Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 466 Tossed The Ball Back Into The Court

Chapter 466 Tossed The Ball Back Into The Court

Villain Ch 466. Tossed The Ball Back Into The Court

Jacob's fingers moved swiftly across the phone's screen as he composed a private message. His thoughts raced back to the coffee shop meeting with Sophia, Gilbert, and Elio, where Sophia had made a heartfelt request.

"Jacob, I know this is embarrassing. But if you find anything about Allen, I hope you can tell me. Just send the message to me privately." That was Sophia's special request to him.

Jacob: Hey, I got something you might be interested in. Saw Allen just now. I'll send you a pic.

He attached the photograph he had taken moments ago, capturing Allen and Jordan.

Jacob: Not sure if I should interfere, but thought you should know. Keep it on the down-low.

With a deep breath, he hit the send button, his heart pounding in his chest as he fulfilled Sophia's request. The message conveyed a sense of intrigue and mystery, hinting at something significant that might disrupt the balance of their lives.

Jacob couldn't quite understand why she still wanted to chase after that guy, especially after what had gone down the last time they crossed paths. But Sophia had simply told him she wanted to "settle things" with Allen, and that was that.

He scratched his head, pondering it all. Jacob didn't particularly like Allen; in fact, he kinda of despised the guy. But he couldn't deny the bond he had with Sophia in the past. As for Jacob, she'd been a constant teammate, and they'd developed a pretty solid friendship, despite Sophia hanging out with the likes of Elio, Liam, and Darren.

Jacob: I'm at White Wings Hospital, waiting for my mom's check-up.

He sent another message, the words displayed on his screen, an insurance policy of sorts. Jacob couldn't help but have a bit of a crush on Sophia, although her closeness to Elio was like a looming shadow in the background, constantly reminding him of where he stood. But no, he didn't want any of that real-life drama. He'd caught a whiff of it during their last coffee shop meet-up.

Even though Liam and Darren were probably the ones in the wrong, Jacob wasn't here for any drama. Not in real life. He had enough on his plate, what with his mom's health issues and trying to navigate the tricky maze of love and alliances. He sighed, knowing that, no matter what, he'd be there for Sophia, just not when it came to Allen and his never-ending chaos.

Before long, a message came. Jacob immediately checked his phone and hoped she didn't ask for more than this.

Sophia: Thank you, Jacob. I really appreciate it. *Smiling emoji*

Jacob let out a breath he didn't even realize he'd been holding. No demands, no requests for more. Just a grateful smile emoji. He couldn't help but smile back at his phone screen.

Unexpectedly, it was a far cry from the reaction he'd seen when Darren had dropped Allen's photo in their group chat. That had been a mess. Arguments, accusations, and drama flying left and right. But this? This was better. It was like Sophia had taken a step back from her Allen obsession.

Jacob thought, 'Maybe things are finally settling down.' He hoped Sophia was moving on from whatever had her fixated on that guy. For now, he'd be content with not getting dragged into any more of that chaos.

Jacob's prediction of smooth sailing proved about as accurate as a weather forecast during a hurricane. On the flip side of that smartphone screen, Sophia sat at her cluttered desk in her apartment, her fingers dancing across the phone screen with purpose. She'd wasted no time in forwarding that incriminating photo to the chat group, the one that consisted of her, Darren, and Liam. But she didn't stop there. Another message followed swiftly.

Sophia: Jacob just got this. He's in White Wings Hospital now. Can one of you go there?

Her message hung in the digital air, pregnant with urgency. She'd tossed the ball back into their court, and the pressure was on for Darren and Liam to pick it up. Sophia knew she couldn't handle this on her own.

Worry gnawed at Sophia's heart like a relentless itch. The thought of Allen in a city where he had no family, no support system, sent shivers down her spine. What if he got seriously ill? And by "ill," she didn't mean a common cold or a sprained ankle. She was talking about the kind of sickness that required long-term treatment, hospital stays, and the kind of care that nobody could provide better than family.

But then, there was the other side of the coin that made her even more uneasy. That man, Allen, could very well be the father of one of his many women. The way they seemed to be getting along, sharing inside jokes and secrets, it didn't look good. Sophia's mind raced with all the possibilities, and none of them painted a rosy picture.

As soon as Sophia's urgent message landed in their group chat, Darren and Liam quickly fired back their responses.

Darren: I'm in a meeting.

Liam: I'm with my client.

Sophia rolled her eyes at their excuses, muttering under her breath. Of course, they were busy. It was still early in the day, and their real-world responsibilities were weighing them down. But this was no time for patience, and Sophia was running out of it fast.

Liam, always the snarky one, couldn't resist taking another jab.

Liam: Why don't you go there by yourself?

Sophia huffed in irritation, her fingers tapping out her reply.

Sophia: I'm working.

She knew it was a lame excuse, but she had to keep up appearances. They couldn't know just how invested she was in this Allen situation. But patience was a virtue she didn't have right now.

Sophia changed tactics, her determination stronger than ever.

Sophia: Then investigate Allen's relationship with the man beside him. Find out who he is.

It was a more direct order to dig deeper into the mystery surrounding Allen's new companion.

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