Villain Reborn: Netori Harem in an Erotic RPG!

Chapter 76 37: Date With His Girls

Lucifer was happy today, with a cute wife holding his left hand, swinging it while humming and a cute raccoon girl in a lovely maid outfit, black and white, with a large puffy skirt down to her knees. He didn't plan to make her wear one, but when Lephalia saw the dress, she put it on without and began to clean the room, her little raccoon tail dancing in the air.

"That seems perfect for her!" Gwendolyn commented, clapping her hands as Lepha swung the broom, cleaning up the dust and last night's remains, and even though she could use magic to clean it, the raccoon maid seemed enthusiastic, so it would be a waste to stop her, even if she never needed to clean any more with him having magic.

He watched as they both seemed happy to hold hands, look at the sights and nothing more.

'Now that I have money, though, I want them to enjoy it more...'

So he changed their path towards the merchant district and hoped there would be some nice trinkets or jewellery they would like; slowly walking along the dirt path, a glum-faced Toshiro barged past them, wearing a dark cloak and carrying the smell of something strange.

"Ah, it's that annoying guy who pushed in the line!" Lephalia muttered as she pouted, squeezing Lucifer's hand, "Put away that cheeky grin; it makes you look evil." Lucifer joked; the girl's cheeky grin showing her little fangs was too cute, and she knew it!"

"Darling, shall we get some of those to eat while walking?" Gwendolyn asked, pointing to a food stand selling heated pastries and bread with cheese and ham freshly prepared for 3 silver. He could get a sandwich and pastry for all of them.

"Sure, do you want to go with Lephalia, and I'll wait by the fountain? You know what I like anyway." He smiled before kissing her lips with a light peck, and "Me too~ kiss~ kiss~ please." Obeying the Raccon princess, his lips kissed her cheek, "Mmmmph!?" Lucifer's eyes opened wide as the cheeky raccoon turned her face, with a naughty look in her eyes as she kissed him, "Nnnnm~ thank chu, that's for the lovely dress! Hehe~"

Lucifer could only watch as Lephalia took Gwen's hand, and they skipped over to the food merchant; he touched his lips, squishing them as he could feel the warmth and caramel taste of Lephalia... "Did she steal one of my caramel treats!?"

While watching them laugh and skip along, he walked back to the fountain and looked into the clear water, his reflection looked brighter than usual as the girls brought light into his life... a moment later, they returned, Gwen holding a bag with three of the filled sandwiches, and she passed him his favourite, meat and vegetable with melted cheese.

The three of them sat with Lucifer in the middle of the wooden bench, watching as the people passed; even early in the morning, everyone was moving quickly and busily. Lephalia had a cute, vibrant, colourful sandwich, and her face was drawn in cream cheese and lettuce as she licked it happily.

"Mmmn~ so delicious," Lepha mumbled through the crammed mouthful. Lucifer chuckled before looking over Gwendolyn's sandwich, covered in bacon, onions, mushrooms and sliced tomato with a piece of cheese.

Gwen carefully lifted the small sandwich to her mouth and bit down.

'Small.' It was double his size, as her lovely red lips were filled with the grease from the bacon, but Lucifer just looked at her, his face becoming blank for a moment... 'Is this happiness?'

His hand pressed against his chest, the steady rhythm faster than usual but steady, 'I want to protect them,' he thought as the two ate together, Gwen chewing as she tilted her head, noticing his eyes. At the same time, Lephalia licked the cream cheese with her eyes narrowed into crescents. 'No matter what... These two girls, I want them to smile.'

[Is that your wish?]


A strange voice marred in static sounded in his mind, but 'no, that is no wish. I will make it happen; wishes are for fools. If you want something, make it happen!' Not knowing why he answered a strange voice with such enthusiasm, but after speaking, he felt a sense of relief and warmth wash over him.

[Good, that's my bro-------n----aw--]

The voice became completely enveloped by the static, but he felt the gentle and affirming tone as he bit into his sandwich; the delicious fried onions and pickles with a hot steak fillet were so juicy and made him glad that he could eat human food despite being a vampire.

The three of them finished their breakfast; standing from the bench, he dusted off his black trousers and went with Gwen to the shopping area, with Lephalia close behind.

Her belly slightly poked out from her eating two sandwiches, holding his hand with a limp but happy face as she hummed the song Gwen sang when happy or doing their laundry. It was one of her many happy songs, 'It doesn't make sense, but she seems happy...'

They stopped at the local jeweller's; many women stood admiring the gemstones that shimmered on the display counter as the shopkeeper talked about them, selling them for 5 to 20 times the price of the cost, but many women seemed to enjoy it.

