Villainous Young Master's Otherworldly Harem

Chapter 137 You Look Beautiful Like This

Jun Tianyun was perplexed when he saw the thread of Lily in the Paradise Hotel. " What's she doing here? At this time?"

Jun Tianyun realized that she might be in trouble as he followed the thread. Soon, He reached the KTV section of the hotel as he saw the thread leading to the VIP room.



Lily was sitting with a flustered face as she drank some beer.

" Hiromi san, You really don't have to do these things..."

" Hoho, Lily chan, You are being too modest. I actually called you here for some things."

Hiromi took out his phone and passed it to Lily. Lily's expression changed when she saw the video clip. Her body trembled as her face was ashen.

" This... how is this possible?! Yo-You!!"

Lily snatched the phone and tried to destroy it. However, Hiromi laughed when he saw that.

" Haha! Go ahead and break that thing. But, It seems you are forgetting that copying video is a thing."


Lily burst into tears as her face was twisted with anger. She glared at Hiromi with utmost hatred.

" Hehe, Just think what will happen if I spread this video? You will be a superstar in a few hours." Hiromi chuckled as he looked at Lily's face. " Don't worry, As long you comply with us, Everything will be fine."

" Us?"

Lily became confused when she heard Hiromi. However, At that moment, The door opened as another person walked in.

" Ma-Manager san! So... It was you!"

Lily saw Manager Masura coming into that private room. She was startled and understood everything. Manager Masura gave a lecherous smile as he patted Hiromi.

" Nice, Everything was done smoothly."

Lily sat on the sofa as she felt utter despair. On that phone, there were many videos of her changing clothes in the cafe. It seems like Manager Masura used a spy camera to record her naked body, and now, he was using it to blackmail her.

" Hiromi! I thought you were my..."

" Friend? Oh please, That's nothing. You are just a cheap whore."

" Yo-you!"

Manager Masura sat in front of Lily as he smiled lecherously. " Hiromi Kun, Go outside. I will call you when the matter is finished."

" Alright. Keke, Enjoy your time, Sir."

Hiromi gave a cackle as he went outside of the room. Manager Masuar looked at Lily as his eyes burned with an evil fire.

" Hehe, It's been a while since I was eyeing you. Tch, What a perfect body."

Manager Masura sat beside Lily as he caressed her body, making Lily quiver from disgust.

" Manager! You should behave! Otherwise, I will call the police..."

Manager Masura sneered when he heard that. " Police? Sure, Go ahead. But believe me, The video is enough to make an adult movie celebrity. Hmph, Do you really want your parents to see that?"

" You! Do-Don't! Don't do that. Please, I am begging you..."

Lily lowered her head as tears fell from her eyes.

" What did I do wrong? I just wanted a part time job to get some extra money. I just wanted to have an ordinary date with Hiromi Kun... What did I do wrong?"

​ These thoughts kept flashing in Lily's heart as she only saw darkness around her. She felt Manager Masura's hands over her body like a snake slithering on her skin.

" You are a good girl, I know. As long as you do what I say, You will also get benefits."

Lily suddenly felt her mind grow heavy as she tumbled slightly.

" What's happening? Why am I feeling..."

" Dizzy? It seems the medicine is showing effect."

Manager Masura laughed when he saw that. He put his hands in his pocket and took out a small pill. He forced open Lily's mouth as he fed it to her.

Lily pushed Manager Masura, but she couldn't gather her strength.

" What's that? What you fed to me?"

" Don't worry. It's a good thing. Firstly, I added some dizzying pills to that beer bottle. And now? It's a thing called Love Drug. Sounds cute, right?"

Lily felt, along with a strange sense of dizziness, There was another feeling. She felt like her body turning hot as her vision turned hazy. Her breaths turned faster as she looked at Manager Masara with a dreamy gaze.

Manager Masura fastened his belt as he pulled down his pants. He also started to take off Lily's clothes.

" Yes! It's so hot... I need some air..."

Lily realized that Manager Masura undressing her and groping her body. However, She couldn't stop him. Moreover, There was strange anticipation in her heart, longing for something to happen.

" No! This is... Someone, Please save me... Ah, I wonder... Only if he was here to save me again..."

Lily's mind flashed as she remembered a young man. She remembered his handsome face, his radiant smile, his wits when he saved her.

" How I wish... Only if you are here..."

" Hehe, Now, We can finally..."

Manager Masura was already rock hard when he saw Lily in that state. However, Before he could move forward...

The door crashed with a loud noise as it burst inside the room. Manager Masura's expression changed when he saw a person slammed into the wall.

" Hi-Hiromi!!"

Hiromi fell to the ground facing the ceiling as his face was bloodied. Manager Masura looked back as his hair stood on its end.

He saw a young man enter the room with a cold face as he looked at him. His fist was clenched as it was dripping with blood.

Jun Tianyun's face was frigid when he saw Lily in that state.

" Yo-You! You are that bastard! What are you doing here?"

Manager Masura stood up as he shouted at Jun Tianyun, pointing his finger at him. However, Jun Tianyun's expression slowly changed as a smile appeared on it.

" Manager, It seems you haven't forgotten me. Hmm, Did you really think that I was scaring you that day?"

