Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 379 Shenanigans

Villain Ch 379. Shenanigans

Allen and the girls had spent the better part of the last two hours trudging through the dimly lit sewers of the Black Castle dungeon. The stench was unbearable, a pungent mixture of stagnant water, rot, and the distinct odor of monsters lurking in the shadows. The echoing sounds of their footsteps and the occasional splashes of water were the only companions in this desolate place.

The dungeon itself seemed like any other sewer dungeon in the game—a network of grimy, winding passages lined with rusty pipes and grimy walls. The air was thick with tension as they pushed forward, taking down high-level crocodile monsters with synchronized teamwork, their weapons clashing against scales and flesh.

Oily slimes oozed in their path, requiring quick reflexes and precision to avoid getting caught in their corrosive touch. Big cockroaches scuttled about, their presence triggering an involuntary shiver among the group. These creatures were unlike any they had encountered before.

Despite the challenges, the group hardly ran into any other players. Black Castle's sewer dungeon was known for its obscurity, buried deep within the bowels of the castle. It was the sort of place most players avoided, too focused on grander quests and shinier loot.

Taking a break from their battles, the group wandered through the temple, their footsteps echoing in the vast hall. The grand hall of Black Castle's temple. The contrast was striking—the cold, industrial aesthetic of the sewers gave way to the grandeur of an ancient temple. The vast hall was adorned with intricate designs, though most of it had fallen into disrepair. The creaking of wood and the occasional drip of water came from everywhere.

A once-imposing altar stood in the center, now cracked and weathered by time. Tattered remnants of tapestries lined the walls, hinting at the temple's former splendor. A few pieces of broken furniture were scattered around, offering a stark reminder of the passage of ages and its destruction.

That place was a well-known leveling spot among players, particularly those in search of experience points. The monsters here weren't too high in level, making it an ideal training ground for those looking to boost their characters. The majority of the foes that roamed these eerie halls were undead creatures, their movements slow and their spawn rates manageable. While a couple of the creatures possessed quicker movements, as long as players stuck together in a group, they could navigate this domain without much fear.

Yet, unlike other players who ventured into this place for the sake of experience and loot, Allen and his companions had a different purpose in mind. They weren't there to farm monsters or prove their prowess as the villains; they had come seeking information and interactions with fellow players, simply curing their boredom. This location had garnered attention on gaming forums, becoming a subject of discussion among gamers.

For many players, despite the unsettling atmosphere, this place served as a proving ground—a showcase of strength to intimidate their less fortunate peers. It was primarily the melee-oriented players who reveled in displaying their combat prowess here as tanks. While the ranged players could show off their damages.

However, this dungeon wasn't just about gaming for some. Couples found an unusual allure in its haunting ambiance, seeing it as a unique and thrilling backdrop for virtual dates. The dimly lit corridors and the tension in the air lent themselves to shared laughter and whispered promises as players navigated through the eerie halls.

Dressed in their disguises, Allen and the girls casually made their way toward the congregation of players gathered around the central altar of the map. The scene was a bit surreal—the air filled with casual chatter, as if they were in the midst of a bustling town square rather than a hunting ground filled with the undead. Yet, even amid their conversations, the players continued to engage in battles with the slow-moving undead who were drawing closer to the altar. Some players maneuvered around, seeking better spots for their hunting spree. Meanwhile, knights and paladins used their tactics to draw monsters closer to the altar, enabling their groups to dispatch the foes more efficiently.

As they walked, Shea couldn't help but shake her head in disbelief. "Chillin' in the middle of this creepy place? Some folks' logic is beyond me," she muttered under her breath, her gaze sweeping across the sea of players gathered around the altar.

Allen's attention was drawn to the altar, and he let out a soft chuckle. "Actually, it's not a bad idea. They're socializing and leveling up at the same time. This place offers a perfect blend for players," he said, his lips curling into a mischievous grin.

Bella chimed in, her voice full of cheerfulness. "I'm with Allen on this one. I mean, I kinda like these places. They're always full of surprises, you know? You never know what funny or crazy things might happen," she said with an infectious enthusiasm that spread through the group.

"Seriously, the humor quota here is gonna skyrocket," Alice chimed in with a knowing smile.

Curiosity danced in Larissa's eyes, and she couldn't help but ask, "Why's that?"

With an amused nod, Alice directed everyone's attention toward a pair of melee players who were at the forefront of the action. Her gaze flitted between them, clearly indicating their amusing antics. One was a knight, a sword and shield-wielding powerhouse, while the other was an agile assassin with dual blades. They were in the spotlight, soaking up attention and showcasing their combat prowess to the group of awestruck female players that surrounded them.

Allen couldn't help but chuckle and cringe simultaneously. "Oh, those kinds of players," he muttered, shaking his head in amused disbelief.

Shea, with her usual calm demeanor, leaned in and shared her thoughts. "Well, regardless of their shenanigans, let's see if we can find anything useful while we're here," she suggested.

Bella couldn't help but voice her reservations. "Yeah, but don't hold your breath for valuable info," she blurted out, her skepticism evident.

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