"Darling! That one! It's gorgeous, please?" She pointed, pressing her chest against his back, which made him chuckle; her excitement for diamonds was understandable... But to him, they were just rocks.

Then he saw two items that interested him: an emerald bracelet and a small gold bangle with a raccoon-shaped topaz stone... 'I need them!' So he snuck away as the two girls held hands and looked at the various necklaces and rings, and he ushered himself to the quiet corner.

"Hello, sir; how may I help you?" Since he left Fallon Town, Lucifer always had neat and noble-styled clothes, from his tunic to the silver necklace, combined with his handsome face, and nobody would think he wasn't a noble. "I would like these two, please; here is the money and a bonus of 2 gold if you can wrap them nicely as gifts." He looked over his shoulder; the two were still admiring other things.

"Understood, sir! If possible, can I interest you in a minor enchantment for only 1 gold per item!"

Lucifer chuckled, 'Isn't this like my last life where they offer you safety and special warranty deals, haha.' But his eyes saw a more expensive deal, but it had [Increases Luck by 2 and grants the wearer +1 to all attributes] 10 gold. This looked like a deal; it was expensive, but he liked the idea of more luck. 'I'd like for them to have lucky lives.'

"And do you have any necklaces or rings with that enchantment?" The shopkeeper nodded but quickly became wary of the sudden requests and eyed Lucifer curiously.

"I have some, but they are 50 gold each... You have to sign a contract because that kind of jewellery is a risk of being stolen!"

Lucifer pulled out his small sack of gold; he decided he wanted to spoil these two ladies. "Here is the full amount, but what type of contract?"

The shopkeeper looked surprised, pulling out his thick parchment and quill before rushing out the money; 135 gold pieces counted as the man dropped them into a leather coin pouch before making sure to use the shop register. He even received the small purple crystal that recorded the transaction, and things bought, a kind of receipt in this game-like world.

Then he began to touch the four items, his hands glowing with a dancing circle of various runes and shapes, forming a reverse pentagram, as particles of golden light filled the jewellery before they sparkled and shone the shopkeeper's face sweating. 'Are you alright? You seem to be having trouble breathing.' Asked Lucifer.

"N-no... just a tough enchantment; here you go, sir. This small bag is used by many nobles in the north and is fire and theft-resistant. The thief will have their fingers torn off!"

Lucifer didn't complain a free item was free; the left bag was pretty with a dark green fabric and black stitches, while the other was like the bangle, with the cute raccoon sleeping sewn into the front. 'I hope she likes it.' He sighed as he watched Lephalia and Gwendolyn come over... "Darling! Did you buy something? Fufu~ let me see." She sighed with a sexy voice, hugging him from behind, while Lephalia mimicked her, swaying her little butt and tail copying Gwen and hugging his right arm, "Hehe~ let me see!"

He looked at the shopkeeper, smiling awkwardly, "Here, there are some small things for you two, a gift," he said and pulled out the two bags, one to Gwen, the other to Lephalia, as they looked shocked, not thinking he bought something, but it was for them.

'Oh, look at this little girl, she looks so shocked....' Lucifer thought, looking at Lephalia, who was almost frozen solid as she sniffed the raccoon, her tail moving erratically. "Me?" she seemed to ask rhetorically. "You're such a good husband, +4 Luck just what I needed because my luck was rock bottom. Fufu."

"Hmmm? Why?" Lucifer wondered if she was cursed, worried and about to find a healer. Then her body wrapped around him, moving them out of the way as she kissed his lips without warning, 'mph!? What!? the shopkeepers... aren't they going to throw us out for indecent behaviour!' Lucifer felt the kiss deepen as Gwen's long tongue darted inside, 'Mnnn? Mmph!? Gwen! Lepha!'

"Mmmm, delicious as always," Gwen licked her lips seductively before continuing, "Because I spent all my luck meeting you."

Gwen's body pressed against him, and he could feel her warm breath on his pointed ear, "Did that make your heart race, d-a-r-l-i-n-g~ fufu? I love you."

Her sensual whispers set Lucifer's heart beating harder as she left her body against his... it was nice and comfortable. He hoped they could hold hands forever.

But this was reality; someone else got between them, and Lephalia sniffed his chest, making him nervous, "You can't, you can't! Lephalia loves you too!" Her tail batting Gwen's chest, as the pair began to smile, Lucifer really, 'I have to protect them, no matter the cost or lengths I have to go to...'

A slight push, negligible now... but one day, these feelings would become his raison d'etre.

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