Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 433 Ront City’s Downfall

Chapter 433 Ront City's Downfall

Villain Ch 433. Ront City's Downfall

The players exchanged frantic speculations about the identity of the devil emperor, but their questions were abruptly answered in a shocking turn of events. The Behemoth, struggling to maintain its balance, suddenly bent one of its colossal legs. With a mighty heave, the creature flung the devil emperor from its back, sending him hurtling through the air.

Miraculously, the devil emperor landed gracefully on the ground below, his nimble form defying the laws of physics. However, his sudden descent revealed the truth hidden behind the fa?ade. As the dust settled around him, the name above his head ceased to read 'Azazel,' and instead, it boldly displayed 'Doppelganger.'

The players, now in a state of shock and panic, quickly grasped the grim reality of their situation. The revelation that the devil emperor inside the city was indeed the genuine article left them with an unsettling truth: they were facing a battle on two fronts. With enemies both inside and outside the city walls, their predicament had gone from dire to nightmarish.

Confusion and fear swept through the ranks as players struggled to come to terms with this unexpected twist. They exchanged frantic glances and hurried whispers, trying to formulate a plan to confront the imminent threat.

Amidst the growing panic and chaos, voices rang out in a cacophony of urgent demands and pleas for action.

"We need to split our forces! The real devil emperor is inside the city! We can't let him reach the heart of the city!"

"What about the city gates?"

"No! We have to repair the city first! Quickly! We can't afford to let it fall!"

The players, gripped by fear and desperation, rushed to their designated tasks. Some charged towards the heart of the city, determined to confront the devil emperor who had infiltrated their stronghold. Others frantically sought to mend the city's battered defenses, working tirelessly to repair the damage inflicted by the devil emperor's onslaught.

Alice, Shea, and Jane recognized the opportunity created by the thinning player ranks on the city walls. They knew it was time to make their move.

With determination etched on their faces, they advanced with a renewed sense of purpose. Their powers and abilities surged forth, creating a dazzling spectacle of dark energy and formidable skills. They unleashed their area-effect spells and crowd control skills, causing havoc among the players.

Meanwhile, the rest of the girls descended from the city walls. They joined the fray, standing side by side with the monsters that sought to breach the city's defenses.


Larissa, Zoe, Vivian, and Bella realized the urgency of their mission. They knew they had to act swiftly to destroy the gate and gain access to the city.

Pooling their formidable skills and powers, the quartet of villains devised a devastating plan. Larissa, the vampire queen, unleashed her blood manipulation skill, slashing through the huge gate.

Zoe, with her terrifying tentacles, lashed out at the gate, delivering powerful blows that weakened its structural integrity. Vivian, armed with her whip, added to the onslaught, targeting key points on the gate's massive doors.

Bella, the fox demon, used her wind-manipulating fan to create a cyclone of destructive force. The gusts of wind not only hindered the repair efforts but also amplified the damage inflicted on the gate. Splintered wood and crumbling stone were sent flying in every direction as the gate's endurance plummeted rapidly.

[Gate's endurance 429,673 / 1,000,000]

"THE GATE! PROTECT THE GATE!" The urgency in the players' voices grew louder. They shouted in a desperate attempt to protect the gate, but the Mummy King and Lust, along with their relentless minions, stood as formidable obstacles.

The two boss monsters along with their menacing minions, continued to wreak havoc. Their enchanting and seductive powers proved deadly to the players, rendering them helpless.

Lust, her eyes filled with alluring allure, approached a group of male players who couldn't resist her charms. Her sultry voice whispered sweet promises that tantalized their senses.

"Come to me, my brave heroes," Lust purred, her voice dripping with seduction. "I'll make your every desire come true..."

Caught in her entrancing web of temptation, the male players hesitated, their concentration faltering as their eyes involuntarily wandered to Lust's swaying form.

Meanwhile, the Lamias, in all their mesmerizing beauty, continued their deadly dance. With a soft, melodic hiss, they began to sway their sinuous bodies, casting a spell over the male players who couldn't resist their allure.

One of the mesmerized male players mumbled in a daze, "They're... so beautiful..."

Another player, entranced by the Lamias' movements, added, "I can't... look away..."

On the other side, the Incubi targeted the female players with their persuasive advances. With alluring smiles and flirtatious words, they bewitched the women, disrupting their concentration as well. The females, enchanted by the Incubi's irresistible charisma, couldn't resist the allure.

In the midst of this enchantment, the repair efforts at the city gate were thrown into disarray.

Outside of the city, amid the tumultuous battle and the blinding dust and smoke, Elio and the tanks finally realized they had been deceived. The sight of the devil emperor, or rather the Doppelganger posing as him, landing safely on the ground and revealing his true identity sent a shiver of dread through Elio's spine.

"Oh no..." Elio muttered, his heart sinking as he grasped the gravity of the situation. The chaos of the battlefield had obscured their vision, preventing them from distinguishing the real devil emperor from the impostor. Their oversight had dire consequences.

Elio quickly turned his gaze back to the city, where the players were facing overwhelming odds. Monsters had penetrated their defenses, and some had even rallied to attack the city gate with alarming speed.

As Elio's eyes fell upon the gate's endurance meter, his heart sank further.

[Gate's endurance 3,991 /1,000,000]

The realization hit him like a thunderbolt. The gate was on the brink of destruction, and the defenders were struggling to hold it together.

"Retreat! The gate will be destroyed!" Elio urgently commanded, his voice tinged with desperation. He tugged at the reins of his mount, leading his fellow knights and paladins in a hasty withdrawal from the battlefield. Their priority was to return to the city and defend it.

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