Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 446 A Familial Connection

Chapter 446 A Familial Connection

Villain Ch 446. A Familial Connection

Jordan stole a sidelong glance at Allen, a hint of pride evident in his expression. "Yes, of course. Those are good montages. We got a lot of scenes. I can say you and the others have done well," he acknowledged, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.

Allen flashed a grateful smile in response. "Thanks," he said, appreciating the recognition for his and his companions' efforts.

Jordan shifted the conversation to more mundane matters. "Anyway, do you want something to drink?" He gestured casually at the mini-fridge situated between their seats. "There's juice and some soda," he offered, aware that the choices were somewhat limited since this was his work car, not the one he typically used for leisurely outings or client meetings.

Allen shook his head in polite refusal. "No, thanks. I don't drink sugary drinks in the morning," he declined, adhering to a self-imposed dietary rule he'd long since he lived alone. The day might bring its challenges, but he started each morning with a healthier choice.

Jordan's phone suddenly rang, breaking the rhythm of their conversation. He reached for the device, answered the call, and greeted the caller with a polite, "Hello?"

From Allen's perspective, it was evident that the conversation on the other end of the line delved into the intricacies of business, discussing matters that were beyond his comprehension.

Allen lapsed into silence. His silence wasn't born of unease or discomfort; rather, it was a reflective pause, a moment of contemplation. His gaze drifted toward the window, where the bustling cityscape rolled by, but his mind was focused on matters far removed from the passing scenery.

Thoughts swirled in his mind like leaves caught in a gentle breeze. He pondered the myriad possibilities and potential outcomes that lay ahead. The realization that he might not be Jordan's biological son weighed on him, adding a layer of complexity to their evolving relationship. What would happen if they discovered they were not connected by blood? How would he handle the situation if Jordan decided to distance himself? And, more significantly, how could he navigate the newfound knowledge of having a half-sibling, Emma, without disrupting her life or causing her undue stress?

In these moments of introspection, Allen's introspective nature revealed itself. He was, at his core, an overthinker, prone to dissecting every situation and imagining worst-case scenarios that often never came to pass. While this tendency might be seen as a flaw, he recognized its potential benefits. Overthinking could, at times, serve as a defense mechanism, allowing him to anticipate and prepare for various contingencies, a valuable asset in both his gaming endeavors and, it seemed, in navigating the complexities of his real life.

Yet, as he sat in the car, Allen couldn't help but grapple with the uncertainty of his current situation. He yearned for answers, for the truth that lay hidden beneath layers of secrets and unanswered questions. His fingers tapped absentmindedly on the armrest, a subtle manifestation of his restless thoughts.

Jordan's inquisitive gaze fell upon Allen as he concluded his phone call. Sensing Allen's introspection, Jordan broke the silence with a question that cut to the heart of the matter.

"Thinking about something?" he inquired, his voice gentle, yet laden with curiosity.

Allen turned his gaze toward Jordan, ready to respond, but the older man preempted him, probing further into the matter that weighed on Allen's mind. "Are you afraid of the result?" Jordan ventured, his intuition sharp. Despite Allen's outward composure, Jordan sensed the undercurrent of doubt and unease that lay beneath.

Allen paused, his silence stretching into a contemplative moment. His eyes held a flicker of uncertainty as he considered his words carefully. "I was thinking..." he began slowly, choosing his words with care, "If, just if, I'm not your son. Will you terminate the contract? Will you be angry with me?" The uncertainty in his voice was palpable, his fears laid bare for the first time.

"What makes you think of that?" Jordan inquired, his voice a mixture of curiosity and concern. The car continued to glide through the bustling city streets, a backdrop to their conversation.

Allen's gaze remained fixed on Jordan, his thoughts deeply contemplative. It was a question that had gnawed at the edges of his consciousness, persistently haunting his thoughts. He chose his words carefully, allowing his pent-up worries to spill forth. "My mom and you were unconscious that night," he began, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "It's common for misunderstandings to occur," he continued, his tone laced with a hint of desperation. "It could be that another man took the opportunity that night," he confessed, his deepest fears laid bare.

It wasn't about money, the thought of this was all a mistake and he had to start his search to find his biological father from the start, overshadowing his concerns.

Jordan offered a reassuring smile and a comforting pat on Allen's shoulder. His voice carried a genuine warmth as he sought to allay Allen's concerns. "Don't worry too much about it," Jordan encouraged, his tone soothing. "I'm not going to terminate your contract or get mad at you for it," he affirmed, his unwavering support evident.

The words eased some of the tension in Allen's chest, offering a lifeline of comfort in the midst of his turmoil. Jordan's willingness to stand by him, regardless of the DNA test's outcome, was a testament to the strength of their bond. Allen could sense the sincerity in Jordan's words.

"And if you want," Jordan continued, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability, "if you ever feel lonely or just want someone to talk to, you can always come to me. We can chat, just like a father and son," he offered, his words laden with paternal warmth.

For a brief moment, Allen allowed himself to envision a future in which Jordan filled the role of a father figure in his life. It was a longing he had harbored for years, the desire for a parental presence that had been conspicuously absent. Jordan's open-hearted offer touched something deep within Allen, eliciting a genuine smile that spoke of gratitude and newfound hope.

"Thank you," Allen responded earnestly, his voice filled with appreciation. In that moment, he glimpsed the possibility of a familial connection that transcended the boundaries of blood.

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