Villainous Young Master's Otherworldly Harem

Chapter 119 Capturing Both Flowers

Xue Feng looked around and he saw he was in the abandoned building. What's more, he was tied to a chair.

" UGH! What's this? Wh-Why can't I feel my Internal Energy?"

Xue Feng struggled as he tried to free himself. However, He couldn't gather an ounce of his powers.

" System? System?!!"

" System my ass!"


Xue Feng felt like his vision blackened for a moment as someone slapped his face.

" Boss, It seems like this bastard has gone crazy for real."

" So, What? Let's me have some fun with him."

" Yo-You! Xue Ming!"

" Yes, It's your Daddy!"


Xue Ming ruthlessly slapped Xue Feng and viciously kicked his stomach, making the chair fly.


Xue Feng spat out blood as he looked at Xue Ming with terrified eyes. " Y-You! Don't come near me! I will kill you!"

" Oh, So you will kill me?"


Xue Ming ruthlessly stomped on Xue Feng's fingers and crunched them, making Xue Feng crazy in agony.

Xue Feng finally remembered the last thing before he fainted in the hotel.

[ Ding! Host has become incompetent! System unbinding!]

" N-No! It must be a lie! System! SYSTEM!"

Xue Feng shouted crazily, which made Xue Ming irritated.

" You fucking bitch, You think you are some kind of protagonist? Suddenly becoming rich and powerful? You thought you could deal with me?" Xue Ming sneered. " You were being quite a hero at Mu Family's party, eh? Where is your attitude now, Huh?"

" Yo-You!"

" Hey punk, Wanna see something?" A devious grin appeared on Xue Ming's face as he took his phone. Xue Feng's eyes widened when he saw the images.

" Ey, Isn't this your ex? Man, She is so hot. Her mouth was so good, my dick feels like it's in heaven. Oh, Wanna see more?"

" Yo-you!!"

" You are a loser! Xue Feng, You were always a loser! Ah, I remember, You trying to hook up with that Mu Yunyun, right? Too bad, Brother Jun, Already got her. He must be already enjoying her in the bed."

" Tch boss, I feel pity for Xue Feng."

" Why?"

" Because he got cucked two times! PFFFT!"


" Y-YOU! Xue Ming! Even if I die, I will haunt you as a ghost!"

" Fuck you!"

Xue Ming gave another kick to Xue Feng as Xue Feng's eyes rolled. His breathing stopped as he died with an unwilling expression.

" I...I was the protagonist..."



" Hmm, I wonder what sort of reward system was going to give me." Jun Tianyun was curious as he entered God's Space.

" Sister Su, Where is my rew-"

Jun Tianyun paused as his eyes widened like saucers. It was absolute chaos inside God's Space. Golden chains were whipping out from everywhere as they all tried to subdue the foreign golden fragment.

Su Qingyao led the battle as she controlled all the chains to slay the foreign fragment.

The moment Jun Tianyun appeared in God's Space, The fragment appeared in front of him a figure of a beautiful lady appeared in front of him.

" Ahh! You must be a great host! Allow me to introduce myself! I am the enchanting system spirit of Flower Bodyguard System! Host can accept me and..."

" What the fuck? Are you trying to poach me?"

Jun Tianyun was flabbergasted when he saw the lady trying to goad him. The enchanting girl's clothing became transparent as she became stark naked, She hugged Jun Tianyun as she whispered.

" Dear Host, Just think about it! Protecting beauties, Gaining their favors, With a store where you can buy anything with beauty points! You can live as you wish."

" I see, It does sound easy." Jun Tianyun chuckled.

Cliche systems are in fact very easy to manage. Unlike his Heaven's Fortune System, Which is pretty complicated.

" You can posses me, The great spirit! With a host like you, You can even take over the world..."

" Well, Thanks for your offer. But, I am happy with my system." Jun Tianyun waved his hands, making the girl startled.

" Wait! I can even give you a discount! Moreover, I will let you have me. Is there anyone beautiful like me?" The spirit hurriedly spoke as she pressed her breasts against Jun Tianyun.

" Mm, Your breasts are good, and so is your beauty. However, Someone is far better than you here. I don't want to let her go." Jun Tianyun laughed as he pointed at Su Qingyao.

" Wait! I can also-"

" Bitch, Haven't you heard him?"

A cold voice rang through God's Space as the foreign spirit trembled in fear. " W-We cat talk peacefully..."

" I said...He is mine!"

Golden chains pierced through the foreign spirit's body and ripped her apart. The spirit cried in pain as she turned into a burst of golden particles. The particles move as they got absorbed by the Altar of Heaven.

" Ouch! That was a bit...brutal."

Jun Tianyun wiped his sweat as he took a glance at Su Qingyao, Who was taking deep breaths.

" For a moment, I thought you are really going to accept her."

Su Qingyao looked at Jun Tianyun as she chuckled. Jun Tianyun became speechless when he heard her.

" Well, When you have Netherite, Why do you care for wood?"

Jun Tianyun hugged Su Qingyao from behind as he squeezed her breasts.

" Tch, You are always full of perverted thoughts." Su Qingyao snorted. " Now go outside and let me clean the mess here."

" Fine, Fine..."

Jun Tianyun shrugged as he came back to reality. He saw Mu Yunyun and Li Yuling sitting in front of him and he gave a dry laugh.

