Villain Retirement

Chapter 194 - Creating Doubts And Hopes

Chapter 194 - Creating Doubts And Hopes

[Just what is happening here!?]

[As you can see, there are several monsters on the ground!]

[We've already confirmed one casualty.]

[A group of supers is currently fighting with the monsters and– W… what's happening!?]

All the helicopters hovering above the air all moved away. Even though they were far away from the ground, they could still somewhat feel a sort of tremble as the terrain below turned almost into an ocean– with the thick asphalt creating waves and obliterating the unknown monsters that showed themselves.

[We… we confirmed that one of the supers fighting the monsters below is Riley Ross! A student from USMA!]

[Just… Just how strong are his telekinetic abilities!?]

The lights and cameras then all focused towards Riley, his hair and skin almost blinding as they reflected all the spots of light.

"What the… these fuckers!" Hannah roared as she raised both her middle fingers towards the media people.

[If this is Riley Ross, then the group he is with is most likely the infamous Baby Crew! You might remember them during the octopus monster incident in Hawaii! And now, they are once again fighting some sort of monster!]

[Is this the next generation of heroes!? Perhaps they will soon replace the Hope Gui– Wait, what is happening!?]

"What the… Riley!?"

Not only the reporters, but Hannah and the others all let out gasps as their bodies all started to float in the air.

"Please go back to the Academy, sister."

"What? Riley!? No!" Hannah screamed as she tried to reach for her brother, but the only that was happening was her floating even farther away from Riley.

"Do not attempt to return here, sister," Riley then said as he looked Hannah straight in the eyes, "You're going to get the others killed."

"What!? What are you even saying!? Riley! Please, don't–"

And before she could even finish her words, a small eruption thundered in the air as she and the other members of the Baby Crew disappeared into the distance– a skirt of wind, surrounding them momentarily.

"What… the fuck…" Gary's eyes and words trembled as he watched the changing scenery below him. There was no arguing that Riley is the strongest telekinetic in Mega Academy– no one even comes close.

Bella could probably lift a dozen buses on her own if she exerted her force– but even then, she was limited to controlling and manipulating metal.

But this… Gary was trying his best to move his limbs, but the only part he could really move were his eyes and mouth. The rest of his body, almost as if enclosed by cement. He then turned his eyes towards Silvie, and seeing the struggling expression on her face, she was also trying to escape from Riley's grasp… but failed all the same.

And as if that wasn't enough– the Baby Crew's jet truck was now also following behind them.

"Riley…" Gary whispered, "Just how strong are you? Are you… as strong as Darkday?"


And as for Riley, he was just quietly watching as the others disappear into the distance; his eyes, focused on her sister until he could see her silhouette no more.

And soon, as if to disrupt his gaze, a rumble started to whisper in the air. The almost unrecognizable terrain he created by completely mowing down the ground, started to tremble.

It took a few seconds, but soon; as if roots taking place and destroying everything in their path to the sun, the monsters sprouted from the ground one by one. Their figures and silhouette, no longer recognizable from their previous state.

Their skin was of different colors; some red, some ash, some black… and the only one still somewhat recognizable was Aerith.

Aerith still retained her humanoid form– her face, her bosom, and everything else was now exposed. She looked almost like an abandoned statue with her now grey skin– her veins, almost outside her skin as they throbbed.

"..." Riley could only let out a sigh as he looked at Aerith from head to toe,

"You remind me of the time I stored Megawoman in my closet," he then whispered, "Rejoice, this is the only time I see even a tinge of Megawoman in y–"

And before Riley could even finish his words, Aerith disappeared from her spot. Leaving only a wave of debris as she destroyed the ground; the bricks and stones, shooting like a shotgun as it destroyed the other clones unfortunate enough to be behind her.

Aerith then instantly appeared in front of Riley, not giving him any time to move as she grabbed his face before quickly slamming him to the ground; dragging him through the broken asphalt and leaving a trail of crevice that could be seen even from the helicopters.

[Where… where is the Hope Guild!? Or any other veteran heroes!?]

