Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 536 Three Devilish Beauties

Chapter 536 Three Devilish Beauties

Wang Jian disentangled himself from her embrace. He rose, his movements fluid and effortless, and walked towards the nearby table. He poured himself a goblet of wine, the red liquid catching the dim light in the room.

Cui Lan watched him, a swirl of emotions churning within her.

Wang Jian finished his wine and turned back towards her. A faint smile played on his lips, a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Feeling better?" he asked, his voice devoid of emotion.

Cui Lan nodded, her response barely above a whisper. She knew the answer was both yes and no. The physical exertion had left her drained, but the questions that lingered in her mind were far from restful.

"Good," Wang Jian stated simply. He gestured towards the scattered remains of her dress. "Perhaps you should get dressed. We have a long journey ahead."

Cui Lan rose slowly, gathering the remnants of her clothing with trembling hands. Shame washed over her again, a hot flush creeping up her neck. This wasn't the first time they had been intimate, but this time felt different. The stakes were higher, the future more uncertain.

As she dressed, stolen glances at Wang Jian revealed nothing. His face was an unreadable mask, his thoughts a mystery locked away. She couldn't decipher his motivations, his plans for the Blue Moon Eclipse Devils, or their ultimate fate.

Cui Lan finished dressing, the once vibrant silk dress now a tattered testament to their passionate encounter.

Meanwhile, oblivious to the events unfolding in Wang Jian's chamber, Yu Qing remained locked away in the Azure Phoenix Chamber. Hours had bled into days, punctuated only by the rhythmic hum of the ship's engines and the occasional tremor as they warped through the treacherous folds of the void.

Inside the chamber, the atmosphere crackled with a different kind of energy. Yu Qing, bathed in a soft, ethereal glow emanating from the intricate arrays, sat cross-legged on the plush platform. Her eyes, closed in deep meditation, held a steely determination.

The reforged blade, now hovering a handbreadth from her forehead, pulsed with a faint light, its energy resonating with her own.

A week later, the Hidden Flying Ship emerged from the swirling vortex of a spatial tunnel, landing silently on the dusty plains of the X-98 Star. Wang Jian, a sly grin playing on his lips, exited the vessel alone.

With a mental flick, he activated his dormant Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Bloodline. A wave of energy washed over him, subtly altering his features.

While his overall handsomeness remained, his eyes now held a glint of crimson, and a tell-tale crescent moon mark adorned his forehead – a clear indicator of his devilish heritage.

Cui Lan, the beautiful elders, and even Yu Qing remained on the ship. Wang Jian knew their presence could ignite suspicion.

His initial target was the largest settlement within sight – a sprawling network of obsidian towers and fortified structures teeming with devils.

Infiltrating the settlement was child's play for someone of his cultivation level. He weaved through the bustling marketplace, observing the daily life of the Blue Moon Eclipse Devils.

His keen eyes quickly scanned for his targets. His first potential recruit was a stunning woman named Mo Xuanyin, her raven hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of midnight.

The silver crescent moon emblem adorning her chest proclaimed her lineage – the leader of the settlement's elite guard, the Moon Shadow Clan.

At an astonishingly young age, Mo Xuanyin had already reached the peak of the Divine Spirit Realm, a testament to her prodigious talent and unrelenting cultivation.

Her fiery crimson eyes held a fierce determination, a quality Wang Jian found particularly alluring.

Next, he spotted a statuesque beauty named Feng Xiaoyu, the current Overseer of Trade for the settlement.

Her curvaceous figure was accentuated by the shimmering silk robes she wore, her dark eyes sparkling with intelligence.

Despite her youthful appearance, Feng Xiaoyu possessed a cultivation base that mirrored Mo Xuanyin's – peak Divine Spirit Realm.

The subtle way she commanded respect from seasoned merchants and haggled with cunning traders hinted at a sharp intellect beneath her stunning facade.

Finally, his gaze fell upon a woman radiating a different kind of aura – Yin Lian, the High Priestess of the settlement's main temple.

Her beauty was serene, her movements graceful, and her white robes exuded an air of purity.

Despite her focus on spiritual matters, Yin Lian's cultivation base wasn't far behind the other two – a testament to the powerful techniques practiced by the temple order.

A smirk played on Wang Jian's lips.

These three – Mo Xuanyin, the fierce warrior; Feng Xiaoyu, the cunning merchant; and Yin Lian, the pious priestess – represented the pinnacle of female leadership within the settlement.

