Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 490 Kitchen Concert

Chapter 490 Kitchen Concert

Villain Ch 490. Kitchen Concert 

With the kitchen buzzing with anticipation, Alice decided to add a dash of rhythm to their culinary adventure. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, deftly unlocking it and navigating to her music app. A few taps later, the kitchen was filled with the soulful sounds of their favorite tunes.

The melody swirled around them, a lively backdrop to their cooking escapade. As Alice and Bella began to prepare the ingredients for their Ginger Chicken Soup with noodles, their movements fell into a harmonious rhythm, almost as if they were dancing to the music.

They chopped and boiled with an effortless grace, each step synchronized with the beat of the song. The melodies filled the room, infusing it with an electric energy that brought a smile to their faces. They knew they had a limited set of ingredients, but that wasn't going to stop them from creating a heartwarming meal.

While they were busy in the kitchen, Alice couldn't resist sharing her thoughts with Bella, her voice filled with a mischievous tone. "You know, messy Allen is kinda cute," she quipped, her eyes twinkling as she continued to work on their meal.

Bella grinned, clearly enjoying the opportunity to tease her friend. She leaned over and cast a playful glance in Allen's direction. "I saw that," she teased Alice, nudging her with her elbow. "You were blushing," she added, her teasing tone unmistakable.

Alice couldn't help but giggle at the playful exchange. "Well, he smelled nice," she confessed with a hint of shyness in her voice.

Bella raised an eyebrow, a wicked gleam in her eye. "How nice?" she pressed, her teasing tone now bordering on flirtatious.

"So nice that I want to kiss him," Alice confessed, her eyes sparkling with humor.

Bella couldn't help but tease her friend further. "I think it's a tad too straightforward," she quipped, her tone carrying a note of sarcasm.

Alice attempted to defend her candidness. "I know," she said with a grin. "But maybe it's more natural that way," she reasoned, hoping to make her point.

Bella raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Alice's perspective. "That is natural?" she asked, genuinely curious.

Alice hesitated for a moment before answering, her disbelief evident in her voice. "I think?" she said, sounding uncertain. "At least that's what I've seen in those, um, adult movies," she added with a shrug, as if her casual observation could shed light on the matter.

Her comment took a cheeky turn that left Bella facepalming in amusement.

Meanwhile, the warm water cascaded down over him, Allen stood beneath the soothing spray, letting the steam fill the bathroom. The sensation was almost like a cleansing, washing away the physical and emotional fatigue that had been clinging to him. But, despite the tranquility of the moment, his mind was far from at ease.

Thoughts of Bella and Alice swirled through his head, much like the steam that enveloped him. Their unexpected visit and their offer to cook for him had ignited a flurry of emotions within him. The way Alice had touched his forehead, the scent of her perfume lingering in the air – all of it had left him in a state of contemplation. He thought about Bella, too, who had always been there with her easygoing nature and sharp wit.

'I wonder what they will cook for me,' he thought. The thought of a home-cooked meal was enticing, but his musings were interrupted when he turned off the shower and reached for his towel.

It was at that moment, with the steam lingering in the bathroom, that he had a rather awkward realization – he hadn't brought any clothes with him into the bathroom. Panic fluttered in his chest as he looked around for any semblance of clothing.

"Oh crap," he muttered under his breath, feeling the irony of the situation. His wardrobe was now confined to a single, white towel wrapped snugly around his waist.

With no bathrobe in sight, Allen weighed his options and decided that he couldn't stay in the bathroom forever. He took a deep breath and braced himself. "Just wrap yourself and walk to your room like nothing," he thought, his heart pounding.

With a resigned sigh, Allen hastily wrapped the towel around his waist, securing it as snugly as possible. He needed to appear nonchalant, as if walking around in a towel was a daily occurrence. Taking a deep breath to muster his courage, he carefully cracked the bathroom door open, peering into the hallway.

He began his journey to his room, attempting to appear as innocent as possible, despite the increasingly awkward circumstances. Allen tried to avoid looking at the kitchen, fully aware of the potential embarrassment that awaited him if he made eye contact with Alice and Bella.

The infectious rhythm of the music that filled the apartment only added to the challenge. The beat compelled his head to sway to its tune, even as he averted his eyes and quickened his pace. The joyful sounds of Alice and Bella cooking, singing along, and sharing a genuine camaraderie beckoned to him, pulling his gaze irresistibly toward the kitchen.

As if drawn by a magnetic force, Allen couldn't help but sneak a glance at the vibrant scene. There they were, immersed in their culinary dance, their laughter and off-key singing echoing through the apartment. The atmosphere was so infectious that it stopped Allen in his tracks, making him forget about the awkwardness of his situation for a moment.

Allen's eyes remained fixed on Alice and Bella, who were standing side by side, their attention focused on the pot simmering on the stovetop. The rich aroma of ginger, chicken, and a blend of spices wafted through the air, confirming his guess that they were indeed making Ginger Chicken Soup. The tantalizing scent wrapped around him, teasing his senses, making him feel as though he were in a cozy restaurant rather than his own kitchen.

Alice and Bella held a ladle in their hands, which they were using as substitutes for microphones.

However, the atmosphere took an unexpected turn when they turned to check on Allen and found him standing there, stunned and taken aback.

In an instant, their playful singing ceased, and the ladle slipped from their hands, clattering against the floor. Both of their jaws dropped as they exchanged wide-eyed glances. Their startled expressions said it all – they hadn't anticipated Allen's untimely entrance or the awkward encounter that had just unfolded.

Their eyes fell on his stunned face before taking in the sight of his partially wet and athletic body. The slight dampness that clung to his skin released a fresh, enticing soap scent that filled the room. His wet hair, in disarray, hung in tousled, damp strands, revealing that he had just emerged from the shower.

It was as though time had frozen for a brief moment. Allen stood there, wrapped in nothing but a towel, and Alice and Bella, equally caught off guard, couldn't help but take in the unexpected sight before them.

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