" Were you not?" Manager Masura sneered when he looked at Jun Tianyun. " If it weren't you who butted that day, I would be fucked this bitch."

" Hmph, really? It seems you never understood." Jun Tianyun shook his head as his body suddenly blurred. He appeared in front of Manager Masura as he clamped his neck and raised him.


Manager Masura felt like his neck was clamped by iron hands as he couldn't breathe. His face turned purple as veins popped over his forehead. Jun Tianyun swung his arms as he swatted Manager Masura's body like swatting a fly.

Manager Masura flew as he slammed into the wall. Blood flowed from his face as his nose was broken.

" Don't! It's Shadow Gang's territory! They won't..."

" Shut the fuck up! You ugly bastard! You think I will let you **** an innocent girl under my watch?"

Jun Tianyun got him up and started to punch his face. Jun Tianyun restricted his strength, but it was still unbearable for Manager Masura.


Blood spurt from his mouth as Manager Masura fell to the ground. His face was beyond recognizable.

" Y-You bastard!" How dare you!"

Hiromi got up as his eyes were red from anger. He pulled out a pocket knife as he charged at Jun Tianyun. Jun Tianyun laughed coldly as he raised his hands as grasped the blade.

" Arrogant!"

Hiromi laughed inwardly when he saw that. How can a palm stop his sharp blade? He was determined to slice a few fingers of Jun Tianyun. However...

Hiromi's expression changed when Jun Tianyun held that knife. No matter how he tried, he couldn't budge even a bit. Jun Tianyun's palm looked soft, however, Hiromi felt that it was harder than rock. Even his knife's edge rolled by his strength.

" Let me tell teach you how to stab."

Jun Tianyun yanked the knife as he stabbed it in the shoulders of Hiromi.


Blood splashed as Hiromi fell to the ground. He couldn't feel his arm, only a bone piercing pain. It wasn't long before the black clothed guards arrived there.

" Hahah! You are done! Shadow Gang is here!"

Hiromi laughed when he saw them. However, Jun Tianyun shook his head as he looked at them.

" This..."

Blacky looked at the scene as he looked at Jun Tianyun.

" Take these twos. Chop their dicks off first. Then, take out their organs and sell them. Keep the money as a treat.

" Alright."

Manager Masura and Hiromi's expressions changed when they heard that. Blacky's expression shone as he nodded.

" It will be done. Hehe, Boys, We got some work to do."

" N-No! We can talk..."

" Noisy."

Jun Tianyun held Lily in his arms as he took her to his room.

" Mmn, Am I... Ah, Is that really you?"

Lily put her palms on Jun Tianyun's face as she gazed at her with misty eyes.

" I know you aren't here. But, It's so good to see you again."

Jun Tianyun smiled as he pressed the acupoints of Lily, making her jolt from shock.

" Ahh! Whe-where am I? No! Manager! Hiromi! Don't...."

" It's alright, They are gone. You are safe now."

" Yo! You are really here! I wasn't dreaming!"

Tears fell from Lily's face as she hugged Jun Tianyun and wailed. " I... I was so scared. I thought I will be..."

Jun Tianyun pushed her as he pinched her cheeks.

" Are you dumb?! Why didn't you call the police? Just because they threatened you? If the police got them, They could have deleted the video!"

" And! Your boyfriend! You really came to such a place with that bastard? Are you dumb?!"

Lily lowered her head when she heard Jun Tianyun's scolding.

" I... I just wanted to have fun, like my classmates. I also wanted a boyfriend. I also wanted to have some attention. I did makeup, I tried to change myself. I brought expensive items. I just wanted to be... happy."

Lily sobbed as she spoke meekly. Jun Tianyun sighed as he fiddled in her bag and took out a thing. He dragged her in front of the mirror as he put her glasses on her.

" You don't need to do anything extra. Because..."

Jun Tianyun hugged her as he smiled. " You look beautiful like this when you are just yourself."

Lily was stunned when she looked at her reflection. Indeed, It was only her, not any makeup, not any flashy things, Just her.

" Haha, I look like a nerd." Lily felt shy as she shook her head. " You still like me? Am I not looking a like boring girl?

" No, You are perfect."

Lily turned around as he kissed Jun Tianyun. Jun Tianyun was startled, but he didn't miss the chance.

Jun Tianyun's Eyes of Fortune got activated as he saw the dense black aura of misfortune behind her dissipated by a great amount.

" What's with this amount of misfortune? It's even greater than Zi Yanrou's."

Jun Tianyun pondered in his heart as he shook his head. " It was a miracle that she is still alive. I guess, Everything happening to her because of that misfortune? No matter what, I will help her in this."

" Lily... Your name isn't Lily, right?"

Their lips parted as Lily looked at Jun Tianyun with a smiling face. " You actually asking my name after so long?"

" Well..."

" My name is Saki... Saki Yashida."



Readers: Hmm, Alright... WAIT, WHAT?!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!!

They turned around as they ran toward a place. They saw a small cottage and they banged on the door.

" Open the door! Open it you rascal! How can you do this to us?!! hOW DARE YOU TO AWAKE OUR NIGHTMARE!"

Second reader: " That's not the issue! We need to know the next chapter! What will happen next! Open the door.

However, After a while, A lazy voice drifted out.

" I told you... One chapter a day."

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