Villain of my own novel

Chapter 67 66. Guidance (2).

"Kneel!" Eshwar's voice resounded.


The Orc immediately knelt, and all the monsters around him were forced to do the same as an unknown pressure bore down on them. Isha turned her head towards Eshwar, forgetting about her pain for a moment as she stared at him as he approached her.

".... You got careless listening only to my guidance... If I keep giving you guidance you'll not grow." He said, walking towards her.


"Do you remember, how you dodged my punch instinctively that day?" He asked, staring at Isha in the eye.

".... Yes." Isha recalled the day he asked her to be his assistant professor in exchange for teaching her how to fight effectively.

".... Maybe I should leave you alone... Okay, I'll leave you here and return to check on how you are doing after sometime... Drink this." He said this while tossing a volumetric flask containing green liquid. She grabbed the potion and drank it while still in a daze as her shoulder healed itself.

"... Wha.." She tried question about what she just heard only to notice that he had vanished from the spot, leaving her alone, and she noticed that he had left two extra green potions in the spot where he stood.

"....." She closed her eyes and concentrated on feeling Eshwar's presence, but she couldn't find it.


All of the immobile monsters began to move and dashed at her in rage.

"Sh*t!" she cursed and stood guard again.


A white-haired, handsome young man stood on a branch of a three-meter-long tree, watching a black-haired woman fight a horde of frenzy monsters.

"Hmm~" I hummed, leaning against the tree while standing on a tree branch, hidden among the trees and their leaves.

'I only left to make her learn...' I tried to justify myself in order to keep myself from leaping out of here and slaughtering all the monsters.

'Make her strong!'

I heard a voice in my head that sounded exactly like my own. I jerked my head around, looking for any other human presence.

"...." I squinted my eyes and glanced around in search of another presence, again.

"Why so suddenly? I mean, I'm trying to do that right now, aren't I?" I mumbled and asked myself.

'Answer! My goddamn voice!'


"Ho! Good, good!" I muttered, looking at Isha slash and dodge monster's attacks.

She was surrounded by a Orc, wolves and a new horde of goblins with a hob goblin as a leader.

Hob goblins are the same lifeform as goblins. They are 5-foot tall, dark brown monsters with bald heads. They are similar to an elder or a leader of a group of goblins.

Isha had dealt damage on the Orc, which was now bleeding profusely and she had managed to strike down more than six wolves but the horde wasn't getting any smaller.


She slashed to the left, right, and front of her while backing up to a tree to cover her back. Bodies of wolves and goblins began to pile up around her as she attempted to repel the Orc and hob goblin before they took a proper stance to attack her.

'One strike at the tree from the Orc and you'll be surrounded from every where..'

The Orc stepped back, took a stance behind the hobgoblin, and punched her. The tree in front of which Isha stood was blown to pieces, but she avoided the blow by hiding in front of the hob goblin while her sword pierced its head. She pierced its head from the bottom, the sword had passed through the jaw and had emerged from the top of the skull.

'She's fighting well for someone who depends on her instincts.'

She used the hob goblin's body as a meat shield, slashing at other monsters that came at her. When the Orc saw her, it grinned and punched her meat shield. The hobgoblin's body was blown to bits, and the Orc let down its guard, expecting Isha to be blown to bits as well.

Isha took advantage of the situation, dashed, appeared from beneath the Orc's hand, leaped, and slashed its neck.


She didn't have time to take a breather because the other monsters kept attacking her. She slayed every monster that came at her, all while fighting and relying solely on her instincts for guidance.

'Though a bit clumsy and full of openings, it was a good fight.'



"Hu... Why are you here?" a guy appeared beside me and asked.

"I'm trying to train her." I answered back without taking my eyes off of the fight.

"I thought you would take her to sector one?" Henry asked.

"... That's why I'm training her." I said.

"New assassination request?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm keeping an eye on the guilds, coz I was bored at home." He answered.

"Well, you guys should have gone to sector one, at least until the middle part..." I answered and turned to face him because the horde number had decreased and they didn't appear to be strong enough to harm her.

"And because of the new level up function, you could have gotten stronger much faster than before." I said looking at him in eye.

"Really?" he asked with twinkling stars in his eyes.

"You didn't know?" I asked while staring at him in disbelief.

"... No." He answered while shaking his head.

"Crazy a*shole. Go and hunt monsters, you lazy basta*ds." I kicked his a*s.

"Ack. We didn't know, what do want us to do?" he asked, dusting off at his a*s.

"Well, now you do! Go." I kicked his a*s again in attempts to kick him off of the tree branch.

"Aaa, I'll fall off, you crazy basta*d!" he grumbled while dodging all of my kicks.

"... We don't know until when it'll last.... so, take advantage of it and get stronger and if you can wipe out sector one's monsters until the middle area while hoarding exp points it'll help you guys in that 'selection' process.... I'll join you guys when I can." I said.

"Will do." He nodded with a lazy expression and crouched down, ready to jump off.

".... Pyre is in sector one, you know.." I said. Henry paused, turned to face me with a bright smile and twinkling stars in his eyes.

"Really?" he asked with a delightful expression.

"Pfft. Yea." I said and Henry instantly disappeared.


My smartwatch sounded.

"... Tell me it's good news.." I mumbled and checked the notification.

Old geezer: [I have bad news.]


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