Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 588 Loving Moments With Su Xian

Chapter 588 Loving Moments With Su Xian

A carefully orchestrated buzz began to permeate Astral Jade City. Murmurs about a grand announcement by the City Lord himself reached every corner. Curiosity piqued, cultivators young and old gathered within the central plaza, their eyes fixed on the imposing City Lord's Pavilion.

Wang Jian, clad in his finest robes, emerged onto a platform overlooking the throng. A mischievous glint danced in his eyes as he addressed the restless crowd.

"My esteemed citizens," he boomed, his voice amplified by a spatial array, "rumors have reached my ears about a hidden treasure trove within our glorious city."

A wave of excited murmurs rippled through the crowd.

"While the truth of those rumors remains unconfirmed," Wang Jian continued with a knowing smirk, "the mere possibility has ignited a spark of adventure in the hearts of many."

This statement was met with enthusiastic nods and cheers from the treasure hunters present.

"Therefore," Wang Jian declared, his voice dripping with theatricality, "to quell the restless spirits and satiate your adventurous cravings, I, Wang Jian, City Lord of Astral Jade City, hereby announce… The Grand Astral Treasure Hunt!"

The announcement was like a bombshell detonating in the plaza. The crowd erupted in a cacophony of cheers and whistles. The settlement leaders, cultivation families, and sects observing from afar watched with a mixture of apprehension and grudging admiration. They had started the fire, but Wang Jian was the one fueling the inferno.

Wang Jian outlined the details of the hunt. Entry would require a "Treasure Hunter's Permit," a permit obtained for a hefty sum of Divine Spirit Stones. This was a subtle tax, a way for Astral Jade City to profit from the very greed it was manipulating.

Blinded by visions of untold riches, the treasure hunters readily coughed up the fee. The permit not only granted access to designated search zones but also offered "exclusive clues" that could lead them to the coveted treasure. These clues, however, were cleverly crafted lies designed to send the treasure hunters on a wild goose chase.

Now came the truly depraved part of Wang Jian's plan.

The designated search zones were carefully chosen – intricate illusionary formations, designed by Wang Jian himself, cloaked these zones. These illusions were not simply visual tricks; they were elaborate scenarios that exploited the deepest desires and vulnerabilities of the treasure hunters.

For a cultivator obsessed with power, the illusion would manifest as a fearsome beast guarding a chest containing a mythical martial technique. The cultivator, driven by ambition, would attack the beast, only to find it vanish in a puff of smoke, leaving the cultivator exhausted and disillusioned.

For cultivators seeking wealth, the illusion might take the form of a glittering cave filled with mountains of sparkling gems. Upon closer inspection, the gems would reveal themselves to be worthless trinkets, shattering the cultivator's dreams of opulence.

And for those consumed by a lust for immortality, the illusion might conjure an ancient elixir, promising eternal life. But upon consuming the elixir, the cultivator would experience a series of increasingly embarrassing physical transformations, leaving them the laughingstock of their peers.

As days turned into weeks, chaos reigned in the designated search zones. The illusionary landscapes, with their customized torments, played havoc with the treasure hunters' psyches. Some emerged utterly demoralized, others bewildered and confused. A few even fled screaming from their self-inflicted nightmares.

Meanwhile, within Astral Jade City itself, Wang Jian and his wives watched the pandemonium unfold with detached amusement. News of the "cursed treasure hunt" spread like wildfire, becoming the hottest topic of conversation across the Eastern Cosmos. The settlement leaders, sects, and cultivation families who had originated the rumor were aghast. They had hoped to sow discord, but Wang Jian had turned the tables, profiting handsomely from the tax and leaving their intended victims a laughingstock.

The Grand Astral Treasure Hunt became a spectacle unlike any other. It was a testament to Wang Jian's strategic brilliance and ruthlessness. He had not just countered their attack; he had twisted it into a twisted game, a public display of the folly of greed and blind ambition.

In the aftermath, the treasure hunters scattered back to their respective settlements, forever scarred by their experiences within the Astral Jade City's illusionary labyrinth. The once-vibrant rumors about hidden wealth died a quiet death. In their place arose a newfound respect, albeit tinged with a hint of fear, for Wang Jian and his ruthlessly clever tactics.

