Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 333 Undying King

Villain Ch 333. Undying King 

Allen's sword sliced through The Mummy King's weakened form, and a shockwave of dark energy rippled through the chamber. The impact was thunderous, causing the ground to tremble beneath their feet. The remaining bandages that clung to The Mummy King's body disintegrated, and he let out a final, guttural grunt of agony before collapsing to the ground.

The eerie silence that followed the battle was broken only by the soft crackle of the lingering dark energy surrounding The Mummy King's lifeless form.

An announcement appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations! You have defeated the Mummy King!]

[Level up!]

[You are now level 90!]

[You received 1 Dark Crown of The King and 1500 Coins.]

The chamber was still filled with an air of tension, but Allen's jaw dropped in utter shock as he saw his loot.

Bella, however, seemed less thrilled as she let out a small grunt, pulling a rotten bandage from her inventory. "Ugh, I thought I'd get something better than this," she complained, eyeing the decaying cloth with a disappointed frown.

Larissa, too, voiced her dissatisfaction, holding up the Mummy King's eyes in her hands. "Come on, a king should be richer than this! These eyes are probably worthless," she grumbled.

Alice, on the other hand, was all smiles as she revealed her loot—a delicate bracelet that gleamed with a mysterious aura. "Check this out, guys! A rare item indeed," she said proudly, quickly equipping the bracelet to show it off.

Bella and Larissa couldn't help but pout, feeling a twinge of envy at Alice's find. "That's not fair! Why do you always get the good stuff?" Bella whined.

Larissa nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's like the game loves you or something," she teased.

Alice laughed, giving her friends a playful wink. "Hey, maybe it's just luck. You'll get some awesome loot next time, I'm sure," she said reassuringly. She turned to Allen with a curious glint in her eyes. "Hey, Allen, what did you get from the loot? Anything cool?" she asked.

Allen grinned mischievously, a spark of excitement in his gaze. "Oh, you bet! Check this out," he said, tapping on his inventory screen to reveal the crown he had obtained from the Mummy King. "Behold, the Crown of the Undying!" he proclaimed, his voice filled with mock grandeur.

The others leaned in to get a better look, and Alice couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in surprise. "Wow, that looks pretty impressive," she commented.

Larissa chuckled, poking Allen in the side. "Impressive indeed. Now, are you actually planning on wearing that thing?" she teased.

Allen's grin widened, and he placed the crown on his head again, striking a dramatic pose. "Why not? I am the Undying King now!" he declared with mock arrogance as he used his skill to The Mummy King's remaining.

The air crackled with energy as Allen focused his mind and channeled his power into the Boss Pact skill.I think you should take a look at

With a deep breath, he extended his hand towards the Mummy King's lifeless form, feeling the dark aura around him intensify.

[Do you want to use Boss Pact skill?]

[Yes / No]

'Yes!' Allen chose.

An intricate pattern of glowing runes appeared beneath his hand, connecting him to the Mummy King's essence. The dark aura swirled around them, merging their energies in a powerful dance of magic. The ground trembled, and a low hum filled the air, signaling the momentous nature of this ritual.

As Allen's dark aura enveloped The Mummy King's lifeless body, a peculiar transformation began to unfold before their eyes. The aura pulsed with otherworldly energy, weaving around the mummy's form like an intricate web, slowly infusing it with life once more. The previously lifeless corpse twitched and convulsed, and eerie crackling sounds echoed in the air.

The once-dead eyes of The Mummy King flickered with a sinister gleam as the dark aura breathed new life into its decaying body. Its bandages seemed to come alive, writhing and twisting with an unnerving sentience, and its skeletal hands clenched into bony fists. The transformation was nothing short of chilling, and the very air around them seemed to thicken with an aura of malevolence.

Allen's own energy merged with the boss monster's essence, creating a powerful connection between them. The Mummy King's crimson eyes locked onto Allen, a mix of loyalty and subjugation evident in its gaze.

[Congratulations! You have successfully made The Mummy King your subordinate!]

[Now, you can summon The Mummy King at event time and in the Cursed Crypts!]

Allen turned to his companions, a sly grin playing on his lips as he couldn't resist teasing them about The Mummy King's appearance. "Now you can stare at him all you want," he jested, gesturing at the mummy king with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Larissa, Bella, and Alice rolled their eyes in mock annoyance, but deep down, they couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment. They had hoped that the boss monster would be as handsome as its voice had led them to believe, but reality proved otherwise.

The girls replied with a collective pout, expressing their mixed feelings about the outcome.

Allen, enjoying their reactions, decided to playfully push the joke further. "While I---" he paused dramatically, then snapped his fingers, summoning The Mummy King's minions. Suddenly, five Lamias materialized near them, their alluring forms a stark contrast to their monstrous nature.

The sight of the Lamias evoked both awe and trepidation among the group. All of them were beautiful. "I can stare at them. So it's a win-win case," he chuckled, proud of his ability to provoke a reaction from his companions.

His words were met with a synchronized chorus of disappointment from the girls, who were hoping for a different outcome. "Oh, come on, Allen," Bella groaned, playfully nudging him. "You're impossible!"

But in the middle of their conversation, Allen's ear suddenly caught the sound of a rock falling from a pillar not far away.

"Hey, Allen, what's wrong?" Larissa asked, noticing the change in his demeanor.

"I thought I heard something," Allen replied, scanning the dimly lit room for any signs of movement.

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