Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 442 Night Workout [Part 1]

Villain Ch 442. Night Workout [Part 1]

Allen disconnected from the virtual realm. He found himself back in his own room. The transition was seamless, with his VR device slowly retracting from his head as his eyes adjusted to the familiar surroundings.

Reaching for his phone, Allen opened the chat app and began typing a message to Larissa. He couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation as he sent the message.

Allen: Do you want me to be at your place now?

It didn't take long for his phone to vibrate, indicating a response from Larissa. However, to Allen's surprise, instead of a text message, he received an incoming call from her. Quickly, he picked up the phone, bringing it to his ear.

"Hello," he greeted.

Allen listened attentively, expecting a verbal response from Larissa on the other end of the line, all he heard was a heavy moan followed by ragged breaths. Concern immediately welled up within him, and he could feel his heart race.

"Larissa, are you okay?" he asked, genuine worry lacing his words. He couldn't see her, but the way she was breathing sent alarm bells ringing in his mind.

Amidst her labored breaths, Larissa finally replied, her voice shaky but determined, "I'm fine. But I need you now, here."

Allen's brows furrowed in confusion, his mind racing with possibilities. He didn't want to jump to conclusions, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency in Larissa's tone. "I'll come there now," he said, his response both a promise and a question, leaving room for Larissa to elaborate if she wished. He couldn't ignore her call, whether it was a serious matter or not.

With a swift motion, Allen hung up his phone and shot up from his chair. He swapped his pants for a pair of jeans and grabbed his jacket and helmet. He made sure to snatch his essentials: motorbike key, wallet, and phone.

In a flash, he dashed to the parking lot, and his trusty motorbike was soon roaring to life. It was 9:11 PM, but the city's streets were still bustling with activity. Igniting the engine, he sped through the neon-lit night, weaving through the never-sleeping city's crowd.

Allen pierced through the enveloping shroud of the night on his motorbike. A medley of emotions coursed through his mind. Uncertainty and curiosity danced in a delicate balance, but an undeniable undercurrent of something more primal began to stir within him. Those moans on the phone, laden with implications, had kindled an unexpected heat deep within him.

His imagination, unrestrained and wild, painted vivid scenarios in his thoughts. A rush of sensations and possibilities flickered through his mind, making his heart pound in his chest. The man's instincts within him had been ignited by this unexpected turn of events, and he couldn't deny the fiery allure of the situation, even as he pressed on through the night.

After parking his motorbike in Larissa's apartment building's basement, Allen retrieved his phone. He quickly sent a text to Larissa, informing her of his arrival.

Allen: I'm in the parking lot.

Larissa's response was swift, her message indicating the way forward.

Larissa: Just go to the lobby. I left my second card at the receptionist. Just say my name.

Allen: OK.

Allen pocketed his phone and made his way towards the lobby. With Larissa's instructions in mind, Allen made his way to the lobby of her apartment building. As he approached the reception desk, he greeted the receptionist with a polite smile.

"Good evening," he began, offering a friendly demeanor. "My name is Allen. I'm here to meet Larissa. She mentioned leaving something here for me."

The receptionist returned his greeting with a warm smile and nodded. "Good evening, sir. Yes, she did mention that. Let me retrieve it for you."

After a moment, the receptionist retrieved the card that Larissa had left and handed it over to Allen. He took it graciously, offering a polite, "Thank you very much."

With the card in hand, Allen made his way to the elevator. He swiped the card and pressed the button for the fifth floor. As the elevator ascended, his curiosity continued to grow.

Exiting the elevator on the fifth floor, he quickly located room number 510. He knocked on the door and called out, "Larissa."

There was no immediate response, and he frowned with concern. He knocked again and called her name once more. Just as he was starting to feel a bit uneasy, a chime from his phone broke the silence.

He quickly checked the message, and it was from her.

Larissa: Come in. I didn't lock the door. I'm in the bathroom.

Allen opened the door cautiously, his senses on high alert. He scanned the room, trying to assess the situation and understand what was happening. His instincts, honed from years of gaming and life experience, dictated that he should always be vigilant and careful in any situation.

The apartment seemed quiet and dimly lit. There was a hushed ambiance, making him even more cautious. His gaze swept over the living area, taking note of the furniture and the general layout of the room.

He proceeded carefully, step by step, his ears tuned to any sounds that might give him clues about Larissa's situation. It was his nature to be cautious and observant, both in the virtual world of the game and in the real world.

Allen took in the sight of the neat living room. A yoga mat was laid out on the floor, accompanied by several small dumbbells at one end, indicating that Larissa maintained a fitness routine. A collection of sports shoes was neatly arranged on a rack, showcasing her active lifestyle.

The room was furnished with a comfortable sofa facing a large TV, suggesting a cozy spot for relaxation and entertainment. The apartment exuded an air of order and cleanliness, reflecting Larissa's organized and disciplined personality.

"Larissa, I'm going in," Allen announced as he removed his shoes, respecting the cleanliness of her space. His concern for her grew as he continued to search for any signs of her presence.

Allen had just entered the middle of the living room when Larissa emerged from the bathroom, wearing her bathrobe. Her wet hair and glistening face indicated that she had just taken a shower. Concern etched across his face, Allen wasted no time in asking, "Larissa, are you okay?"

Larissa's response was a simple, yet telling, "No." 

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