Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 350 Transactional Or Love?

Villain Ch 350. Transactional or Love?

"Playing hard to get, huh?" she asked, her tone laced with a mixture of jest and intrigue. "Or do you still role-play as the Devil Emperor?" Shea added, her words implying that perhaps Allen's refusal was a continuation of their ongoing playful exchange.

His response, however, was both unexpected and candid. "This isn't role play," he asserted, his voice carrying a tone of assurance. "This is simply just who I am," he concluded, his words resonating with a self-assuredness that was impossible to ignore.

Shea's composure wavered for a moment, a flicker of vulnerability crossing her features before she reigned it in. She had always been skilled at maintaining control, at keeping her emotions hidden beneath a facade of confidence. And yet, in the face of Allen's penetrating gaze, her defenses felt as if they were crumbling.

But she wasn't one to back down easily. "You know, you're the first person to say that to me," Shea retorted, her tone holding a hint of challenge. She met his gaze head-on, her own eyes refusing to yield to his intensity. The exchange between them felt charged with an unspoken tension. "But you see, Allen. This isn't the same as in the game. You have to know that and I hate a person who all bark no bite," she warned him.

Allen's response was swift, his challenge mirroring hers in a way. His unwavering gaze matched her own.

"And what makes you think like that?" Allen countered, his voice carrying an undertone of intrigue.

"Because here, Allen," Zoe emphasized, her voice steady and resolute. "You aren't the devil emperor." Her words carried a weight that transcended their conversation.

A mischievous grin tugged at the corners of Allen's lips as he turned his attention back to Zoe. "And you assume I won't bite?" he quipped, his tone playful and eyes dancing with amusement.

"Yes," Zoe responded with a confident nod, her eyes locking onto him without hesitation. There was a hint of a challenge in her gaze, as if she was daring him to prove her wrong.

Allen's chuckle resonated in the air, a warm and genuine sound that filled the room.

With a glint of mischief in his eyes, Allen's lips descended toward the side of Shea's neck. A moment of anticipation hung in the air as he playfully mimicked the action of biting, his lips making contact with her skin in a light and teasing manner. The sensation sent a shiver down Shea's spine, a mixture of surprise and amusement coursing through her veins.

His gesture surprised Shea and Zoe. Especially Zoe, of course since she didn't expect that Allen would think that was literary while what she meant wasn't that kind of bite.

"Well, I guess that's one way to interpret 'biting'," Zoe quipped, her tone laced with amusement. She was just about to chuckle, but an unexpected thing happened.

"Ah!" A soft moan slipped past Shea's lips—a sound that immediately drew Zoe's attention. It was a reaction that carried a weight of its own, a reaction that spoke volumes about the sensation Allen's unexpected gesture had evoked. He didn't just 'bite' Shea, but kissed her skin, licked and sucked her skin. Shea felt an incredible sensation from that simple stimulation and she was surprised by it. Yet this touch was incredible. This was a real touch she had wanted for a long time.

Shea's spontaneous reaction had taken both of them by surprise. In that fleeting moment, instinct had overridden logic, and before she knew it, her fingers had found their way to the back of Allen's head. It was as if her body had acted on its own accord, driven by a rush of emotions that she had long kept hidden beneath the surface.

As their lips met, a current of electricity surged between them. It was a simple yet profound connection, a touch that carried a weight of unspoken words and uncharted desires. Shea closed her eyes, allowing herself to be enveloped in the warmth of the moment. Their tongues clashed in a dance of intimacy.

When Allen eventually pulled away, their breaths mingled, creating a tangible sense of intimacy that hung in the air. His lips had left their mark on her skin, a vivid reminder of the boldness of their impulsive action. Shea's cheeks burned with a blush that she couldn't hide, her embarrassment evident in the way she averted her gaze.

"Oh, I never thought you could make a face like that," Allen's teasing voice broke the silence, and Shea couldn't help but look at him with a mixture of bashfulness and amusement.

As Shea composed herself, she turned her attention to Zoe, who was clearly taken aback by the sudden display of affection. The shock on Zoe's face was mirrored by her own surprise at her actions. She could feel her heart racing, her mind reeling with a mix of exhilaration and uncertainty.

Allen's glance shifted to Zoe, and his unapologetic expression seemed to acknowledge the unexpectedness of the situation. "Sorry, Zoe," he addressed her with a confident grin, though his gaze remained warm.

"But all bark no bite is not in my dictionary," Allen's words carried a sense of finality, a declaration that his actions spoke louder than his words. It was a testament to his willingness to bridge the gap between their virtual personas and their real-world interactions. The lines between the two had blurred, revealing a vulnerability that added depth to their connection.

"Does that mean you accept my offer?" Shea's question hung in the air. It was a direct challenge, a call for Allen to reveal his intentions and the sincerity behind his actions. Her eyes were fixed on him as if waiting for his response to unravel a hidden truth.

Allen's lips curved into a half-smile. He wasn't one to back down from a challenge, especially when it came to matters of the heart. He met Shea's gaze, his expression unwavering as he considered his answer.

"For that, you have to answer my first question," Allen's voice held a gentle yet firm quality. "Is this just transactional or do you really love me?"

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