Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 410 Killer Resting Face

Villain Ch 410. Killer Resting Face

The sun was peeking over the city skyline, casting long shadows across the gym floor. The time was 08.30 AM. Allen and Gerry had already hit the treadmills, and as they pounded away at their morning cardio, they caught up on life's latest twists and turns.

Gerry, with beads of sweat forming on his forehead, looked over at Allen, his eyes widening as if he'd just been hit with an electric jolt. "You serious, man?" he blurted out between gasps, his legs pounding on the treadmill. The excitement and relief in his voice were palpable, mingling with the rhythmic thumping of his sneakers against the treadmill's rubber surface.

Allen shot him a wide grin, his face flushed from the workout but lit up by an inner glow. "No joke, buddy," he replied, the hint of a triumphant smile playing at the corners of his lips. "We still gotta get that DNA test done to be a hundred percent sure, but everything we dug up so far, it all lines up."

"So, can you say who your father is?" Gerry quipped, his tone dripping with playful curiosity as he shot a sidelong glance at Allen. Gerry couldn't help but tease Allen, a mischievous grin playing on his face as they kept up their treadmill conversation.

It wasn't every day that he saw Allen sporting a smile that could rival the sun itself. In fact, Gerry was beginning to wonder if his buddy had gotten a major personality transplant overnight. It was like witnessing a unicorn in the wild, this newfound happiness that Allen was radiating. Usually, he was all about that 'Get off from my personal space' vibe, making most girls who fancied him resort to admiring him from a safe distance.

Allen, still grinning ear to ear, shook his head knowingly. "Not just yet," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of mystery and excitement. "Gotta wait for the results." He glanced at Gerry, his eyes shimmering with anticipation. "But trust me, as soon as we've got that confirmation, I'm spilling all the beans."

Gerry, never one to pass up an opportunity for some playful ribbing, hopped off the treadmill for a moment, wiping the sweat from his brow before turning to Allen. "Alright," he began, a sly grin creeping across his face. "You gotta spill some juicy deets. Is your stepmom, like, a total knockout? And do you have any stepsisters? How many, and are they easy on the eyes?" He teased Allen relentlessly, his eyes dancing with mischief.

Allen, always quick on the comeback, instantly caught onto Gerry's line of questioning. He let out a hearty laugh, shaking his head as he wiped his own sweat-soaked face. "Man, you've been watching way too many of those p*rn movies," he retorted with an amused grin. "This ain't some cheesy plotline, Gerry. But seriously, it's not about looks or anything like that. It's about family, you know?"

Gerry chuckled, his playful demeanor not letting up. "Yeah, yeah, I get it," he said, throwing his hands up in mock surrender. "But you can't blame a guy for being curious, right? Besides, you never know when a good story might come out of it."

Gerry jumped back on the treadmill and resumed his run, his legs churning as if the conversation had never happened.

Allen, on the other hand, couldn't help but notice something peculiar. As he scanned the gym, he spotted a group of girls stealing glances in their direction. But the moment their eyes met Allen's, they quickly averted their gaze. It wasn't the first time he'd caught them doing this today, and it left him feeling slightly perplexed.

Turning to Gerry, Allen furrowed his brows and asked, "Hey, man, is it just me, or are those girls over there checking me out?" He scratched his head, genuinely unsure if he was reading the situation correctly.

Gerry, with a dramatic cringe and a smirk that could cut glass, couldn't resist taking a jab. "Well, congratulations, Sherlock," he quipped, dripping with sarcasm. "You've finally cracked the case! I mean, who wouldn't be staring at the guy with that sunshine aura you've got today?" He winked, clearly enjoying the chance to rib his friend.

Allen, a puzzled look on his face, responded in a somewhat goofy tone, "Huh?"

Gerry couldn't help but chuckle at his friend's bewilderment. "Dude, it's your cheerful face today," he explained with a playful grin. "You're like a magnet, pulling people's attention. They're getting bolder, trying to sneak peeks at you."

Allen furrowed his brow, still not entirely convinced. "My face? Seriously? I'm not grinning like a fool or anything," he protested.

Gerry shook his head, amused by Allen's obliviousness. "Nah, you don't need to grin," he countered. "You've got that subtle smile thing going on, man. It's like catnip for them," he added with a wink, emphasizing how even the slightest change in Allen's demeanor seemed to work its magic on the curious onlookers.

Allen, still slightly baffled by the attention he was apparently garnering, asked with a furrowed brow, "Luring them for what? Just to get them to pay attention to me? Is there something wrong with my usual expression?"

Gerry let out a hearty laugh, shaking his head in amusement. "Man, you've got a killer resting face," he reminded Allen, his tone filled with exaggerated awe. "Your gaze practically screams, 'Imma gonna rip your throat and feed your body to hungry hamsters.'" Gerry couldn't resist teasing his friend, knowing that Allen had always been a bit of an enigma to those who crossed his path.

Allen, in response, cracked a dry smile, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Gerry shot a quick glance toward the classroom that had just emptied out. "Oh, check it out," he remarked with a sly grin, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Your loyal fan just finished her shift," he reminded Allen.

Allen followed Gerry's gaze, his curiosity piqued, and that's when he saw her. Larissa, standing there amidst the departing girls, caught his attention.

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