Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 557 Gift To Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin

Chapter 557 Gift To Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin

Feng Xiaoyu, caught between suspicion and a desire to appease Wang Jian, sighed. "Fine," she conceded.

"Twenty-five thousand."

Dong Aigou felt a surge of despair.

But the thought of losing the stone, of losing the chance that destiny offered him, fueled his determination.

"Thirty thousand!" he roared, his voice hoarse with strain.

The crowd gasped. The price for an unremarkable stone had skyrocketed, leaving everyone bewildered. The auctioneer, her eyes sparkling with excitement, egged the bidders on.

"Thirty thousand going once, going twice…"

Wang Jian, thoroughly enjoying the spectacle, leaned over to Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin, who were giggling uncontrollably. "See, ladies? A little competition always makes things more interesting."

He shot a playful glance at Feng Xiaoyu, a silent challenge in his eyes. Feng Xiaoyu, stung by his amusement, gritted her teeth. She couldn't afford to lose face, not in front of him.

"Forty thousand!" she declared, her voice firm.

The auction house erupted in a frenzy. Such an exorbitant price for a seemingly worthless object was unheard of. Dong Aigou, his heart hammering in his chest, knew this was his last stand.

"Fifty thousand!" he rasped, his voice barely audible over the din.

The auctioneer's voice trembled as she announced, "Fifty thousand spirit stones going once…" All eyes were glued to the VIP room where Feng Xiaoyu sat, her face a mask of determination.

A long, agonizing silence stretched. Finally, just as the auctioneer was about to say "twice," Wang Jian leaned back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Feng Xiaoyu," he drawled, his voice laced with amusement. "I want this stone at all costs."

Then, Feng Xiaoyu spoke out, "Hundred Thousand Spirit Stones."

Dong Aigou, his heart pounding in his chest, knew he couldn't compete further. Yet, the stone pulsed with a growing urgency, urging him not to give up.

Suddenly, a reckless idea flashed through his mind. He couldn't win through fair means, so he'd have to resort to less savory tactics. He glared at the curtained room number one, his eyes blazing with defiance. This wasn't over. He would acquire that stone, even if it meant taking it back from the clutches of the victor.

The auction continued, a whirlwind of exotic treasures each with its own fascinating backstory.

A gleaming set of dragon-bone armor, said to have been forged by a legendary ancestor, drew gasps from the audience. A vial of shimmering essence, rumored to hold the concentrated essence of a thousand lightning strikes, attracted bids from cultivators specializing in thunderous techniques.

Wang Jian, ever the charmer, leaned towards Feng Xiaoyu, a playful glint in his eyes. "That shimmering essence would make a lovely gift for Yin Lian," he remarked. "And that dazzling necklace over there would be perfect for Mu Xuanyin."

Feng Xiaoyu's jaw clenched. He was clearly using her resources to impress the two beauties by his side. A flicker of jealousy, a foreign emotion for her, ignited within her.

"And how do you propose to repay me for all these extravagant purchases, Wang Jian?" she inquired, her voice laced with a hint of steel.

Wang Jian's smile remained undimmed. "Have faith, my dear Feng Xiaoyu," he purred. "Consider this a small token of my appreciation. Soon, I'll reveal the location of some very special Devil Ore Mines known as the 'Crimson Sky Veins' and the 'Shadow Serpent's Cradle' to you."

Feng Xiaoyu's eyes widened. These were legendary mines, their ores coveted for crafting powerful artifacts. A glimmer of hope flickered within her.

The auction continued, each bid driving the tension and excitement to ever-greater heights.

Soon enough, the final gavel pounded, signifying the conclusion of the auction. A collective sigh of relief rippled through the room as weary bidders and curious onlookers began to file out. Feng Xiaoyu, still fuming over Wang Jian's extravagant whims, waited impatiently in her VIP room. The air crackled with a tension that had nothing to do with the auction's excitement.

Moments later, a representative from the auction house entered, bowing low. "Esteemed Lady Feng," he intoned, his voice smooth with practiced courtesy, "your purchases have been tallied. The total comes to—"

Feng Xiaoyu cut him off, a glint in her eyes. "No need for details," she said, tossing three spatial pouches onto the table. "It's all there."

