Villain Retirement

Chapter 208 - Withering Away

Chapter 208 - Withering Away

"Madam Charlotte… is my biological grandmother?"

Riley's whispers were completely drowned by all the rocks and earth that bombarded the back of his head. He tried to look down, but what welcomed him was nothing but dirt and darkness as Julius continued to drag him towards the deepest parts of the Earth. And with the speed they were going, they should reach it anytime soon.

"..." Even with this situation, however, Riley just casually turned his head back towards Julius; blinking a couple of times before once again letting out a whisper.

"Then do you know who my biological father is, Mr. Alistair?" He then asked. Julius seemed to be answering all of his questions– and Riley Ross welcomed it.

"That's the part I do not get!" Julius screamed to try and overwhelm the sound of Riley's head drilling through the ground, "Even through all the logs we have of Alice and Charlotte, there is not a single record of your father; not even a photo… not even a mention. Even with the calls between them, there was not a single mention of your father, not even once."


"Almost as if Ms. Phoenix just became pregnant with you. There should have been at least records of her going to the hospital, checking in with the doctors, but there's nothing. This should be impossible… even the homeless that gave birth in streets have records."

"Not impossible, Mr. Alistair. Jesus is–"

"The Pope seems to have a small influence on you in your brief meeting," Julius mentioned, "But even the holiest man could not change who you are. This is goodbye, Riley Ross!"

And with Julius's screams once again bombarding Riley's ears, the pitch darkness that blanketed their eyes was unfurled, causing Riley to slightly squint as his eyes were drowned by an almost white ocean.

Of course, Riley quickly grabbed the sunglasses he had in his pocket. As for Julius, the light did not really bother him since he was already used to the brightness because of the raging light that already inhabited his eyes several times.

"Let's die together, Riley Ross!"

Julius then let out a scream as a fiery steam wrapped both of their bodies; the sunglasses that Riley was holding, instantly compressing in his hand from the growing pressure that threatened to crush everything in its vicinity.

A thundering explosion then erupted as Julius and Riley continued to fly straight towards the Earth's core. It was a weird scenery, Riley thought. There was a certain darkness within the vast and empty confines surrounding the core, but when you turn your head towards the center, a raging light would instantly try to blind you.

Of course, perhaps being blinded was the least of one's worries… as the pressure that was currently surrounding both Julius and Riley was enough to rip even steel as if it was thin parchment.

"Die!" Julius then once again screamed– his lips, disintegrating and regenerating at the same time, "Let's end everything here, Riley Ross!"

"I don't think so, Mr. Alistair."


Julius then felt his face once again being ripped off as their descent towards the core instantly halted. And before Julius could lift his already healing face, Riley grabbed his head and gently pushed it away. This seemingly gentle push, however, plunged Julius straight back towards the crust.

"..." Riley then squinted his eyes before turning his eyes straight towards the Earth's core. It wasn't as bright as he thought it would be… or perhaps he was just used to his sister's flames– forever shining brightly in his eyes.

Riley continued to look around, only to see a vast amount of nothing surrounding the core. Why… did it seem different from the books he has read? Should there not be huge amounts of molten rocks that they should be swimming in right now like in the pictures and videos?

…Perhaps his sister really was right– you can not trust the educational system.

"..." Riley then looked at the clump of black in his hand; letting out a small sigh before making a very minute movement with his hand. And as he did so, the clump unfolded; soon returning to its glorious original shape, Riley's sunglasses.

Instead of wearing it, however, Riley returned it in his pocket. It was a gift from Hannah, and seeing as he couldn't really spare that much attention elsewhere, there was a chance that it would get damaged again just from the sheer pressure that surrounded him like an ocean.


Riley then quickly turned his head to the side, only for Julius's fist to already be waiting for him there. The bones of his knuckles were already exposed and burning; the heat coming from the core, almost the same as his heat vision; but instead of just being concentrated in one single beam, the heat was threatening to burn them in all directions… even the simple act of breathing caused Julius's mind to slightly faint.

But even with this pain, Julius did not falter. His fists, still raging to obliterate the villain within its path– and it seemed to have paid off.

One of his punches hit Riley Ross on the face, causing him to catapult straight towards the direction of the core. But as is expected, he stopped just kilometers away from it; the tip of his white coat, completely burnt or ripped, unknown in what order. There was a straight line separating it from the unscathed fabric, however– showing that Riley's invisible barrier has become slightly smaller.

"For my son!"

