Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 461 Different Rule

Chapter 461 Different Rule

Villain Ch 461. Different Rule

The chase between Allen, Larissa, and Sophia unfolded amidst the bustling market. It was a swift and dynamic pursuit, one that played out in less than a minute. Sophia, fueled by her determination to catch Allen's attention and engage him in conversation, was hot on their heels.

Sophia was confident in her Agility skill. She knew that it would give her the advantage in catching up with Allen, no matter how fast he tried to flee. Her character moved gracefully through the market, her steps light and nimble as she navigated the crowded market streets.

As they weaved through the market, Allen and Larissa displayed impressive coordination. They separated within the bustling marketplace, executing a well-practiced maneuver that took Sophia by surprise.

Sophia, however, remained single-minded in her pursuit of Allen. Her eyes locked onto his character's avatar, determined not to let him slip through her grasp. She was convinced that a direct encounter would be inevitable, especially given her character's superior speed.

But Allen had another trick up his sleeve, one that would prove to be the game-changer in this chase. After roughly half a minute of brisk walking, Allen seized the opportune moment. He knew that Larissa had created enough distance between herself and Sophia, providing him with the cover he needed to execute his plan.

With a swift and deliberate movement, Allen activated his hiding skill. As the skill took effect, Allen's character vanished from Sophia's line of sight, leaving no trace behind.

Sophia, who had been so confident in her pursuit, was left bewildered by Allen's sudden disappearance. Her character continued to dash forward, but it was clear that she had lost track of her target. The bustling market had swallowed Allen, leaving her searching frantically amidst the sea of other players and NPCs.

Sophia's frustration grew as she realized that Allen had eluded her grasp once again.

Allen and Larissa, rather than heading directly to Ront City, made a deliberate choice to return to the Cursed Crypts. Their reasoning was simple but practical. They needed to upgrade their equipment and take a well-deserved break. While they were indeed curious about the aftermath of the war in Ront City, they decided to postpone their visit to the city until later in the afternoon when the others would be online.

In the calm afternoon hours, before the gaming hunt resumed and the girls logged in, Allen found himself seized by curiosity. He couldn't resist the allure of Ront City any longer. However, he was not about to step into this place in disguise, Al the assassin. No, this time was different. He chose to enter the city with his true form, Azazel, the infamous devil emperor.

This decision came with a small trade-off; he couldn't casually peruse the market as he usually did. Nevertheless, he reasoned that this wasn't a significant concern. Having already acquired the items he needed during their adventures on Festival Island, he wasn't burdened with any pressing shopping needs. But the most important thing was that he didn't need to deal with Sophia.

With his decision firmly made, Allen approached the portal that would transport him.

Stepping through the portal into Ront City, Allen couldn't help but be struck by the stark transformation that had befallen this medieval city. The city itself retained its familiar layout and architectural design, but an undeniable shift in atmosphere had taken place.

Gone were the lively streets filled with bustling players and cheerful NPC guards. In their place, a haunting silence prevailed, broken only by the occasional ominous whisper of the wind. The city bore the scars of a devastating battle, with buildings reduced to ruins and once-vibrant districts now lying in desolation.

What was most striking, however, was the change in guardianship. The noble NPC guards of the Kingdom had been replaced by Allen's own legion of demon soldiers. These formidable sentinels, their dark and imposing presence looming over the city, occasionally hissed with malevolent intent, making it abundantly clear to any nearby players that they were now under different rule—a rule that emanated intimidation and power.

Allen materialized near the towering city gates of Ront, a collective gasp of shock and awe rippled through the gathering crowd of players. It was as if a chilling presence had swept over them, sending shivers down their spines and freezing them in place.

Fear and uncertainty flickered in the eyes of many players, and they instinctively reached for their weapons, ready to defend themselves against the devil emperor. Tension hung in the air, thick and palpable, as players assessed the situation, unsure of how to react to this sudden and unexpected arrival.

Adding to the sense of foreboding, several hulking demon guards manifested around him, their imposing forms radiating an aura of invincibility. These were not mere NPCs but formidable sentinels capable of defending their master against any threat, even players who dared challenge the devil emperor's authority.

Some brave and perhaps foolhardy melee players decided to test their luck against him. With weapons drawn and determination in their eyes, they rushed toward the imposing figure, attempting to engage the devil emperor in combat. Their intentions were clear: they wanted to challenge the emperor and see if they could emerge victorious.

However, before they could even reach striking distance, the towering demon guards that surrounded him sprang into action with uncanny speed and precision. Without hesitation, they intercepted the oncoming attackers, their movements fluid and deadly. With ruthless efficiency, the demon guards swiftly restrained the daring players, rendering them helpless.

The consequences were dire for those who dared to defy the devil emperor's presence. In mere moments, the demon guards dispatched the assailants without mercy, their attacks swift and lethal. It was a stark reminder that challenging him was not a matter to be taken lightly, and the demon guards served as unyielding enforcers of his dominion.

Allen himself remained unfazed by the futile attempts on his life, watching the scene unfold with an air of detached amusement. The message was clear: in this devil emperor's city, defiance was met with swift and brutal retribution.

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