Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 363 Incubus' Den

Villain Ch 363. Incubus' Den

The incubus' handsome face was framed by a pair of horns that curved gracefully from his forehead, giving him an air of both elegance and danger. Two large wings extended from his back, their midnight-black feathers exuding a sense of power and mystery.

A long, sinuous tail snaked behind him, its tip twitching slightly as if with a mind of its own. His attire was a study in contrast—tight leather pants that clung to his form, emphasizing his lean and muscular physique. He wore nothing for the top. It highlighted his bare, sculpted arms.

"Come to me, my love~" The incubus's voice oozed with an enticing charm, wrapping around them like a silken ribbon.

The group paused in their tracks, drawn by the seductive melody that emanated from the alluring creature before them.

As if realizing the attention he commanded, the incubus struck a pose that could have been lifted straight from the pages of a high-fashion magazine. His movements exuded confidence and sensuality, a performance that blurred the line between mortal beauty and demonic allure.

Since the monster didn't attack them, it looked like it was a non-aggressive type.

The moment was not lost on Vivian, who couldn't help but add her own commentary to the scene. "Oh my God… This is even better than I thought," she admitted, her eyes wide with a mixture of surprise and appreciation.

"Right, we can get a good view too," Shea quipped, her words laced with a playful tone that drew a chuckle from her companions.

He shifted his attention to his companions, his expression a mixture of skepticism and bemusement. "Common type monsters, huh? I can't make a contract with that kind of monster. Besides…" His gaze returned to the incubus, his features contorting into a mild grimace. "He sounds like a cheap playboy," he grumbled, voicing his immediate impression of the creature's overtly seductive tone.

Zoe couldn't help but join the playful banter, adding her own perspective to the mix. "That's an incubus for you. Sleeps with anyone and probably has a terminal permanent case of horniness," she quipped, her tone accompanied by a cheeky wink in Allen's direction.

He couldn't help but chuckle at her blunt description. 'At least the incubus in my story choosing his partners,' he mused, amused by the thought.

With a sly smirk, Shea leaned against Allen, her mannerisms infused with a playful seductiveness. "But let's not forget why we're here," she purred, her words laden with a mischievous undertone. "We're after the leader of the incubus, after all."

Allen drew in a deep breath, his focus centered on the discussion at hand. "So, if I'm getting this right, you guys are aiming for something similar to The Mummy King," he summarized.

The girls nodded.

"Got it," Allen affirmed, a determined glint in his eyes. With a swift, practiced motion, he summoned his trusty sword.

"Just remember, he is a monster mob type. We have to be careful," Shea warned.

Mob type monsters were slightly different from aggressive types. They were the type of monsters that would not attack before being attacked. But once the player attacks one. The others would also attack that player.

"Just kill him as fast as we could," he announced.

Allen used his Telekinesis Blast. The air around his outstretched hand crackled with ethereal energy. With a focused gesture, Allen directed the force toward the incubus. The invisible energy latched onto the monster, its invisible grip overwhelming the incubus's attempts to resist. The incubus was lifted off the ground, its wings fluttering uselessly as it was propelled toward the nearest wall.

The incubus crashed with a loud thud. But when he was on his feet again, his eyes glinted in horny. "I love rough play~," the incubus said.

The incubus's provocative comments were more than enough to make him cringe. With his sword at the ready, Allen's grip tightened on the hilt. His initial instinct was to strike, to deliver the blow that would eliminate this provocative menace. However, before he could make his move, a sudden rush of energy filled the air as his companions sprang into action.

The girls, it seemed, were far more eager to conclude this encounter than he was. Their excitement bubbled to the surface as they lunged at the incapacitated incubus with an impressive array of skills. They attacked the incubus like a bunch of psychopaths who had just caught their boyfriend having an affair.

"I started asking my sanity for sleeping with all of them," he muttered in a low voice, his words a quiet admission of his unease.

Soon, the incubus was dead accompanied by a satisfied grunt of a male's climax.

[You received Incubus Nail 1 ea and 11 Coins.]

"What the heck!" he exclaimed, a shiver running down his spine at the sound effect that accompanied the incubus's voice. "His voice is even worse than Lamia's!" he added, his words a testament to the lingering goosebumps that danced across his skin.

The girls exchanged amused glances, a collective understanding passing between them. And as Allen's protest met their ears, they couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction.

Shea couldn't resist teasing Allen. "It's just a grunt, Allen," she said with a mischievous smirk. The incubus's suggestive and rhythmic sounds had clearly hit a nerve with Allen.

Vivian offered a wry observation. "At least he's still wearing pants," she quipped, her words punctuated with a hint of amusement. "While the Lamia didn't wear anything to cover their breasts," Vivian added.

"It still gives me goosebumps," he admitted with a half-grin, half-grimace. He shifted his gaze away from the group, allowing his eyes to wander and take in their surroundings. Positioned at an elevated vantage point, the dungeon's architecture allowed for a clear view of their environment. The walls, though stark and foreboding, only covered one side, leaving the other side open and revealing the expanse of the chamber. It was a view that showcased the sheer scale of their surroundings.

The incubi filled the place. While some bore more weird garments, marking them as a different type, Allen's attention was drawn to a particular cluster of incubi congregated at the far end of the chamber. It wasn't the sheer number of incubi that intrigued him, but rather the presence of a solitary female demon amidst them.

Intrigued by the sight, Allen's curiosity piqued. The female demon stood as a contrast to her male counterparts, a striking figure that exuded an air of authority and allure. Her presence seemed to command attention.

Lust (Boss Monster) <Level 92>

A grin appeared on Allen's lips. "You know. On second thought, I think this will be a nice hunt," he said.

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