Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 374 Untamed

Villain Ch 374. Untamed

Liam and Darren were sitting down in their seats not too far from where Allen and his companions were enjoying their meal. Their expressions were a mixture of annoyance and curiosity as they observed the trio.

Darren couldn't resist the temptation to capture the scene, so he pulled out his phone and discreetly aimed it at Allen's group. With a quick snap, he managed to capture the moment and immediately sent the photo to their guild's group chat, adding a teasing caption.

Darren: Look what we found, guys! This loser seriously has become a playboy.

Liam, his eyes still fixed on Allen, responded with a nonchalant remark that carried a tinge of bitterness. "He looks too well for a loser."

Darren turned away from his phone and looked at Liam, intrigued by his words. "Yeah, you've got a point there. Something's different about him. I mean, how did he go from not caring about women to having two by his side?" Darren's voice carried a note of confusion as he pondered this unexpected transformation. It was a change that had caught them both off guard, considering Allen's usual attitude towards romance and relationships.

"It's like he's in a totally different game now," Liam mused, his gaze never leaving Allen's animated expression. "And honestly, I can't help but wonder how he managed to pull this off. It's almost like he's in a romantic quest line or something."

Darren nodded in agreement, his eyes narrowing as he continued to study Allen's interactions. "Maybe there's more to him than we thought. Or maybe he's just really good at pretending."

"Good at pretending... That makes sense," Liam mused, a touch of sarcasm coloring his words. His eyes were fixed on Allen's group as he processed the unexpected situation before them.

Darren let out a sigh and couldn't help but grin in agreement. "Absolutely. I mean, think about it. He could be carrying some unresolved feelings for Sophia, and now he's compensating by surrounding himself with other women. Classic behavior," Darren said, his voice laced with a mixture of amusement and mockery.

Liam raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Darren's theory. "You really think so?"

Darren nodded, a smug smile playing on his lips. "Oh, absolutely. Look at him – Mr. Smooth with the ladies. But deep down, who knows? Maybe he's just trying to fill the void Sophia left. Or he's trying to prove something to himself or to her."

Liam couldn't help but chuckle at the idea, even if it was a bit speculative. "Well, that would be quite the twist. A man seeking revenge through a harem."

Darren grinned, taking a sip of his drink before leaning back in his seat. "Yeah, there are no fine men who do that, right?"

Liam smirked, catching Darren's playful tone. "I agree. But if he's still hung up on Sophia, then why did he reject her advances earlier?"

Darren's expression turned contemplative, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Oh, that's simple. His ego. Sophia once cast him aside, and now he's got a chance to get back at her by turning her down. It's like a revenge play in the dating world," Darren said with a chuckle.

Liam nodded, a thoughtful look on his face. "Interesting theory. But, you know, sometimes reality is stranger than fiction."

"I know. But hey, we're talking about Allen. You know how much of a handful he used to be," Darren chimed in, a knowing smirk on his face. The memories of Allen's past behavior were quite vivid, to say the least. Though Allen never had a criminal record, his rebellious and arrogant nature left a mark on their shared history.

Liam nodded in agreement, his gaze distant as he reminisced about the old days. Allen's rough edges were well-known among their circle. Growing up without parents had given Allen a certain fearlessness and a relentless pursuit of his own identity. He was a bit of a wild card before Sophia entered the picture, and the transformation had been nothing short of remarkable.

"Absolutely. Remember how he was? Untamed, unpredictable. He didn't give a damn about authority," Liam added, his tone tinged with a mixture of nostalgia and amusement. Sophia's influence had been transformative, to say the least.

Darren leaned back in his seat, a contemplative look in his eyes. "And then Sophia happened. I mean, who would've thought she could turn him around like that?"

Liam nodded in agreement, a wistful smile on his lips. "Yeah, she really had a way with him. She managed to get through all those layers of his tough exterior. It's impressive, really."

Darren's expression turned thoughtful, his fingers tapping against his glass absentmindedly. "You know, I think that's why you are interested in Sophia too. She was like the key to unlocking Allen's potential. And let's be honest, she was a catch herself. Maybe… Just maybe, you think you also need that kind of girl to unlock something inside you as well. Your true potential."

Liam chuckled, raising an eyebrow playfully. "Speak for yourself, Darren. But yeah, there's no denying that Sophia was something special."

"Well, luckily, Allen's busy with his new companions. So, our competition is narrowed down," Darren remarked with a mocking lilt in his voice. His tone was one of playful disdain.

Liam chuckled, his eyes still glued to his phone as he scrolled through messages. "Yeah, true. The only problem is Elio," he chimed in, his brows furrowing as he concentrated on the screen in front of him.

Darren arched an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Well, Elio doesn't quite fit the bill when it comes to Sophia's type. He's more the level-headed, composed leader type rather than the passionate lover. He prioritizes his goals and work over personal relationships. I mean, he's the one who texted us to join the guild."

Liam glanced up from his phone, a wry smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "But here's the thing, buddy," he said, amusement dancing in his eyes. "One of your points is about to be invalidated."

Darren's frown deepened, and he shot Liam a questioning look. "What are you talking about?"

Liam simply gestured for Darren to check the guild's chat group. Intrigued, Darren opened the chat and scanned through the messages. His eyes widened as he saw Sophia's inquiry.

Sophia: Is that Allen? Where are you guys?

Darren's shoulders slumped as he sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Yeah... Looks like getting Sophia to move on from Allen is going to be a bit more challenging than we thought."

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