Villain Retirement

Chapter 212 - Interrogation (2)

Chapter 212 - Interrogation (2)

"Let me see my brother, you motherfucking British cuntsucker fucking cunts!"

A few minutes earlier before Riley stepped out of the transparent cube he was confined in, Hannah was cursing the life out of everyone inside the prison– her entire body, engulfed in a raging fire that seemed to have no plans of withering away.

Diana was in the same room, calmly sitting at the table provided to them as they waited inside a small holding room for someone to interrogate them. However, they have been there for more than an entire hour, and no one seemed to want to go inside since Hannah was wreaking havoc.

"What do you fucks mean that Riley is Darkday? Are you guys fucking crazy!?"

[Please refrain from using your powers so an officer could begin questioning the two of you, Ms. Ross. If you do not comply, we will resort to using force. Please comply before we put restraints on both you and your mother.]

"Have you guys actually seen my brother!? Are you government fucking cunts using him as a scapegoat because you know he won't be able to defend himself because of his condition!?" And even with the man from the speakers threatening her, Hannah continued to burst out, "Why not pick someone your own fucking size, you little shits!"

"Hannah, please calm down."

And finally, after a few more seconds of Hannah's voice roaring through the tiny room, Diana opened her mouth, "I am sure all of this is just a silly misunderstanding."

"But m–"

"Calm down," Diana said, "I am sure this is just one of your father's enemies trying to lure him out– maybe that is why he is hiding somewhere. Relax, Hannah– I've been in this kind of situation more times than I could count."

"Speaking of that fucker… Where the fuck is dad when we actually need him!?"

And once again, the fire surrounding Hannah's silhouette blazed as her roars filled the small room. But before the heat of her fire could reach the ground, Diana suddenly let out a small and obviously pained gasp.

"Mom!? What did you–" And before Hannah could finish her words, she found her breaths suddenly pinning her chest down. The oxygen inside the room, now completely gone.

Surprisingly though, the fire surrounding Hannah did not dissipate even without the presence of oxygen in the room. But still, the fires surrounding her still withered as she rushed to help her mother up.

"Fuck you, you fucking shits! Bring the oxygen back!"

[We warned you, Ms. Ross. Please refrain from using your powers from now on.]

And as soon as those words echoed through the room, both Hannah and Diana could feel their bodies once again getting lighter.

[Do not use your power. We will not hesitate to kill the family of a terrorist.]


"Once we get out of here, you will know what fucking wrath tastes like!"

And before Hannah could finish her words, Diana suddenly stood up– kicking away the table in front of her; destroying the brackets it was attached on from the floor. She then raised both her middle fingers, pointing them at the camera plastered on the ceiling.

"Just you wait!" Diana then raised her voice even further, "I won't sue you– but you will taste the palm of my hand and–"

And before she could finish her words. A loud rumble suddenly shook the entire room, almost causing her to fall down. Flashes of red light then started to drown the entire room; partnered with a loud siren that almost threatened to deafen Diana and Hannah.

"M…mom?" Hannah took a small gulp as she slowly backed away from her mother, "Are you… doing this?"




"What? What was that? I should be the one interrogating you for keeping a person with disability in captivity! Don't you guys know Riley is autistic!? Just you wait, once I get out of here, all of you are going to get cancelled by my 10,000 subscribers!"

In another room also a few minutes ago, Gary was also inside a small room. He was not alone, however, as there was someone else sitting at the opposite side of the table.

"Are you using Riley as a scapegoat because you know he is like that?" Gary continued to tap the table in front of him, "Hannah was right, you government puppets are the worse– using an autistic person to achieve your fucked up goals!"

"...The evidence against Riley Ross is–"

"The evidence against Riley Ross is– shut the fuck up," Gary mocking repeated the interrogator's words, "Let him out right now while I am still asking nicely– Once again reveal my identity, you guys will surely pack your bags and cry home."

"We know who you are, Gary Gray. You are the son of Megawoman."



"...Then are you releasing Riley knowing that?"

"In respect to your mother…" The tone of the interrogator's voice started to turn cold as he looked Gary straight in the eyes, "We will not pursue you no matter the outcome of this situation. So let me ask again… Has Riley Ross shown any signs of being Darkday while in your presence?"

"You…" Gary's eyes started to twitch as he returned the man's glare, "...You dare threaten I, the great Dragon Mon–"

And before he could finish his words, flashes of red drowned the entire room he was in– the table between them, trembling uncontrollably as the room itself quaked.

"This…" Gary then quickly looked at both his hands in bewilderment, "...Have I finally unlocked the powers hidden deep inside my dantian? Is this it? Is this my cheat!?"

"Shit… Riley Ross is escaping!"

"...Oh, of course not."


"Riley Ross is not Darkday."

"That is not what I am asking."

"But that is why I am here, right? And I am telling you, Riley Ross is not Darkday."

In another room a few minutes earlier, Silvie was in the same situation as Gary– being interviewed 1 on 1 by an interrogator.

