Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 392 The Owner's Curiosity

Villain Ch 392. The Owner's Curiosity

Allen's face contorted with doubt, and he pressed his lips together in deep thought. He hadn't anticipated this question, and it left him feeling uneasy. Why did the owner want to know so much about his family? Was there a particular reason, or perhaps he was concerned that Allen had some criminal history?

Regardless of the owner's motivations, Allen wasn't entirely comfortable divulging his personal life to people he had just met. The question lingered in his mind, and he couldn't help but wonder if it would become a problem in the future.

Jordan's question caught Shea and Zoe off guard. They hadn't expected Jordan to have any clues about Allen's family background. They exchanged glances, their expressions mirroring their surprise.

Seeing Allen's hesitation, Jordan decided to offer some reassurance. "I didn't mean to accuse you or back you into a corner," he began. "I understand you have your reasons, and I also know that legally, everything checks out. I'm just genuinely curious about the reason behind it all," he explained, trying to put Allen at ease.

After a moment of contemplation, Allen began to open up. "Well... the truth is, my parents are actually still alive," he admitted. "The names listed as my parents in the data are actually my grandparents' names," he revealed, finally sharing a piece of his complex family history.

Jordan listened attentively as Allen began to share the complexities of his family background. "I see. Could you explain why?" he inquired, his curiosity genuine.

Allen's voice carried a mix of emotions as he recounted his story. "Well," he began, "my mom was a single mother when she had me. She struggled to raise me on her own until she met my stepdad. But since he only wanted to be with my mom, he suggested that my grandparents adopt me," he explained, the bitterness underlying his words evident.

He continued, "So, in the data, it shows that my mother and I are listed as siblings. I'm legally her little brother," Allen added, offering a glimpse into the complexities of his family dynamics.

Emma couldn't help but express her disapproval, her annoyance clear in her voice. "Your parents sound like assholes," she bluntly remarked, cringing at the family dynamics she was hearing about.

Jordan shot Emma a stern glance, silently urging her to choose her words more carefully.

"Just saying," Emma hastily added, diverting her attention elsewhere. Nevertheless, she couldn't quite let it go. "Well, they do sound like assholes. What kind of parents is that?" she grumbled under her breath, her disdain for Allen's parents evident.

Ignoring Emma's commentary, Jordan turned his focus back to Allen. He was keen to understand more about the situation. "So, they simply disowned you?" he inquired, prompting Allen to share further details. With each revelation, it became increasingly apparent that Allen might indeed be the son Jordan had never known existed.

Allen's smile remained somewhat wistful as he responded, "More or less." The question about his real father took him aback for a moment. He hadn't expected Jordan to probe into that aspect of his life.

With a curious yet gentle look in his eyes, Jordan pressed on. "Do you know where your real father is?" he inquired further, his gaze fixed on the young man before him. Despite the complex emotions that swirled around this revelation, there was a deep sense of satisfaction that Allen had grown into a fine individual.

Allen's response was a slow shake of his head, indicating his ongoing search. "I'm still trying to find him," he admitted, his voice tinged with a mixture of determination and uncertainty. Jordan was increasingly intrigued by Allen's story, prompting him to delve deeper.

"Do you have any clues about him?" Jordan inquired further.

Once again, Allen's response was a hesitant negative shake. "What I do know," he began, "is that he recently sent someone named Alex to my parents' house." The revelation hung in the air, a puzzle piece that Jordan wanted to fit into the larger picture.

Jordan's expression turned thoughtful, and for a moment, he simply stared at Allen, as if processing the gravity of the situation. It seemed he had indeed found the right Allen, but he still had a few questions and needed to confirm some things. He leaned in closer, his voice gentle yet probing. "If you were to meet your real dad, what would you want to do?" he asked.

Allen's response was filled with uncertainty, mirroring the complexity of his emotions. "I don't know, really," he admitted. "Maybe I'll just talk to him, you know, hang out and chat," he said, his lips curving into a bitter smile. "But then again, I can't set my expectations too high. He might not want to acknowledge me. He could have a family of his own, just like my mom did. So... I think as long as I know who he is, that's enough for me," he concluded with a touch of resignation in his voice.

Jordan's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Are you afraid that he might reject you?" he asked incredulously.

Allen's response was tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "Yeah, I guess I am," he admitted. "It's only natural, I think. After all, he's never even known that I exist," he added, his voice carrying a touch of resignation.

Jordan took a deep breath. "So, you are expecting the bare minimum?" he said in disbelief.

Allen tried to chuckle, bringing this conversation into a lighter one. "Yeah. It's better like that. I don't want to be disappointed too much," he explained.

Jordan sighed, understanding the complex mix of emotions in Allen's words. "I see," he said.

Allen nodded, appreciating Jordan's understanding. "I'm just trying to be realistic," he replied. "I don't want to set myself up for too much disappointment."

As Allen and Jordan were about to delve deeper into their conversation, the arrival of Larissa, Vivian, and Jane interrupted their moment. The atmosphere shifted from the intimacy of their discussion to the formal ambiance of the dinner.

"Good evening, everyone," Larissa greeted, offering a polite smile.

Vivian and Jane followed suit, nodding in agreement. The women were dressed elegantly, adhering to the formality of the occasion.

"Good evening," Jordan replied, his tone shifting into a more hospitable one. "Take a seat, everyone."

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