With their talents and influence, they were the key to his plan.

He didn't need brute force to conquer the Blue Moon Eclipse Devils. He needed seduction, charm, and the allure of power.

A cunning smile stretched across his face. He had a feeling these beautiful devils wouldn't stand a chance against his carefully crafted schemes.

Wang Jian wasn't one for impulsive actions.

Patience, like a finely honed blade, was a key weapon in his arsenal.

So, instead of a brash approach, he spent the next few days observing his targets from afar. He learned their routines, their habits, and most importantly, their weaknesses.

But a new wrinkle emerged in his plan. During his observations, he noticed a recurring figure – a young male devil named Dong Aigou.

He wasn't particularly powerful, hovering at the early stage of the Divine Spirit Realm, but his connection to the three women sparked Wang Jian's curiosity.

Dong Aigou possessed a peculiar 'Destiny Jade.'

This jade, rumored to be a fragment of a celestial artifact, had a bizarre ability: it forced him to unwittingly stumble upon opportunities for advancement.

Dong Aigou constantly found himself in the right place at the right time, receiving fortuitous encounters with cultivation resources, powerful techniques, and even rare medicinal herbs.

This golden finger, though seemingly harmless, had unknowingly shaped his connection with the three women.

Mo Xuanyin, the fierce warrior, owed him a life debt.

Years ago, during a demonic incursion, Dong Aigou's Destiny Jade led him to a hidden cache of powerful spirit stones, allowing him to activate a defensive array that saved Mo Xuanyin from a near-fatal attack.

Feng Xiaoyu, the cunning merchant, viewed him with a mix of amusement and exasperation.

Dong Aigou's 'lucky encounters' often led him to uncover valuable treasures, which Feng Xiaoyu, with her shrewd business acumen, would then purchase at a fraction of their true value. Despite their constant bickering, a begrudging respect had blossomed between them.

Yin Lian, the High Priestess, saw him as a potential disciple. Dong Aigou's constant brush with destiny, in her eyes, was a sign of divine favor.

She subtly guided his cultivation, offering him rare spiritual texts and cryptic advice gleaned from the temple archives.

While Dong Aigou didn't have an intimate relationship with any of the women, it was clear he held a special place in their hearts. He wasn't quite a lover, not yet, but something more than a simple acquaintance.

Mo Xuanyin held a silent loyalty towards him, Feng Xiaoyu found him oddly endearing, and Yin Lian saw him as a promising student touched by fate.

Wang Jian's lips curled into a sly smile.

This development only added to the challenge. Seducing strong, independent women was one thing, but doing so while displacing a man who had unknowingly earned their trust and affection… that was a game he relished.

Stealing hearts away, particularly those already harboring a glimmer of affection for another, was his specialty.

He couldn't wait to see the look on Dong Aigou's face when he shattered the fragile connections he had unknowingly forged.

Dong Aigou felt the familiar warmth radiating from his Destiny Jade, a warmth that always nudged him towards opportunities for advancement or fortuitous encounters. Today, it led him towards the Devil Temple, specifically the sacred inner sanctum dedicated to the Flame Lunar Devil God.

Inside the sanctum, Yin Lian knelt in prayer, her white robes shimmering in the ethereal glow emanating from a large lunar pearl suspended in the center of the room. Dong Aigou's face softened as he watched her, his heart skipping a beat. He had always harbored a secret affection for the High Priestess, but his usual clumsiness and stuttering prevented him from expressing it.

Suddenly, the sanctum doors slammed open, shattering the peaceful atmosphere. A burly male priest from the rival Earth Lunar Devil God sect strode in, his eyes leering openly at Yin Lian. "Well, well," he boomed, his voice dripping with a crude familiarity, "Isn't this a lovely sight? The High Priestess lost in her devotions."

Yin Lian's eyes narrowed, a flicker of annoyance crossing her face. "Priest Tang, what brings you to this sacred sanctum?" she asked, her voice a steely whisper.

Priest Tang chuckled, the sound like scraping stones. "Just admiring the Flame Lunar Devil God's finest creation," he leered, his gaze lingering suggestively on Yin Lian's figure. Before Yin Lian could retort, Dong Aigou, his face reddening with fury, stepped forward.

"How dare you speak to the High Priestess like that!" he spluttered, his voice cracking with barely contained rage. "You filthy Earth Lunar dog! Apologize this instant!"

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