Villainous Young Master's Otherworldly Harem

Chapter 126 Luo Bingyu's Trouble

Jun Tianyun looked at Huo San as he nodded.

" I hope everything going well?"

" Indeed Young master, Everything has been handled. After the death of Liao Ai, The conflict in Jade Sea Gang has been stabilized." Huo San spoke. " However, After the news of Hui Yang and Liao Ai's death spread, The Crimson Wolf Gang and the Hidden Snake House have become cautious."

" They are planning to join hands to face Jade Sea Gang?"

" I do think so." Huo San nodded. Jun Tianyun chuckled when he heard that. " Have you brought those guys?"

Huo San looked at his subordinate as the man nodded and rushed out. They brought four human-sized sacks from their van and threw them in front of Jun Tianyun. After they opened it, four men crawled out from it.

" Bastard! You dare to kidnap us?!"

" Brat! Just wait Lord Hui Yang comes back! He will kill you!."

" These fuckers." Huo San gave a kick to their stomach as he sneered, " Your Lord Hui Yang is already dead. Let's see who is going to save you."

" Damn it, I can't use my Internal energy!"

" Of course, You can't. Your veins are sealed. So, Now you are all weak as chicken." Jun Tianyun laughed as he looked at them. They are the subordinates of Hui Yang who came with him.

" Alright, Two Low stages Martial Master and two Peak stage Martial Apprentice. We got some good harvest." Jun Tianyun clapped his hands as he threw a scroll in front of him.

" Obey my command and sign that scroll with your blood. If you don't, I won't mind burying you beside your Lord Hui Yang."

" You!! You think we will obey a brat like you?" A person sneered.

" Huo San."

" Yes, Young master."

A cruel light flashed in Huo San's eyes as he took out a dagger and stabbed it into the thigh of that man. After that, He slowly started to twist it.


Another person stuffed cloth in his mouth, stopping his scream. The man gave out muffled groans as his eyes were bloodshot from the rage and pain. The others shut their mouth when they saw the scene.

The man banged his head on the floor as if he was nodding. He stretched his hand as he dropped blood on the contract. Huo San pulled out his knife as he threw it in front of than man and freed him.

" Well, Now, You are free. See? That wasn't hard at all." Jun Tianyun laughed.

" Bastard! I will kill you!"

The man took the knife and stabbed toward Jun Tianyun. Huo San and others gave a ridiculing smile when they saw the scene.

" Poor guy, Who is going to tell him?"

Jun Tianyun stood there with a calm face as if he wasn't bothered by the attack. However, The moment the dagger reached Jun Tianyun's heart, The man suddenly paused as if he was paralyzed.

The other three men's eyes widened in horror when they saw the man holding the dagger fell to the ground. Blood seeped from his orifices as he twitched like a fish out of water.

" Oh no, Only he would have taken the contract seriously, he wouldn't have died like that."

Jun Tianyun gave a look of pity when he looked at that man.

" Anyway, Are you going to sign or not?" Jun Tianyun looked at the remaining three. " Serve me and you shall live. And if you want to die, Then I will be merciful at least."

" You! You!"

" Fine..."

The smile on JunTianyun's face became wider when he heard them. They soon dripped their blood on the contract and got free. Their expression was complicated when they saw the bloodied body of their friend on the floor.

" Alright, Clean this mess here, Please. It's too dirty here."

" Indeed."

" Huh, Jun Tianyun, Is anything happened?"

Zi Yanrou called from far when she heard some noises from the main hall.

" Nothing, Dear. Just handling some matters." Jun Tianyun replied back. He looked at the Peak stage Martial Apprentice as he spoke, " You are from the Qingyun Mountain Sect, Right?"

" Indeed, Young master."

" Good, Go back and greet Elder Wei Zhiqiu on my behalf. Give her the news that her daughter is waiting for her."

" As per young master's command."

The young man nodded as he left hastily. After that, Jun Tianyun looked at the Two Martial Masters. " Hey, Don't make expressions like that. Huo San, Take these misters out and give them something good to eat. Have some fun around."

" Sure, It will be my pleasure."

Huo San laughed as he nodded. After that, He thought something as he spoke, " Young master, Aren't you going to meet the Boss of Jade Sea Gang?"

" Oh, That? Hmm, You reminded me, eh?"

Jun Tianyun chuckled as he nodded. He wondered how Luo Bingyu is going to hide from him this time.

" Well, Let's go out."

Jun Tianyun drove his car as he went to the Night Pearl Bar. Since it was daytime, The crowd was pretty much nothing there. Jun Tianyun sat on the comfy sofa when as he ordered a glass of expensive wine for himself.

After a while, Lady Xianwei came together with two other beautiful girls as they stood in front of Jun Tianyun.

" Young master Jun is sure efficient. It's not even a day and you already solved two problems." Lady Xianwei giggled. " Well, Since you have come here, You should relax here a bit."

The two girls with Lady Xianwei walked as they beside Jun Tianyun. Jun Tianyun laughed as he pulled both into his arms.

" Mm, Little Brother, You are so handsome. Why not play with this sister a bit?"

