Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 355 Crossroad

Villain Ch 355. Crossroad 

Allen spent his night staying at Shea's mansion. Even though they didn't do more intimacy, they did spend some time talking about a lot of things. The conversation sounded like an interrogation for Allen. It revolved around his family to his past, especially how he got trapped in a toxic relationship with Sophia. But he could understand since most of the questions were the information he had given to Vivian and Jane.

Allen also told them that he was going to visit his family this Sunday. It made them curious about Allen's reasons for why he returned to his hometown suddenly. Allen told them this had something to do with his brother's graduation and his mom's last birthday. But of course, Shea and Zoe realized that this had something to do with Allen's biological father.

The next day was the usual day for Allen. He went home after having had a proper breakfast with the two of them and went online as usual. There were no special events and they were mostly just hunting as usual plus bugging some players for fun. The only thing that was different, he decided to drop into Alice's store to buy a present for his brother and a bag store to buy a nice bag for his mom.

Sunday came and Allen traveled to his hometown. He also didn't forget to text Geralt and his brother, Evan, to announce his arrival.

Allen settled into the train seat, his body finding a comfortable nook amidst the soft cushions. The rhythmic hum of the train's movement was a soothing backdrop. His eyes fixed upon the window, as he allowed his gaze to wander through the tapestry of passing scenery. He had put his back VR device into his bag as he had been online and hunting with the others for two hours.

The city landscape swept by in a blur of colors and shapes, a collage of buildings and streets that seemed to echo the complexities of his own thoughts. Each fleeting image seemed to hold a story.

Amidst the flurry of movement, Allen's mind was adrift in its own currents. Thoughts ebbed and flowed, carrying him through a myriad of emotions and reflections. His gaze was unbroken. The city seemed to shift and evolve.

Allen found himself drifting through the corridors of his own mind. Memories intertwined with daydreams, thoughts of the past mingled with hopes for the future. The windowpane seemed to dissolve, becoming a canvas upon which his thoughts painted their own stories.

While his exterior projected an image of composure, his mind was a tumultuous sea, waves of anxiety and uncertainty crashing against the shores of his thoughts. The journey ahead, the confrontation with his family, loomed like a shadow over his heart. Each step towards that eventual reunion felt like a weight that grew heavier with each passing moment. It wasn't just the usual family dynamics at play – it was the fear of unearthing buried emotions, of addressing issues that had been festering beneath the surface for far too long.

The tension that gripped his heart was palpable, a tightness that seemed to constrict his very breath. The prospect of clashing with the past was a battlefield that he had long tried to avoid.

The train's arrival was punctuated by the subtle hiss of brakes and the gentle shudder that coursed through the platform. Allen, his bag slung over his shoulder, stood ready to disembark. The sensation of movement ceased as he stepped onto the platform, the solid ground beneath his feet a comforting contrast to the journey he had just undertaken.

Yet, as his steps carried him away from the train's embrace, they came to an abrupt halt. His surroundings seemed to fade into the background as a vivid memory surged to the forefront of his mind. The train station before him, a seemingly ordinary setting, now became a stage upon which a memory replayed with uncanny clarity.

Two years ago, a different night had etched itself into this very station's walls, a night that had left its mark on Allen's heart. The recollection was like a phantom, swirling around him with a vividness that was almost tangible. The scene of that fateful night materialized before his eyes like a spectral replay, a reel of images and emotions that he had long buried.

In the depths of his mind, he revisited that night – a night when he returned from the gaming tournament. The memory was a tempest of emotions, each detail etched into his consciousness. He was so excited to announce his victory to Sophia. And then, the twist of fate that had altered the course of his life: she cheated on him.

The bitterness of that discovery had been a lightning bolt. He filled his bag with a mishmash of his essentials: clothes, his gaming laptop, and gear before he went to this station again. At that moment, with the weight of betrayal heavy upon him, Allen had stood on the same platform he now occupied. His bag, just as it was now, had been both a lifeline and a burden.

He had been adrift, his mind racing as he grappled with the reality before him. The train station had transformed into a crossroads of uncertainty. Lost and emotionally wounded, he had taken action on impulse, buying a ticket for the last train of the night, and disappeared from that town.

Strolling towards the bench, Allen's fingers tapped against his phone's screen to order a Guuber. Then he composed a message to Evan to announce his arrival.

Allen: I just arrived. Is Dad home?

Evan: No. All clear, bro!

Evan's reply was the final seal on their plan, a confirmation that his stepfather's fishing plan had remained unchanged. Relief coursed through him as he read the text.

His ordered car arrived. Stepping into the vehicle, he settled into the plush seat, the subtle scent of new leather enveloping him. The engine purred to life, a seamless symphony of mechanics that set the stage for his journey.

The ride was less than half an hour in duration. The minutes ticked away toward a reunion that held both anticipation and trepidation. The rhythmic throb of the car's movement was a reminder of the heartbeat that echoed within him – a mixture of excitement and unease that manifested as a churning sensation in his stomach.

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