Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 330 A Call From The Dark

Villain Ch 330. A Call From The Dark 

The chamber trembled with the force of an approaching menace, and the group instinctively gathered, pressing their backs against each other. It was a natural response for seasoned players when faced with the unknown. The air was thick with anticipation, and their hearts pounded with the rush of adrenaline. Each member of the group readied their weapons, their eyes sweeping the dimly lit chamber in search of the looming threat.

The stone floor beneath them shook with increasing intensity, and the shadows danced around them, concealing the true form of their adversary. The group remained on high alert, knowing that their next encounter would be nothing like the monsters they had faced before.

As the vibrations intensified, a massive black shadow emerged from the darkness, gradually taking form. They held their breath as the shape solidified, revealing a monstrous figure that sent shivers down their spines.

Minotaur <Level 71>

Towering at an impressive ten meters in height, the Minotaur exuded an intimidating presence. The Minotaur's head was that of a ferocious bull, its eyes glowing with an intense, fiery glare. Its massive horns curved menacingly upward, a testament to its raw strength and power. Beneath its fierce gaze, the bravest of warriors might falter.

The Minotaur's body was a sight to behold, a testament to the might of its massive muscles. Every move it made seemed to ripple with raw energy, displaying the force that lay within its heavily armored frame. The armor encasing its form was made of ancient metals, etched with enigmatic symbols that spoke of its ancient origins and the power it commanded.

In its massive hand, the Minotaur wielded a gigantic hammer, an instrument of destruction that could reduce even the sturdiest structures to rubble. The hammer gleamed with an otherworldly aura, pulsing with dark energies that hinted at the ancient curses it carried.

Despite his high level and intimidating appearance, he was not a mini-boss or a monster boss; he was a rare monster that occasionally appeared in this dungeon. The Minotaur was a formidable opponent, boasting thick HP points, but the EXP he offered was not substantial, making him a typical bully monster in the game.

"Kill or skip?" Bella asked without hesitation, her eyes fixed on the massive creature before them. She knew that taking down such a formidable foe would require effort and time.

"Kill," Allen declared with conviction. He knew that leaving the Minotaur alive could lead to complications later, especially if the creature decided to follow them to face the Mummy King, the ultimate boss of the pyramid.

"Agree," Alice chimed in, her determination mirrored by the rest of the team. They had come this far, and they were not about to back down from any challenge.

Larissa nodded, her crimson eyes gleaming with anticipation. "So, like usual? Alice and Bella stun. You and I take care of the offense?" she confirmed, referring to their well-established strategy in tackling tough monsters.

"Yup," Allen confirmed with a smirk. They had perfected this tactic through numerous battles, and it had served them well so far.

The Minotaur let out a thunderous roar, shaking the stone walls of the pyramid. It was as if the creature was challenging them to come and face his might.

Without a moment's hesitation, the group sprang into action.I think you should take a look at

Bella's eyes blazed with determination as she unleashed her Fire Wall. With a sweeping gesture of her hand, flames erupted from the ground, spiraling and twirling to form a scorching barrier around the Minotaur. The fire danced with a vibrant intensity, its crimson hues reflecting the passion of the young adventurer.

The Minotaur, trapped within the infernal circle, let out a thunderous roar of frustration. Its massive form trembled with rage, and its eyes burned with an intense fury that matched the flames surrounding it. Swinging its colossal hammer, the creature sought to break free from the fiery confinement.

Alice's eyes glinted with determination. She knew this was the perfect moment to put her Shadow Curse to use. With a swift and focused motion, she extended her hand toward the trapped beast, calling upon the dark energies that resided within her.

The shadows responded to her call, swirling and coiling around the Minotaur like serpents of darkness. The creature's struggles intensified, but Alice's hold on the shadows remained firm. She had to bind this monster, even if it meant pushing her abilities to their limits.

The shadows tightened their grip, snaking around the Minotaur's massive limbs, attempting to restrain him and prevent his escape. But unlike the Lamia, the Minotaur possessed extraordinary strength and a primal fury that made him a force to be reckoned with.

Allen and Larissa seized the moment, their eyes locked on the massive beast before them. As a team, they knew they had to act quickly and decisively. Allen charged forward, his demonic claws gleaming with dark energy. His movements were swift and calculated, aiming for the Minotaur's vulnerable spots. Larissa followed close behind, her crimson eyes ablaze with determination.

With her Blood Manipulation, a surge of power coursed through Larissa's veins. But instead of forming her usual blood restraints, something extraordinary happened—crimson spikes of blood materialized around her, sharp and deadly.

Larissa wasted no time. With a confident flick of her wrist, she sent the crimson spikes hurtling toward the Minotaur. The spikes sliced through the air with lethal precision, aiming for the creature's exposed areas.

Some of the crimson spikes found their mark, piercing the Minotaur's tough hide. The creature let out a bellow of pain, its massive form trembling under the assault. But the Minotaur was not easily defeated. With a display of sheer strength, it swung its hammer in a wild arc, deflecting some of the crimson spikes with a force that sent them flying off course.

With calculated precision, Allen activated his Shadow Step skill, vanishing from sight in the blink of an eye. He reappeared behind the towering Minotaur, hovering mid-air like a specter of darkness.

In his hands, a cluster of dark orbs materialized, pulsating with malevolent energy. The dark orbs streaked toward the Minotaur like shooting stars, each one aiming for a vulnerable point on the creature's massive body. As the orbs neared their target, they swirled and coalesced into a single, powerful projectile.

With a deafening explosion, the dark orb made a direct impact on the Minotaur's back. The beast let out a resounding roar, its body trembling from the force of the attack. Paralyzed by the sheer power of the dark orb, the Minotaur stood motionless, a formidable foe brought to its knees by Allen's devastating skill.

Seizing the moment, Allen's eyes glinted with determination. Without hesitation, he descended upon the Minotaur, his demonic claws gleaming with a deadly aura. With a swift and precise motion, he beheaded the Minotaur.

An announcement showed up, a sign of their victory. But before they could celebrate it, a male voice sounded.

"A worthy opponent I see…" But rather than eerie, this voice sounded masculine as if there was a handsome man behind it.

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