[One… one of our future hopes is being killed!]

The news reporters once again pointed their lights towards the fight; expertly flashing their spotlights even though Aerith was moving at almost sonic speed as she mowed Riley on the ground.

Contrary to their worries, however, Riley's eyes were still as clear as it was before– looking through the gaps between Aerith's fingers as he looked at her directly in her bloodshot eyes; his hair, not even moving even as his head destroyed everything in its path.


Aerith then let out a screeching roar; loud enough to ripple all the dust away.


A trail of blood then started to stream from her eyes– almost as if a part of her was still alive inside and did not wish to do whatever it is she was doing now.

"..." Seeing this, Riley could only let out a small but very deep sigh. He then slowly raised his hand… before tapping Aerith's forehead.


And as soon as he did so, Aerith's entire body exploded– leaving nothing but a mist of blood to spray across the broken ground. Riley's body then slowly floated in the air; pivoting diagonally as he faced the other monsters that were on their way to him.

"...Fun," and soon… a small smile crawled on his face, "Let's play."

Riley then waved his finger– causing a huge chunk of ground beside him to crack and float in the air. And with another move of his finger, the chunk of ground instantly took the shape of a sword– similar to the silhouette of Sophie's power, the super he fought in Miami.

"...It really is such a shame I was not able to get your ability, Sophie," Riley then whispered before once again waving his fingers; the giant sword, swinging straight towards the monsters rushing at him and splitting them all in half like butter.

And seeing their blood and pieces scattered almost elegantly in front of him, the smile on Riley's face grew even wider.

This feeling…

Finally, he thought– he was once again able to do what he liked the mo–

Riley then flew to the side before he could finish his thoughts; a red scorching beam, passing through where he was previously positioned. Riley looked back towards the source of the beam, only to see Aerith whole again.

And soon… she too started floating in the air; the pebbles beneath her, also floating and twirling around her.

"..." The smile on Riley's face now almost reached from ear to ear. He then flicked his arm… throwing the other inferior clones straight towards the helicopters as they healed.


Most of the helicopters were able to maneuver and dodge; 2, however, were not so lucky as a monster was able to latch onto their aircraft.

[Where… where are the other heroes!?]

The voice of the reporter, clearly shaking as the body of their helicopter started to bend. The materials of the helicopter contained kevlar– reserved for encounters such as this. But at this point, their helicopter wouldn't last if the monster wasn't shaken off.

[This… the monsters are starting to target us!]

The reporters reported; not knowing that the monsters were thrown by the individual fighting them below.

"Can you still hear me, cheap copy of Megawoman?" Riley muttered as he looked Aerith straight in the eyes, "Is the government responsible for making you like this? Or is it Julius?"

The only response he was getting from Aerith, however, was his hands that were trying their best to claw his face off. Riley was already flying backwards, but even then, Aerith was able to manage to always just be an inch away from him.

"..." Riley then flicked his hand. And as he did so, one of the monsters that were already falling flew straight towards Aerith– its gigantic mouth, completely chomping Aerith's upper body.

Not even 5 seconds after, however, the smile on Riley's face grew even wider as Aerith, once again whole, gorged her way through the monster's gigantic jaws; not even hesitating or resting as she once again rushed towards Riley.

"Let's take this somewhere more fun, shall we?" Riley then whispered as he stretched his arms to the side; and as he did so, the other clones that had already dropped to the ground all started flying towards him.

And since they were still moving their limbs, it almost looked like they were chasing him from afar. Just where were the other veteran heroes while this student was fighting for his life? The media all thought.

Riley was alone, surrounded… leaving him no choice but to run away. But for him to last even this long and the strength he showed… is this the birth of a Grade-S Super? His telekinetic abilities seemed to almost rival that of the previous member of the Hope Guild, Ms. Phoenix…

…and also Darkday.

But alas, no matter how strong he was, the only thing he could do now was to run away. But he was in LA– no matter where he would run to…

…there would be civilians.

"How… fun."

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