" Hmm, It's not like I can't play. But, It will be like bullying you." Jun Tianyun sighed. Another girl poured him another glass as she giggled, " Brother just need to say yes."

" Well, If I say yes, A certain someone hiding in that room will get jealous." Jun Tianyun laughed as he pointed in a direction.

" Miss Lu Xianwei, It seems Big Sis is afraid to see me, eh?"

" Yo-You! You know my surname?"

Lu Xianwei became startled as her expression changed. What made her more astonished was that Jun Tianyun seemed to know that Luo Bingyu also hiding there.

" Well, There is barely anything which is unknown to this Young master."

" It's ok, Xianwei, He won again."

Lu Xianwei turned around and saw Luo Bingyu walking out of the room. The girls sitting beside Jun Tianyun nodded as they got up and left.

" Ayo, Big Sister Luo, You are interrupting my leisure time."

" Am I?"

Luo Bingyu sat beside Jun Tianyun, stretching her body leisurely. Jun Tianyun gulped a mouthful of wine when he saw Luo Bingyu's breast jiggle a bit. " I thought I could entertain little brother more than those two."

" Well, I don't mind it. Not at all." Jun Tianyun chuckled. He raised his hands as he tried to touch the waist of Luo Bingyu. However, Luo Bingyu noticed his little movements as she grabbed it.

" Little brother is really fierce. I didn't know that you are so powerful that you killed Liao Ai in one go." Luo Bingyu chuckled. " But, Now the Crimson Wolf Gang and Hidden Snake House gathered together to suppress us."

" And?"

Jun Tianyun shrugged when he heard that. " What do you want me to do?"

Luo Bingyu and Lu Xianwei became confused when they heard Jun Tianyun. " What do you mean? If you can help us take care of them, then The entire Greenleaf City's underworld will be ours." Lu Xianwei spoke.

" Well, I do understand that. But the thing is..." Jun Tianyun took a sip of wine as he smiled. " Why I should help you? I mean, I might just join them and attack Green Sea Gang instead."

" What?! How can you do that? What do you get from that?" Lu Xianwei's expression changed as she became angry.

"Miss Xianwei, There is nothing free in this world." Jun Tianyun laughed. " Hmm, If I capture the Jade Sea Gang, Won't I get two beauties for free?"

" You! You are shameless!"

" I will take that as a compliment."

Luo Bingyu pondered something as she smiled faintly, " Little brother, Will you stay if we offer ourselves to you?"

" Hmm, Interesting. Are you really considering it?" Jun Tianyun chuckled.

" I mean, It's not impossible. But, I believe that's not your real goal, right?"

" Hehe, Big Sister is really intelligent. Well, I will come straight to the point." Jun Tianyun spoke. " I want your Jade Sea Gang."

Luo Bingyu's eyes narrowed when she heard that. " Little brother's ambition is really big. However, I don't think even any other gang will agree to it."

" That's why I am here. You can still control the gang as usual. However, I will be the one making a decision in the end."

" Is that so? But, You can't just eat empty words." Luo Bingyu spoke. " You need to unify all the power..."

" That will be done. Don't worry." Jun Tianyun smiled. But then, His expression changed slightly. " Has brother Guo gone somewhere?"

" Yes, He just went out for some work. Why?" Lu Xianwei spoke.

" It seems we got some unwanted guests here." Jun Tianyun sighed. Before Luo Bingyu could understand, A black dagger shot toward her like a bolt of lightning.

Luo Bingyu's expression changed drastically as the dagger reached near her heart in an instant, without letting her chance to dodge.

" Am I going to die here? I don't want to."

Luo Bingyu's heart was unwilling. She wished to live.

" Relax, Big sister, You aren't going to die."

Luo Bingyu opened her eyes when she heard that. The dagger was just a few millimeters away from her chest. But, It was firmly grasped by Jun Tianyun.

" Heh, It seems that brat got some ability, eh? Luo Bingyu, Let's see how you going to escape today."

" Is that you, Tie Li? You are still alive?!"

Luo Bingyu uttered as a man walked out from the distance. Jun Tianyun could see the small throwing daggers in his hands as he laughed inwardly.

" Luo Bingyu, Your days are over. You rejected me all those years ago. Now, I will make you understand the meaning of suffering!"

" Tie Li, You dare to utter that bullshit! It was you who tried to **** Sis Luo back then. But after getting caught, You even tried to kill her!" Lu Xianwei clenched her teeth as she shouted.

" Hmph, Xianwei Don't you think I will spare you." Tie Li licked her lips as he looked at Luo Bingyu's figure with a fiery gaze.

" First, I will enjoy you. Then, I will throw your naked body to my subordinates to enjoy. I will make you lower than a street slut, bitch."

Suddenly, A few guards of Luo Bingyu rushed out. But, Tie Li killed them without even moving a bit. His dagger skill is a real deal.

" I already reached the peak of Middle stage Martial Master Realm. You think I will fear these bunch of goons?"

Luo Bingyu grimaced when she heard that. Even if Guo Wen was here, he couldn't protect her. She looked at Jun Tianyun, Who was still enjoying the show.

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