Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 407 Pay Service With 'Service' [Part 1]

Villain Ch 407. Pay Service With 'Service' [Part 1]

At another place.

The cozy coffee shop, tucked away in a quiet corner of the city, exuded an atmosphere of tranquility. Soft jazz music played in the background, a soothing melody that seemed to echo the rhythm of the patrons' heartbeats. The warm, dim lighting cast a gentle glow over the rustic wooden tables and cushioned chairs.

At a corner table, bathed in the soft amber light, sat two young men. Liam and Darren, friends for years, wore expressions of anxiety and anticipation that had clung to their faces. The clock on the wall read 8:41 PM, and every tick seemed to stretch into an eternity.

Their untouched cups of tea sat before them, slowly cooling as the minutes ticked away. The tabletop was littered with used napkins, evidence of their fidgety nervousness.

Liam ran a hand through his tousled hair, his usually confident demeanor replaced by one of restlessness. He glanced at Darren, whose eyes were fixed on the door as if he expected the answer to walk right through it.

This all started this evening. They were annoyed with Sophia's attitude in the game. Sophia's attitude had grown increasingly perplexing. She started distancing herself from Liam and Darren. They couldn't pinpoint the exact moment when things had taken a turn for the worse, but it had something to do with a wild night that had unfolded not too long ago.

When they asked her, Sophia had reassured them that she was perfectly fine, even going so far as to say she had enjoyed their company during that wild night. Yet, her actions spoke otherwise. She maintained her icy demeanor, rarely engaging in conversation with Liam and Darren.

What puzzled them even more was Sophia's tendency to seek their assistance despite her distant behavior. She would appear out of the blue, requesting potions, special equipment, or upgrades. It was a one-sided transaction, as she never offered any form of payment for their services.

It left Liam and Darren in a state of confusion. Why would Sophia maintain this strange coldness while relying on them for in-game help?

Darren and Liam had reached their breaking point. The frustration and annoyance that had been simmering beneath the surface had finally bubbled over. They had argued that Sophia should repay them for everything they had done for her. Their demand wasn't for monetary compensation or in-game items; it was for something far more intimate, her 'service'.

However, the way they chose to voice their desires was ill-conceived. Instead of discussing it privately with Sophia, they had blurted it out in front of the entire group, unaware of the repercussions their words would have, although it wasn't a direct one.

Sophia's response had been a facade of casual indifference, but beneath that calm exterior, she was seething with anger. She didn't appreciate their demands being aired so publicly.

Rather than engaging in a heated exchange with them in front of their group, Sophia had chosen a different approach. She sent a private message to Darren and Liam. It was a private message that asked them to check their phones.

They checked on their phones, and what they found there turned their expressions from frustration to shock, then to a deathly pale pallor. The messages from Sophia contained video clips from that fateful night. However, instead of capturing playful and consensual interactions, these videos depicted a disturbing scene that sent shivers down their spines.

The footage painted a horrifying picture. Darren and Liam watched in disbelief as they saw themselves in those videos, behaving in a manner that could only be described as sexual assault. What had once been a wild night filled with laughter and fun intimate acts had now taken on a grotesque and sinister tone.

Their faces twisted in horror as they realized the gravity of the situation. Sophia had skillfully manipulated the videos to create a false narrative, one where they appeared as aggressors. It was a sinister act of revenge, designed to humiliate and control them.

The realization hit them like a sledgehammer. Sophia had them in a tight grip, and she held the power to ruin their lives if they dared to cross her. They had walked right into her trap, and there was no easy way out.

The message accompanying the video had added an ominous layer to the situation. She wanted to meet them at this very coffee shop, and that could only mean one thing: Sophia had something to say, something she deemed important enough to discuss face-to-face.

As seconds turned into minutes, Darren and Liam couldn't help but exchange nervous glances. The weight of their actions hung heavily in the air. They hadn't anticipated Sophia's cunning and the depths to which she would go to exact revenge.

Darren, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, voiced the most pressing concern that gnawed at both of them. "Do you think she will report this to the police?" His voice quivered with anxiety, and he couldn't help but glance nervously around the café, despite the comfort of the air-conditioned room. His worry extended beyond just the legal repercussions; it encompassed the potential fallout at their workplaces and within their families.

Liam, though equally perturbed by the situation, attempted to provide some semblance of reassurance. He leaned forward, his eyes scanning their surroundings as he spoke. "I don't think so," he replied cautiously. "Maybe she just wanted to warn us, you know? To make sure we never bring it up again, especially in front of others like we did before."

Liam's attempt at rationalizing the situation was far from confident, but it was the lifeline they were both grasping. He desperately wanted to believe that Sophia wouldn't go to such extreme lengths as involving the authorities or ruining their lives. Perhaps, the video was merely a precaution, a shield to protect herself from future inappropriate requests.

However, as Liam's thoughts meandered, he couldn't ignore the stark reality that if the video were to somehow surface, it would spell disaster for him. After all, the events in the video had unfolded at his house, and he couldn't escape the potential fallout that would accompany such a revelation.

"But why do I feel like she has other plans?" Darren muttered, his voice laden with apprehension. He drummed his fingers nervously on the table, his eyes darting around as if searching for an escape from their mounting troubles.

Liam, doing his best to maintain a facade of composure, leaned in closer, attempting to reassure his increasingly anxious friend. "We'll see about that later," he whispered, his tone a mixture of uncertainty and determination. "Just calm down and stick to the plan, okay? We just need to apologize to her and say that we were just joking."

Darren let out a heavy sigh, his doubt still evident but tempered by a flicker of hope. "Okay," he acquiesced, though his expression remained far from confident.

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