" No need to be fearful anymore. The danger from Qingyun Mountain Sect is over. Mu Yunyun, Soon, You will meet your mom."

" Jun Tianyun, Thank you! Thank you for all these things." Mu Yunyun quivered as her eyes turned wet. " You truly fulfilled my wishes."

" Jun Tianyun, You also helped me when I needed it most. You saved me from Chen Ye, stopped the pestering of Wang Ming, and saved my life so many times." Li Yuling also sighed.

" Well, I just did what I could, right? If I have the ability and I still don't use it, then what's the point of having it?" Jun Tianyun smiled lightly. Suddenly, His phone buzzed as he 100 Million Yuan transferred to his account.

" Mu Shui is sure fast. He already gave me 100 Million. Moreover, We have already signed a contract of 50/50 split of revenue." Jun Tianyun thought inwardly.

" Umm, Yunyun, I think it's time..." Li Yuling looked at Mu Yunyun. Mu Yunyun's expression stiffed as she sighed. " Are we really going to do that?"

" Yunyun, I think we both discussed this that night." Li Yuling became slightly anxious. " I know, I... Fine, I will do what Jun Tianyun would say." Mu Yunyun got up and walked outside.

" Yes? Li Yuling, What happened?" Jun Tianyun was bewildered when he saw the situation.

" Um, Jun Tianyun, I want, Um... Are you in a serious relationship with Yunyun?" Li Yuling hesitated as she looked at Jun Tianyun.

Jun Tianyun was startled when he heard such a question. " Well, It's not like that. But, We are both trying since it's like a new thing to me..."

" Jun Tianyun, What do you think about me?" Li Yuling looked at Jun Tianyun with a straight gaze. " You are smart and elegant and delicate like a flower." Jun Tianyun spoke honestly.

Li Yuling looked at Jun Tianyun as she spoke again, " Have you...ever felt anything towards me?"

Jun Tianyun's eyes turned wide as he finally realized the situation.

'N-No way! That's so illogical cliche! But, If it was Xue Feng instead of me... Yes, the same would have happened to him also.' Jun Tianyun thought inwardly. Then he looked at Li Yuling as he sighed, " Yes, When I arrived at the Purple Star Academy, I fell for you at first sight."

" Wh-What?"

Li Yuling was startled as a shade of red appeared on her cheeks. Jun Tianyun didn't mind her as he continued.

" You are like an ideal girl for me. But then, I felt like you have something for Chen Ye. However, When, I knew the reality of Chen Ye, I didn't want you to suffer. That's why I helped you." Jun Tianyun looked at Li Yuling,

" If you haven't met Yunyun, Do you think you still loved me?"

Li Yuling lowered her head as she asked.

" Hmm, I believe so."

" Then, What's stopping you now?"

" Pardon me? I don't think Yunyun will like..."

" What if Yunyun agrees?" Li Yuling looked at Jun Tianyun, " If she agrees, Will you still..."

Jun Tianyun's mouth turned wide as he sighed.

" This...This is too complicated. I must talk with Yunyun."

Suddenly, Mu Yunyun came inside as she looked at Jun Tianyun. " Well, Are you not accepting Lingling's feelings?"

Jun Tianyun suddenly laughed as he looked at Mu Yunyun, " Yunyun, Let's be honest. If I wish, I can have many women as I want. But, Will you love that self of me?" Jun Tianyun got up as he walked into Mu Yunyun, " Yes, Which man doesn't want to have beauties left and right? But, Will you agree to that?"

" I...Me and Lingling once promised each other that we will marry the same man. We wish to stay together. We just made a childhood promise to each other back then.

"However..." Mu Yunyun looked at Jun Tianyun as she continued." Who would have thought that we both will fall for you."

" Can't help, I just too perfect." Jun Tianyun shrugged.

" Soo, Me and Lingling decided to share you."

" Oh, Ok... Wait!" Jun Tianyun's eyes turned wide as he looked at both of them. " Are you guys for real?"

" I mean... You just accepted that you had feelings for Lingling." Mu Yunyun pointed. Jun Tianyun's throat turned dry when he heard that. " Well, I won't mind having more than one woman but, Are you sure?"

" What do you think?" Li Yuling looked at Mu Yunyun. " Well..." Mu Yunyun also blushed as she lowered her head.

" Mm, Fine..." Jun Tianyun walked as he held Li Yuling's hand as his expression turned serious. " Lingling, Since you have accepted such unfavorable conditions, I will also, never going to disappoint you. I will always treat equal as mine and will never betray you.

" Jun Tianyun, You...You better keep your words."

Li Yuling lowered her head as her ears turned red. She looked extremely bashful. Jun Tianyun grinned as he held Li Yuling.

" Well, Since everything is sorted, We should do an important thing."

" Important thing? What is that?" Li Yuling became confused.

" Marking you as my woman."

" Huh?! Wa-'

Before Li Yuling could finish her sentence, Jun Tianyun neared his face as he sealed the lips of Li Yuling. His tongue pried opened the lips of Li Yuling as he wrapped it around Li Yuling's tongue.

" Mmmnnfff!!"

pAn,Da-n0v e1,c Li Yuling felt like Jun Tianyun sucking her breath away as her legs turned like jelly. However, A weird pleasure filled her hearts as she stopped struggling and held Jun Tianyun to get a better grip.

" Yo-You! Why did you act so suddenly!"

Mu Yunyun's face twitched as she snorted.

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