Astral Jade City had weathered yet another storm, its reputation for security and ingenuity further solidified.

Sunlight streamed through the ornately carved windows of Wang Jian's private chambers, casting a warm glow on the opulent furnishings. In the center of the room, Su Xian, clad in a silken robe that barely contained her ample curves, knelt beside a plush chaise lounge. Her fingers, adorned with delicate jade rings, danced across her husband's scalp, working out the knots accumulated from a long day.

"Mmm," Wang Jian sighed contentedly, leaning into Su Xian's touch. "That feels heavenly, my love. You have such a calming presence."

Su Xian chuckled, a soft tinkling sound that filled the room. "Someone had to counteract all the plotting and maneuvering you engage in daily."

"True, true," he admitted, a playful glint in his eyes. "But even a cunning strategist needs moments of respite, wouldn't you agree?"

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, touching upon the latest reports from various city districts and the amusing gossip circulating amongst the populace.After a comfortable silence settled between them, Su Xian, with a hint of curiosity in her voice, asked, "Husband, if I may be so bold, there's something that's been on my mind."

Wang Jian stopped mid-thought, turning his head slightly to meet her gaze. "Anything for you, my love. Ask away."

"Why?" she began, her voice soft. "Why establish this Astral Jade City? You already have the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, a powerful sect at your fingertips. With Cui Lan under your control, you could influence the entire sect without ever stepping into the public eye."

Wang Jian lifted his hand, resting it on her smooth, exposed shoulder. He gave it a gentle squeeze, a silent appreciation for her concern. "A fair question, Su Xian," he replied, his voice low and thoughtful. "The truth is, Astral Jade City addresses a fundamental weakness of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion."

He paused, allowing a dramatic beat to sink in before continuing. "The Pavilion, renowned for its legacy and prowess, has one glaring restriction – it accepts only female disciples. While this tradition has garnered them immense respect and power, it also limits their reach."

Su Xian nodded, her understanding evident. "Indeed. An all- female sect has its advantages, but excluding talented men is a significant loss."

"Precisely," Wang Jian affirmed. "There's a vast pool of resources and skills untapped because of this tradition. Astral Jade City serves as a bridge, a place where both men and women can contribute their talents, fostering a diverse and innovative environment."

He turned his full attention to her, his gaze filled with an unwavering affection. "But beyond that, Su Xian," he whispered, leaning closer, "there's another reason."

Su Xian leaned in as well, her breath warm against his cheek. "There is?"

"I want to leave my mark," he admitted, a note of ambition lacing his voice. "To build something that will stand the test of time. Astral Jade City is my legacy, a testament to my vision and leadership."

A tender smile graced Su Xian's lips. "A noble ambition, my husband," she murmured.

His eyes twinkled with mischief. "However," he said playfully, squeezing her shoulder again, "there's a more personal reason as well."

Intrigue colored Su Xian's expression. "Oh? Do tell."

He leaned in further, his lips brushing against her ear. "I want you, and all of you," he whispered, his voice husky, "to be revered. To experience life not just in luxury, but with the kind of respect and influence that comes with being the wife of a City Lord, a leader who commands the respect of the entire Cosmos."

Su Xian's heart skipped a beat. His words, laced with love and ambition, touched her deeply. A blush crept up her neck as a wave of warmth washed over her.

"For that," he continued, his voice low and seductive, "I'm willing to face any challenge, any threat to this city and its citizens.

Su Xian couldn't hold back a soft moan. The way he spoke, the way he looked at her with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine, it was intoxicating.

His hand began to drift down, slowly stroking its way across her arm, sending shivers down her spine. He reached her waist, his touch igniting a fire beneath the silken fabric.

With that, she deftly maneuvered him onto his back, her silk robes whispering as they pooled around her. Her touch, initially gentle, transitioned to a teasing exploration of his body. Her fingers traced a path down his arm, sending shivers down his spine.

A low moan escaped Wang Jian's lips as Su Xian unfastened the clasp of his robe, revealing his toned chest. Her warm breath tickled his skin as she leaned down, her lips trailing a path of fire across his collarbone.

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