Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 359 Rich Young Master?

Villain Ch 359. Rich Young Master?

The moment he stepped out of his family's house, his feet seemed to know where they were going. He didn't have to think or plan; it was as if his entire body was on autopilot. He walked to the neighboring house, Geralt's house, without even realizing what he was doing. He had texted Geralt from the previous day and hoped he would get a chance to see him today.

As Allen approached the house, he felt his heartbeat quicken. But the moment he saw Geralt standing at the door, he knew he had made the right decision. Geralt welcomed him warmly, something Allen was not used to. In contrast to the welcome at his house before, this was welcome with open arms.

The warmth continued as Geralt led him inside. Allen had heard from his family about Geralt's situation. He still lived with his mom and dad to take care of them. His mom was having a long-term illness related to her heart, and his dad had recovered, but his movement was a bit slower. So Geralt and his girlfriend, who lived with him, had moved into his parents' house. It was a rare case, and Allen couldn't help but feel happy for his friend.

Despite being so close to his family, Geralt had a healthy relationship with his girlfriend. And it wasn't just the relationship, but also his bond with his parents. He was a rare example of a child who took care of their aging parents.

"Did she really say that to you?" asked Geralt in shock. They were sitting in Geralt's living room, accompanied by two cans of soda. He was glad that his friend could lend an ear.

It was just him and Geralt. His girlfriend gave them some space and Geralt's parents were taking care of their little vegetable garden. They'd been talking for half an hour.

"Yep. She said that to me," replied Allen. He had come to talk to his friend, hoping to find a solution.

"I can't believe it," Geralt shook his head. He was still in disbelief.

"Yeah, neither can I. If it wasn't for Evan telling the man, maybe I would have lost contact completely," Allen took a sip of his soda before answering.

"So what you need to do is wait?"

"I think. But I plan to drop by the club first to gather more information. If I can find something, then it's worth the trip," Allen explained his plan.

"Good luck. Let me know if you need any help," Geralt offered his support.

"Thank you. I'll keep you updated," Allen appreciated his friend's gesture.

Geralt nodded. "Well, look on the bright side. At least if your biological father has a personal assistant, it means he's a wealthy man," he assumed.

Allen chuckled. "I won't expect it too much." His tone sounded light.

"Oh, I hope that much. You'll change your mind once you see the way he dresses," Geralt raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I'm not here to judge him by his clothes," Allen reminded his friend.

"I know. But the point is, a rich man will have better-quality clothes," Geralt tried to persuade him.

"Was he wearing a suit?" Allen guessed.

Geralt shook his head. "No. But he wore a nice watch. It looked expensive. It cost at least 2000 Creds!"

"2000 Creds?" Allen exclaimed. "How can you be sure about that?"

"It was my favorite watch brand," Geralt said proudly. "He also parked a little far from your house, so it wasn't easy to spot. I bet that's why Evan didn't notice."

"You saw his car?" Allen was curious now.

"Yes. It was a nice car. I don't remember the model, but it looked like a luxury car," he added.

"I hope you're not just saying this to cheer me up," Allen teased his friend.

"I swear I'm telling the truth," Geralt assured him.

"Alright. Then I will ask more questions about him. If he's as wealthy as you say, then he must be well-known. Someone might recognize him," Allen decided.

"That's a good plan. Good luck with your search," said Geralt with a smile.

"Thanks. If that's true, then good. But still, I don't want to put my hopes too high," Allen finally said. He was glad that Geralt had opened his heart to him.

"There's nothing wrong with setting your dreams high, right?" Geralt teased him back.

"Just remember to distinguish between dream and expectation," Allen retorted.

Suddenly, he looked at the clock and realized it was almost lunchtime.

"Anyway, I should go now. Thanks for the soda," Allen thanked his friend and got up from the sofa.

"That fast? You can have lunch here first and stay over," Geralt offered.

"I can't. I already bought a ticket and don't want my step dad catching me here," Allen said regretfully.

"True. Your stepdad is obsessed with the idea of the perfect family, which is annoying. No family is perfect," Geralt huffed.

"Yeah, tell me about it. He's been giving me the silent treatment for years," Allen grumbled.

"Why don't you try to talk to him?" asked Geralt.

"I've tried, but he won't listen. I already gave up a long time ago," Allen sighed.

Allen smiled. "Maybe my dad wants to build a family like yours. He probably envies you."

"Huh?" Geralt was still confused.

"Your family. Look how well you all get along. Your parents are taking care of each other, and you're taking care of them. It's not an easy thing to achieve. I wish I could have the same relationship with my parents."

"Don't say that. Your family may not be perfect, but they're still your family," Geralt tried to encourage his friend.

"Yeah, at least my brother still cares about me," Allen confessed.

"Well, if you ever need a place to escape, you're always welcome here," Geralt assured him.

"I appreciate that. I'll keep it in mind," Allen thanked him. "Anyway, I should go," Allen got up from the seat.

"Okay, see you later," Geralt waved goodbye.

"See ya."

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