And without even having the chance to catch his breath, Julius once again appeared in front of him; his fist, almost only bones as Riley avoided it by floating to the side. Julius was relentless, however, as his fists and leg continue to find their way towards Riley– every strike, causing a huge explosion due to the pressure surrounding the two of them right now.

"Why…" Julius then whispered; his attacks, however, were still as loud as they could be, "...Why was this power bestowed to someone like you? You could have done so much good in this world… why did you have to be a monster?"

"..." Riley could only blink a couple of times as tears seemingly wanted to flow from Julius's eyes– these drops, however, vaporize before they could materialize,

"I truly am sorry for the deaths of your family members, Mr. Alistair," Riley then let out a small sigh, "I myself do not know what I would feel if Hannah suddenly dies."

"If you truly love your sister… then you should just die here."

"I am not capable of feeling love, Mr. Alistair. Even if I do, I can no longer die."

"Then just set her free… she is the only one innocent in your family. Please, Riley Ross… have mercy on the girl."

The calm tone that escaped from Julius's mouth was a complete contrast to the thundering strikes that he was letting loose on Riley; each of his movements, causing the world above to feel a slight tremble.

Bit by bit, however, the intervals between each strike started to lengthen; the previous deafening thunders, also becoming tamer by the second.

And soon, Julius's arms… just dropped.

"..." Riley then watched as Julius was slowly pulled towards the Earth's core; but then flew back up towards the crust almost like a yoyo. Riley was curious if this was Julius's last attempt to fight back… but he was already completely unconscious.

Julius was just… being played by the gravity of everything.


Julius's eyes then started to tremble as they tried to once again open. But soon, they too stopped completely. His skin then began to slowly fold; his flesh, shattering and scattering as bits and pieces of it floated everywhere.

This flesh then soon turned into dust… and this dust then became nothing.

Alistair Reuben, just like that, withered away– his last words not even about revenge.

And like the city of London, he was completely gone.

And in the end…

…Riley Ross failed his promise.

In the end, he didn't destroy England.

In the end, Julius did not drown in his countrymen's blood.


Riley Ross then let out a small sigh as he looked at where the last of Julius Reuben faded,

"I am sorry, sister," he then whispered, "It would seem this time, I will end up hurting you."

Riley let out another sigh before his body started to hastily float back towards the crust. Although it was not obvious from his face, he was actually exerting more force than he had ever used in his life right at this very moment– to keep himself from being pulled and pushed away just like Julius in his last moments… as well as keep the style of his hair intact.

"You are a monster that should not have been brought to this world."


Riley Ross then quickly turned around as he once again heard the voice that whispered into his ears earlier. And this time… he saw a woman floating behind him.

The woman's bright orange hair that was seamlessly floating around her almost seemed enough to wrap the entire core. Her face… overly familiar.

Although he had only seen Ms. Phoenix from photos, and only seen her with a mask on– it was quite obvious that the one floating in front of him right now was her.

"...Mother?" Riley Ross then tilted his head as he stared at the woman's face. However, almost like an illusion… the silhouette of the woman soon became unrecognizable, almost merging with the core like she did not exist at all.

Riley blinked his eyes numerous times; but no matter how many times he did so, the woman never returned.

"..." Was he truly becoming crazy? Riley thought as he quickly shook his head. And before confirming one last time there was no woman within his vicinity, a skirt of wind then managed to surround Riley's body as he shot straight through the earth's crust.

And unlike earlier when he was being dragged by Julius, the ground above him parted, seemingly making way for him before once again closing. And within just minutes, he was back in the ashen lands of London.

But as soon as his feet touched the sands, his eyes quickly scanned his surroundings as some sort of golden chain quickly wrapped around his entire body– leaving only his eyes exposed. And still, his eyes continued to move towards the almost hundred people now surrounding him.

"..." His eyes then slowly followed the trail of the golden chains wrapping him, only to see Bulwark looking at him with a slightly complicated look on his face.

"Riley Ross! Do not try to resist!"

"..." Riley's eyes then strayed towards the thundering voice that entered his ears, only to see a man in some sort of military uniform looking at him.

"You are currently in suspicion of being the mass murderer and super terrorist known as Darkday! You have the right to remain silent, anything you say…"

"..." Riley Ross's eyes then once again trailed towards the hundreds of people; and soon, a small sigh escaped from his sealed mouth.

Good, he thought…

…Hannah was not here to see him like this.


I have a new book called, "Manaless Magician", that I joined in a contest-- might be worth checking out and voting for while waiting for this book. No, actually.... please vote for it if you like it so we can win lol.

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