can, To a certain extent."

" Then, It's fine."

Jun Tianyun murmured as he gently rubbed Xiao Yue's fox ears. Xiao Yue blushed as she swatted Jun Tianyun's hands. " Yo-You! How many times I have told you that don't touch my ears!"

" Can't touch ears? Then, How about touching them." Jun Tianyun grinned evilly as he placed his palms love the breasts of Xiao Yue. Xiao Yue stomped her feet as she jumped back to God's Space.

Jun Tianyun laughed when he saw that. He looked at his watch as he realized it was already evening.

" I remember I have an appointment, Eh?"

Jun Tianyun shook his head as he returned to the hotel and took his car. Quickly, He spotted Saki standing at a block.

Saki saw Jun Tianyun as her eyes brightened. She sat in the car as Jun Tianyun drove off.

" Aren't you going to ask something?" Jun Tianyun spoke after a moment of silent.

" What?"

" Like, Anything about that other girl?"

" Pfft."

Saki chuckled as she looked at Jun Tianyun. " You think I will be jealous of her?"

" You aren't?"

" I am, Just a little, though." Saki looked outside of the window. " However, I remember the foundation of our relationship. As long as you keep loving me, I will not interfere with whatever you do with other girls."

" Is that so?"

Jun Tianyun sighed as he spoke. He couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. " It really feels wrong." He spoke inwardly.

It didn't take long before they reached a big shopping mall. Saki's eyes sparkled as she ran around.

" Wahhh! I always wanted to get this dress. Hmm, This handbag also looks nice."

" Just pick whatever you want, Don't care for the price. Everything is on me."

" Really? Thank you! Let me quickly pick some stuff."

Saki gave a kiss on Jun Tianyun's cheek as she quickly grabbed the clothes. Jun Tianyun smiled as he saw the energetic face of Saki. After a while, Saki nodded as she went to the changing room to try. However, It didn't take long before her head peeked out from the door as she hurriedly called Jun Tianyun.

" Huh? Something happened??"

Jun Tianyun was startled as he nodded and walked to Saki. However, Saki held Jun Tianyun's arm as she pulled him inside the changing room.



So SORRY! For such a late chapter release. I am really busy and without laptopm its hard ti type on phone. But, I will try to make the chapter regular.

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