Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 346 Confusion

Villain Ch 346. Confusion 

Following their conversation, Larissa and Allen engaged in some casual chatter, seamlessly transitioning from the weighty topic to lighter subjects before Allen bid Larissa farewell and made his way back to his apartment. He went online as usual. The server was so crowded. Since today was the weekend, some people decided to play since morning. But there weren't any events for today. So, they simply decided to hunt together and defeat several boss monsters and mini-bosses.

The sun had already dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the cityscape as Allen made his way to Shea's opulent mansion. He'd spent the afternoon tidying up, opting for an outfit that walked the line between casual and put-together. The essence of "simple" in the world of the elite often carried a distinct flair that was a far cry from the everyday notion of simplicity.

He chuckled to himself as he adjusted the collar of his semi-formal shirt, feeling a tad overdressed but not wanting to risk appearing underdressed in Shea's elegant abode. Jeans, dark and well-fitted, accompanied his shirt, striking a balance between comfort and sophistication.

There was something strange about this invitation. Previously, Allen had thought Shea had invited the others as well, but he was wrong. Shea and Zoe only invited him alone. He also asked what this invitation was for in case it was Shea or Zoe's birthday party, but that was also wrong. Shea simply invited him for unknown reasons, out of nowhere. He could only guess that this had something to do with what happened to Jane and Vivian. But he didn't want to guess or hope too much. He was not in his own harem novel after all and having a love affair with a rich mother and daughter sounded delusional.

The roar of Allen's motorcycle echoed through the streets as he navigated the city's bustling evening traffic. He leaned into each turn, his body moving in sync with the bike's graceful maneuvers.

He approached Shea's mansion. The elegant wrought-iron gates stood tall and imposing, guarding the secrets within. With a practiced ease, he maneuvered his motorcycle to the entrance.

Just as he was about to park his motorcycle, a sleek black luxury car smoothly glided past him and out through the gates. Allen's curiosity was piqued; the timing seemed deliberate as if the car's departure was orchestrated to coincide with his arrival.

He glanced at the car's tinted window, a hint of curiosity tugging at him. The special glass obscured his view, leaving him to wonder who might be inside. It was as though an unseen presence was observing him, a feeling that sent a shiver down his spine.

As he pulled up to the mansion's entrance, he noticed that Shea and Zoe were already there, waiting. He had expected to find the butler waiting to receive him, not Shea and Zoe already stationed at the entrance. A flicker of unease danced in his eyes, wondering if he had missed some crucial piece of information.

Their attire struck a balance between formal and casual—something one might wear to a casual business meeting or a relaxed outing at the mall. Allen felt a sense of relief wash over him; his own clothing choice, a semi-formal shirt, and jeans, seemed to align well with their style.

The hum of his motorcycle's engine ceased as he swung his leg over the seat and removed his helmet. A casual greeting hung on the tip of his tongue, but he held back his words as he observed the exchange between Shea and Zoe. The two women shared a brief conversation, their voices hushed yet animated. Allen's gaze shifted between them, curiosity piqued by their interaction.

Shea's smile, radiant and welcoming, greeted him. "Good evening, Allen," she greeted, her tone warm and inviting.

Allen returned the smile with a quirk on his lips. "Evening, Shea. Zoe," he nodded, acknowledging both of them.

Zoe chimed in with a mischievous grin. "Looking sharp, Allen. Cleaned up nicely, I see," she teased, her playful tone adding a lightness to the atmosphere.

He chuckled, feeling a faint flush tinge on his cheeks. "Thanks, Zoe. You know, I do try sometimes," he replied, his tone playful. "Anyway, are you guys waiting for me? Am I late?" Allen's voice carried a hint of confusion.

"No. We just escorted another guest," Shea replied with a smile.

"Oh, is this an important occasion?" he asked in doubt. There was an uneasy feeling inside him as if he didn't know something.

"No, it's just a normal dinner," replied Zoe.

"That previous guest was my business guest," Shea replied casually.

"I see…" he replied. His mind still wonders why they invited him. But for sure, he had prepared himself for any event that might occur.

Shea gestured towards the entrance. "Shall we?" she suggested, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Allen stepped into the mansion and was struck by a stark realization: his assumptions had once again led him astray. He had envisioned a bustling gathering, a crowd of guests that would rival a grand ball. Yet, the reality was quite the opposite. The ambiance was serene, untouched by the hustle and bustle he had anticipated. His furrowed brows and quizzical expression mirrored his internal confusion.

Gone were the extravagant decorations that he had half-expected to adorn every corner. Instead, the mansion retained its timeless elegance, much like the last time he had visited.

The absence of a boisterous crowd only added to the intrigue. Allen's gaze swept across the room, absorbing the lack of any visible traces of the previous guests. The emptiness was punctuated by a handful of glasses, their contents long consumed, and a plate bearing the crumbs of a cake that had been enjoyed with casual indulgence. It was a snapshot of a gathering that had been marked by lighthearted conversations and camaraderie, rather than formalities and pretentiousness.

They entered the dining room and sat down. The servants immediately served a meal that was far from simple. Yet nothing too extravagant. It was simply just an ordinary dinner. That made Allen even more confused.

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