The representative's eyes widened as he peered inside. Each pouch bulged with a hefty amount of Devil Spirit Stones, the universal currency within the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe. With a practiced smile, he verified the contents and bowed again.

"As you wish, Lady Feng," he said, handing over a single, unassuming spatial pouch. "Your winnings are all accounted for."

A curt nod was his only reply as he left. Feng Xiaoyu wasted no time. She tossed the pouch onto the plush lounge where Wang Jian reclined, his arms draped around Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin.

"Here," she said, her voice laced with annoyance. "Your gifts for the ladies."

With a flourish, Wang Jian withdrew the vial and necklace, presenting them to his companions.

Yin Lian's eyes widened as she gazed at the vial, its essence swirling like a miniature storm. "Oh, Wang Jian," she breathed, her voice filled with a mixture of awe and gratitude. Mu Xuanyin, her jade complexion glowing in the dim light, echoed the sentiment with a grateful smile. Despite their status as his slaves, such luxurious gifts sparked a genuine warmth within them.

"Now, about those mines," Feng Xiaoyu said, her voice clipped. "The Crimson Sky Veins and the Shadow Serpent's Cradle. Can we discuss their locations?"

Wang Jian chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Patience, my dear Feng Xiaoyu," he purred. "Those secrets can wait. Right now," he gestured to Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin, their alluring figures draped across him. "I have a few lovely distractions to attend to."

His words were laced with a suggestive tone, a clear invitation for Feng Xiaoyu's participation. A sardonic snort escaped her lips. She knew the implication – another night of shameless indulgence. Her eyes darted towards Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin, their bodies already draped suggestively across Wang Jian.

A decision formed in her mind. "Enjoy yourselves," she said, her voice laced with a dismissive edge. "I'll wait at Yin Lian's residence. Do try not to take too long."

With that, she rose from her seat and donned a dark cloak, shrouding her commanding figure and concealing her identity from the prying eyes that might lurk within the auction hall. Secrecy was paramount for someone in her position, the head of a powerful Trade Association.

Silence descended upon the room as Feng Xiaoyu slipped out, leaving Wang Jian alone with his willing companions. He settled onto the sofa, the supple curves of Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin molding themselves against him.

"Why not leave now?" Yin Lian purred, her voice laced with playful curiosity. "Why this… venue?"

Wang Jian smirked. "Ah, my dear Yin Lian," he began, fingers trailing a delicate pattern across Mu Xuanyin's bare shoulder. "This was merely a ploy to usher Feng Xiaoyu out of the room and leave this auction hall. I have a feeling… a very interesting event awaits her outside."

Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin both furrowed their brows, confusion etched on their faces. "An event?" Mu Xuanyin echoed, her voice husky. "What do you mean?"

"Your former friend, Dong Aigou, was here," Wang Jian replied, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous glint.

Yin Lian frowned. "Dong Aigou? We didn't see him anywhere in the auction hall."

Wang Jian chuckled. "He was disguised, using some sort of transformation technique. But his spiritual signature can't hide from me." He traced a finger down Yin Lian's bare arm, his voice dropping to a low murmur.

Wang Jian then further explained, "He had his eyes set on a rather peculiar item during the auction, the same one I instructed Feng Xiaoyu to bid on. Right now, he's probably waiting for someone to leave this very room, someone carrying his prize and to ambush that individual to steal that stone."

He leaned closer, his lips brushing against Yin Lian's ear. "Little does Dong Aigou know," he whispered, a low chuckle escaping his lips, "that he's about to attack Feng Xiaoyu."

A stunned silence descended upon the room. Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin exchanged bewildered glances. Dong Aigou attacking Feng Xiaoyu? It made no sense.

But before they could voice their confusion, Wang Jian silenced them with a passionate kiss, effectively dissolving further inquiries.

Outside, Feng Xiaoyu hurried through the bustling streets, a growing unease gnawing at her.

Just as Wang Jian had predicted, Feng Xiaoyu emerged from the auction hall, her cloak billowing behind her. But before she could melt into the throng of devils, a figure materialized from the shadows, blocking her path.

It was a man, unremarkable in every way. His clothes were worn, his face weather-beaten and ordinary. But something about his aura, his very presence, sparked a flicker of recognition in Feng Xiaoyu's eyes.

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