Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 436 Loyal Dogs

Villain Ch 436. Loyal Dogs

Sophia's resolve remained unshaken even in the face of the devil emperor's voice. Her attention was unwavering as she raised her staff with determination. With unwavering determination, she chanted her incantation and focused on her fallen comrade.

"Revive!" she intoned, channeling her Mana into a powerful spell aimed at Elio's lifeless form.

Holy magic surged through the heavens and bathed Elio in its radiant light, a miraculous transformation took place. Elio's once lifeless body began to stir, and his eyes slowly fluttered open. To the astonishment of everyone watching, he had not returned as an undead, but as his true self.

The wounds that had marred his body moments before had vanished. His health points were miraculously restored to their fullest, and he stood there, renewed and ready to take up the fight once more. The revival was nothing short of a shocking event, and hope surged in the players' hearts as they witnessed this incredible turn of events.

Elio's gratitude was expressed in a simple "Thanks" as he rose to his feet. His unwavering focus remained fixed on Allen, their impending clash imminent.

The girls, their watchful eyes tracking the unfolding events, were poised to intervene on Allen's behalf, but his raised hand signaled his desire to confront this challenge solo.

The shock rippled through the other players like an electric jolt, etching expressions of disbelief onto their faces. Sophia's use of the Revive skill had left them stunned. Revive was an extraordinary ability held exclusively by healers, but it was nothing short of an epic feat. Obtaining this skill was no small task; it required healers to embark on a challenging quest, reach a high level, and sacrifice a precious Resurrection Crystal, an item only attainable through vanquishing powerful boss monsters or skillfully crafted by high-level alchemists.

Aware of the scrutiny from her fellow players, Sophia remained poised, projecting an air of collected composure even though her heart swelled with pride. She had orchestrated this display intentionally, wanting to seize the spotlight and demonstrate her exceptional prowess. Though she understood that victory was an elusive prize in their current circumstances, she couldn't resist the allure of proving herself amidst the chaos.

Darren and Liam found themselves in a situation they hadn't quite planned for. Their roles were clear: Liam, as a skilled blacksmith, should have been hard at work repairing the city with his swift efficiency, especially given his commendable level. That was the most practical contribution they could make at a time like this, working diligently to keep the city's damage under the dreaded 50% threshold. Meanwhile, Darren's duty was to safeguard the blacksmiths and other essential classes engaged in repairs, using his skill control over his plants to keep the monsters at bay and minimize the disruption to their efforts.

Yet, against their better judgment, they had become involved in setting the stage for Sophia's dramatic resurrection and even played the role of her protectors. It was clear that she was on a quest for fame during this event, and they couldn't help but be swept up in her whirlwind of ambition.

With a maniacal laugh that sent shivers down the spines of those who heard it, Allen couldn't contain his amusement at the unfolding spectacle.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!" His laughter echoed through the virtual city, catching the attention of both his allies and enemies.

Allen's laughter had a chilling quality, like that of a madman reveling in the chaos. He had been taken aback by Sophia's sudden mastery of a rare and powerful skill, one that allowed her to bring Elio back from the brink of death. This unexpected twist had piqued Allen's interest, and he couldn't help but find the situation highly amusing.

However, it wasn't just Sophia's newfound skill that had Allen in stitches. The real source of his amusement was the realization that Darren and Liam had seemingly become Sophia's loyal dogs. They had willingly stepped into their roles as supporting characters in her unfolding narrative, embracing the opportunity to bask in her glory.

Elio was less amused by the situation. His displeasure was evident in his stern expression and the readiness with which he assumed a combat stance. "What are you laughing at?" Elio demanded, his voice tinged with irritation as he aimed his sword at Allen, ready to strike.

Allen's grin widened, and his eyes gleamed with a mix of amusement and malice. His barrier held firm against the carnivorous plants' unrelenting onslaught, providing him with an air of invincibility. "Nothing," he replied with a mocking tone, casting a sidelong glance at Darren and Liam, who were still standing by Sophia's side. "I'm simply surprised that our dear Lil' Kitten here already has two loyal dogs."

Liam and Darren were jolted, catching Allen's sarcasm. Elio, too, was stirred by the banter. It was Sophia, however, who promptly responded to Allen's provocation. She spoke up with unwavering determination. "We're a team here," she declared emphatically. "There are no 'dogs' among us."

Allen's grin expanded further at Sophia's retort. "Really?" he inquired, his head tilting slightly as he continued to taunt them.

Without hesitation, Allen extended his hand forward with an air of malevolence, recasting his Hellfire Rain. Fiery meteors rained down from the virtual sky, engulfing the vicinity in a blazing inferno. Fire rapidly spread in all directions, forming a scorching ring that threatened to close in on them.

Liam, Darren, and Elio reacted swiftly, leaping away from the encroaching wall of fire with nimble agility. They knew better than to risk being consumed by the blistering conflagration. The inferno's searing embrace swiftly eradicated the carnivorous plants, reducing them to ashes.

Sophia, however, chose a different approach. Lacking the swiftness of her companions, she relied on her own skills. With determination etched on her face, she summoned her barrier, creating a protective sphere to ward off the flames. This choice left her isolated within the fiery ring, facing Allen alone in the heart of the conflagration.

Allen moved with astonishing speed, lunging toward Sophia with deadly intent. His sword danced through the air in a flurry of slashes, each stroke aimed at obliterating the holy barrier that protected her. In just a few vicious strikes, the once-impervious barrier shattered like fragile glass, leaving Sophia gasping in shock.

Before she could react, Allen's hand closed around her delicate throat, his grip unyielding as he yanked her toward him. Their faces were inches apart, and his eyes bore into hers with chilling intensity.

"Really?" he hissed, his voice a dangerous whisper that sent shivers down Sophia's spine. 

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