"Riley Ross is not Darkday," Silvie repeated the same words she had been repeating for almost an entire hour now– with or without the interrogator asking her a question.

"I have seen the videos you are using as evidence, they are circumstantial as best. And don't you know how easy it is to manipulate videos nowadays?"

"...The evidence are pretty clear," the interrogator could only let out a sigh as Silvie did not seem to have any plans of changing her answers.

"Oh? I think you are leaving out a crucial evidence, then," Silvie's tone then changed for the first time as she looked the interrogator straight in the eyes.


"The evidence of all of us still being alive," Silvie then scoffed, "Darkday kills anything that breathes. From babies to old defenseless grandmas; and he does so without anything hesitation. Do you really think someone like that would allow himself to be captured?"

Hearing Silvie's retort, the interrogator once again let out a small sigh,

"Look," he then said, "I know Riley is your friend, but–"

"But the fact that you could still question me now and that I am answering you is enough proof that Riley is not Darkday."

"I don't think you know how this all works. Criminals will always say they are not guilty."

"And this is why you're wrong," Silvie shook her head, "You are treating Darkday as a criminal and a terrorist– it is neither. Darkday is a biological calamity."


"Don't lecture me about Darkday, sir. I was one of the beings you incels created to try and kill him."

"...What? What are you–"

And before the interrogator could ask what Silvie meant, the alarm went off– causing the entire room they were in to be filled with a deafening siren.

"What!?" The interrogator then stood up as he pressed something in his ear, "What do you mean Riley is trying to escape!?"


And before the interrogator could move away, Silvie grabbed his wrist. "You guys…

…What did you do to Riley?"


"You are an avid fan– No. You are obsessed with Darkday. And before you deny it… we've checked your house."

And like the others, Tomoe watched as the interrogator in front of her tried to get the answers they wanted from her, placing a photo album that Tomoe quickly recognized and a laptop she also recognized. After all, it was hers.

But even then, Tomoe kept the silence she had been protecting since earlier.

The interrogator started to flip the pages of the photo album without saying any more words– just showing Tomoe the pictures she had collected of Darkday throughout the years. The interrogator then proceeded to open her laptop before facing it towards her.

"Do you want to enter your password?" The interrogator then finally spoke, a small smile plastered on his face.

Tomoe, however, still refused to speak.

"Alright then," the interrogator let out a small sigh as he returned the laptop to him, "I'll enter it…

…ilovedarkday666– all lowercase."

And as soon as the interrogator unlocked her laptop, a photo of Darkday once again welcomed her eyes as he also had him as a wallpaper.

"You seem to have also written a couple of… fan fictions that presented you and Darkday in some romantic escapade if I am right?"

"..." Even with all of her information being exposed to her, Tomoe still remained silent.

"Look here," the tone of the interrogator's voice slowly started to contain a bit of annoyance, "We will expose all of these to the public if you do not cooperate."

Hearing the man's words, Tomoe's eyes finally shifted– straying towards his face. Seeing this, the interrogator could not help but let out a small smile.

"But if you tell us that Riley is Darkday, then–"

"You are lucky."

And finally, after more than an hour of silence, Tomoe opened her mouth, "You are lucky that Riley Ross is not Darkday… or I would have already frozen your blood from the inside out."


And before the interrogator could retort, the alarm sounded as everything inside the room trembled.

"Or perhaps I was wrong," Tomoe then said as she stood up; her emotions seem to not be shaken by the sudden tremble, "Perhaps you are not so lucky after all. Riley Ross may not be Darkday…

…But I could argue that he is stronger."


"Is Riley Ross Darkday?"

"...What? What the fuck?"

Daniel blinked as he stared at the small room he was confined in,

"...Why the fuck am I even here?"



In another room, a scream was currently drowning all of its four walls– followed by a series of heavy breaths that were enough to fill the entire room with vapor.

"This could all stop if you just tell us what we need to know, Katherine."

Unlike the other interrogation, Katherine was inside a darker room; her hands, completely bound by chains attached to the ceiling– her clothes, completely soaked with what one could only assume as water.

"We already know that Riley Ross is Darkday– you just have to admit your part in it. More specifically, your part in the Seven Planes incident."


"You even used your poor mother to buy tickets for Riley Ross– completing the piece of the puzzle that Darkday truly is involved with the Dark Millenium… or at least to their demise."


"You're still not saying anything? Maybe we should interview your mother next?"

"..." And as soon as Katherine heard the interrogator's words, her piercing eyes could be seen almost glaring even though her damp silver hair was blocking her face.

"All of you are making a big mistake," Katherine then whispered; her voice slightly cracking, "I don't know anything about what you are talking about and Riley Ross is not Darkday. You can torture me all you want but my answer will still be the same…

…but you have to release her sister right now."

"I don't think you are in the position to demand anything right now, terrorist."

"Demand…" Katherine let out a small scoff as she spat the water that collected inside her mouth, "...I am trying to save all of you."


"Riley Ross is not Darkday. He…

…He is worse."

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