Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 361 Prisoner And Torturer

Villain Ch 361. Prisoner And Torturer

"You handle the prisoners. I will handle the torturers," Allen's declaration rang out, cutting through the light conversation. His concentration was on the monsters. They had fought those monsters before and he had to admit those monsters could bring them a lot of trouble. So, they had to take care of them when they were still in small numbers.

The Zombie Prisoner was a level 70 monster with 9017 HP. That was less than The Zombie Torturer, a level 81 monster with 10123 HP. Moreover, the prisoners' movements were slower than the torturers. So, killing the Prisoners first was a good choice, while he could keep the Tortures at bay and the girls could back him up after they finished.

"Okay," the girls chorused in unison, their agreement a testament to the trust they had in Allen's leadership.

Allen summoned his weapon, his sword materializing in his hand, and lunged at the monsters. With a swift gesture, he summoned his skill, the black lances hovering around him.

The lances shot forward with a sense of urgency, propelled by Allen's forceful command. Their trajectory was swift and unrelenting as they closed the distance between him and the approaching Torturers. However, their initial assault seemed to have little effect, the monsters brushing off the lances as if they were mere nuisances.

He engaged the monsters in combat, Allen's agility and precision became evident. His movements were fluid, a graceful dance of swordplay that belied the dark dungeon. Each swing of his blade was calculated, his aim true as he aimed for weak points and vulnerable spots.

Despite his skill, the Torturers proved to be elusive opponents. Their speed was astonishing, their muscular undead forms moving with a grace that defied their grotesque appearance. Allen danced between their attacks, the air vibrating with the sound of metal meeting metal. He managed to graze their tough exteriors with his sword, inflicting superficial wounds that only seemed to fuel their aggression.

[Zombie Torturer has taken 203 damage points!] 3X

Allen's calculated strikes weren't without their challenges. The Torturers fought back with a ferocity that matched their strength, their pliers swinging through the air with deadly intent. As the ground beneath them trembled from the impact, Allen's quick reflexes saved him from being crushed. He side-stepped the monstrous assault, the force of the pliers creating a resounding crack that echoed through the dungeon.

The Torturers' resilience was remarkable, a testament to their rarity and strength as monsters. Each impact sent shockwaves through the dungeon, leaving visible marks on the ground, a call for their friends. The dungeon's floor bore the evidence of their formidable power, the cracks like scars that spoke of their potential danger.

As the battle raged on, the Torturers remained determined adversaries, their relentless assault a testament to the challenge they presented. Allen continued to engage in a dance of dodges, strikes, and parries, his focus unwavering. The adrenaline coursing through his veins mirrored the intensity of the fight, his breaths echoing in his ears as he fought on.

Stepping back a few paces, he raised his hand in a swift, fluid motion. He called upon his Dark Storm skill. The very atmosphere seemed to respond, charged with the promise of imminent thunder and electricity. Above, the dungeon's low ceiling crackled with an energy that was both awe-inspiring and perilous.

With a resounding rumble, the skies within the dungeon erupted in a dazzling display of luminous bolts. The streaks of dark-hot lightning forked and danced, their brilliance casting eerie shadows against the dungeon's grim backdrop. The air seemed charged with electric anticipation as the bolts descended with a deafening crack, their trajectory unerring as they homed in on the hapless monsters before Allen.

The lightning struck, and a surge of electrical energy coursed through the Torturer's bodies, illuminating their grotesque forms in an eerie radiance. Their inanimate features twisted and contorted in agony as they were consumed by the electrical onslaught.

In that electrifying moment, Allen's tactical gambit paid off. The lightning's powerful jolts had the desired effect—paralyzing the monsters in their tracks. The once-menacing Torturers were frozen in place, their movements stilled by the electrical currents that coursed through their undead forms.

[Zombie Torturer is in paralyzed status for 1 second!] X3

"You must be kidding me…" Allen muttered. The time was too short!

Still… For Allen, it was a fleeting triumph, a brief window of opportunity born from the chaos of battle. He seized the moment, his sword held at the ready. With agile precision, he lunged forward, capitalizing on the monsters' momentary paralysis.

With every swing of his sword, Allen carved a path through the chaos. The clang of metal against rotting flesh reverberated through the air as he focused on taking down one of the Zombie Torturers. His strikes were measured and precise, exploiting the monster's weakened state from the lightning assault.

[Zombie Torturer has taken 2034 damage points!] 5X

As the first Zombie Torturer fell, collapsing to the cold dungeon floor with a final, guttural groan, a surge of triumph surged through Allen. But there was no time to dwell on his victory. The battle still raged, and the remaining monsters—though weakened—were far from defeated.

Just as Allen began to assess his next move, Vivian, Jane, Shea, and Zoe moved into action. With their distinctive skills and abilities, they added a new layer of complexity to the battle. Vivian's whip slashed the monster, binding its neck, and pulled it. Jane's undead army rose and surrounded it.

Zoe's tentacles writhed and danced, lashing out at the monsters with a combination of finesse and raw power. Shea's blade wings' swift movements and agile strikes added another dimension to the assault, her combat style a whirlwind of efficiency.

Their efforts combined in a symphony of chaos. The dungeon now reverberated with the sounds of battle—a clash of steel and the crackling of spells.

[You received Zombie Salive 2 ea, Zombie Brain 1 ea, and 521 Coins.]

The remaining Zombies battered and worn, struggling against the onslaught. And then, as the dust settled and the final echoes of battle faded, the last of the Zombie Torturers fell. The dungeon was once again cloaked in silence, the dim light casting elongated shadows across the worn stone floor.

'The loot still sucks…' thought Allen, glancing at the screen before him. Yet, why did Shea suggest this place for their hunt?

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