Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 429 The Great War Of Ront City [Part 2]

Villain Ch 429. The Great War of Ront City [Part 2]

"Shoot her down!" shouted one of the hunters, breaking the trance-like state that had befallen the players. In an instant, several of them turned their arrows toward the malevolent Siren and released their shots in her direction. Arrows soared through the air, aimed at the source of the haunting melody.

Dozens of arrows flew towards Shea, yet she remained unfazed, continuing to pluck her harp's strings with an eerie calmness. As the arrows drew near, a sudden torrent of flame erupted from behind her, a wall of fire that swiftly incinerated the projectiles to ash before they could reach her. The flames extended further, almost catching some of the hunters in their fiery grasp.

Fortunately, the quick-thinking healers reacted promptly, casting protective barriers that shielded their comrades from the destructive heat. The inferno raged briefly, leaving a scorching path in its wake, but Shea remained untouched, her malevolent smile unwavering.

"Ah... Those healers are always a nuisance," Alice, the witch, muttered from her perch on her trusty broomstick. Unlike most of her comrades who would sprout wings, Alice had opted for a different look. It was a customization she'd suggested to Kafra, hoping to fully embrace her witchy persona. Kafra had liked the idea and pitched it to the game developers, who readily accepted it.

Jane, the necromancer, chimed in from the other side, a mischievous grin stretching across her face. "Well, that's why I don't like them~," she purred, extending her hand towards the nearby wall. Her sinister smile hinted at wicked intentions.

She unleashed her advanced necromancy skill. With a wicked grin on her face, she raised her fingers and uttered her dark incantation. "Come to me, Specters~!" she commanded, her voice echoing ominously across the battlefield.

In response to her call, twenty eerie Specters, ghostly monstrosities, materialized out of thin air. Their ghostly forms shimmered and wailed, creating an eerie symphony of shrieks and moans. Without wasting a moment, they soared through the air with an insatiable hunger for the players who dared to oppose them.

These Specters were not ordinary foes; they were immune to the attacks of regular arrows. Only arrows blessed by priests and priestesses could harm them, a process that took precious time. Fortunately, the magic users were more than ready to take up the challenge.

The magic user players, undeterred by the Specters, acted swiftly. Casting their most potent area spells, they sent torrents of elemental energy hurtling toward the ghostly foes. Thunderous claps of lightning and searing arcs of fire illuminated the battlefield as they engaged in a fierce magical battle.

But the Specters were no pushovers. These spectral entities possessed an uncanny ability to maneuver in the sky with grace, avoiding the incoming spells with agility. They spun and twirled through the air, their ghostly forms laughing mockingly at the players' attempts to vanquish them.

Despite the players' impressive magical prowess, only a handful of Specters were felled by the onslaught. The majority of them continued to dance through the skies, their translucent forms taunting the players below.

The battle against the relentless Specters raged on, players from all classes and roles joined the fray. Magic users unleashed their most powerful spells, sending torrents of thunder and fire towards the elusive Specters. Hunters aimed their blessed arrows, attempting to bring down the ethereal foes, while even some healers couldn't resist lending their aid by employing Holy Blast to attack the spectral intruders.

In the midst of this chaos, Shea continued to play her haunting melody on her harp, her dulcet tones enchanting those who listened. The players who fell under her Lullaby skill began to succumb to drowsiness, their eyelids growing heavy. Some of them, unable to resist the enchanting music, drifted into a deep slumber.

This unexpected development added another layer of complexity to the battle. The healers, already divided between dispelling the Lullaby effect and attending to wounded players, now faced an even greater challenge. Their attention was split between protecting their comrades, ensuring their bows were blessed, and attempting to break the enchanting spell.

The chaos and busyness on the battlefield were taking their toll. The advanced monsters, sensing an opening, seized the opportunity and launched a fierce assault on the right flank, where players were momentarily distracted. Panic rippled through the ranks as players scrambled to defend themselves and their allies. Some quickly abandoned their positions to rush to the aid of their beleaguered comrades.

But the villains weren't about to let up on the other side either. The relentless assault continued unabated, putting enormous pressure on the players to maintain their defenses. It was a relentless battle.

Amidst the chaos, a new threat emerged on the battlefield. The vampire queen, Larissa, made her grand entrance alongside the fox demon, Bella. With a malevolent laughter that sent shivers down the players' spines, Larissa summoned hundreds of bats to her side. While individually these bats were not formidable foes, their sheer numbers created a cacophonous swarm that descended upon the players.

The bats may have been of low-level, akin to slimes, but their effectiveness lay in their ability to disrupt the players' vision and break their concentration. As they swooped and darted through the air, the players found it increasingly difficult to maintain their focus. Arrows missed their mark, spells went awry, and the situation grew increasingly dire.

Bella seized the chaotic moment created by the swarming bats and her disorienting illusions. With a swift motion of her fan, she summoned a powerful gust of wind that roared through the battlefield. The sudden wind struck the players with force, catching them off guard. Some were blown off balance, tumbling from the city wall due to the healers who had been late to cast their protective barriers.

The situation grew even more dire as players toppled from the wall, their cries of surprise and alarm filling the air. Zoe and Vivian, recognizing the opportunity, sprang into action. They navigated through the thinning line of players and gracefully landed on the city wall. Zoe's writhing tentacles and Vivian's whip lashed out with deadly precision.

Together, they created a deadly barrier that kept approaching players at bay. Their combined efforts effectively cleared space for their comrades to regroup and regain their footing on the city wall. It was a ruthless display of teamwork, and the tide of battle began to shift once more in favor of the invaders.

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