Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 523 Unprecedented Talent Of Wang Jian Across The Entire Cosmos

Chapter 523 Unprecedented Talent Of Wang Jian Across The Entire Cosmos

Wang Jian's eyes gleamed with a predatory glint as he surveyed the bustling marketplace. "Fire," he declared, his voice laced with a dangerous certainty, "will be our instrument of chaos. But a fire fueled by ordinary flames wouldn't do.:"

Thus, Wang Jian needed to exploit the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe's weakness. As a descendant of their bloodline, he possessed a crucial piece of information – their vulnerability to the Sacred and Solar attributes.

A sly smile played on his lips. He, unlike these "pure" Blue Moon Eclipse Devils, possessed both these attributes. A perfect advantage for the mayhem he envisioned.

With a flick of his wrist, Wang Jian shrouded them in the familiar comfort of darkness.

They were all then moved away from the bustling marketplace, seeking a secluded corner of the settlement.

Once a suitable location was found, devoid of prying eyes, Wang Jian unleashed another layer of shadows, creating a dome of impenetrable darkness around them.

"To truly instill fear," he explained, "we need flames imbued with the power of the Sacred or Solar attribute. Something these devils haven't encountered before."

Cui Lan's brow furrowed. "But Master Wang," she interjected, "neither the elders nor I possess such attributes. While we do possess artifacts imbued with these elements, they wouldn't be enough to create the kind of inferno you seem to envision."

The elders, Elder Ming and Elder Guo, nodded in agreement, their faces etched with concern. Their expertise lay in cultivating other elements, not the very ones that could exploit this specific weakness.

A sly grin stretched across Wang Jian's face. "Fear not, my dear Cui Lan," he purred, his voice dripping with a hint of amusement. "I wouldn't ask the impossible without providing the means."

Intrigue flickered in Cui Lan's eyes, mirrored by the elders'. Wang Jian closed his eyes, focusing his energy inwards. Minutes ticked by, filled with a tense silence. Then, with a flourish, he opened his eyes, revealing a sight that left the women awestruck.

Floating before them, suspended within the shadows, were twenty shimmering orbs. Each one pulsed with an otherworldly glow, ten radiating a warm, golden light – the power of the Solar attribute, and the other ten imbued with a pure, cleansing light – the Sacred attribute.

"These," Wang Jian declared, his voice laced with a hint of pride, "are sparks of the very elements we need."

He carefully handed one orb each to Cui Lan and the elders. "Infuse them with your spiritual energy," he instructed, "along with any divine energy you possess. We need to amplify the core power within these sparks of Solar and Sacred Attribute."

The elders, their hands trembling slightly, cradled the orbs, feeling the warmth and power radiating from them. This was uncharted territory, a new level of manipulation they hadn't experienced before.

"Once infused," Wang Jian continued, his voice low and commanding, "we are going to hurl them into the heart of the marketplace. The resulting conflagration will not only cause widespread chaos but also strike a deep fear into the hearts of these demons."

Cui Lan, despite the reservations gnawing at her, understood the logic. A fire fueled by the antithesis of their very essence would be a terrifying sight, a symbol of their vulnerability.

"And then," she said, her voice firm, "we make our move for the lunar essence."

A slow, predatory smile spread across Wang Jian's face. "Precisely, my dear Cui Lan. While they're scrambling to contain the inferno, we'll slip in, grab the essence, and be out of here before they even know what hit them."

The plan, audacious and reckless, hung in the air. The women, their faces a mixture of fear and a strange kind of exhilaration, understood the gravity of the situation. They were accomplices in a scheme that could either grant them unimaginable prestige among humans or plunge them into the depths of despair at the hands of these devils.

But there was no turning back now.

A tense silence filled the air as the women channeled their energy into the orbs. Time seemed to slow down, the only sound the crackling of power as the Sacred and Solar Attributes hummed with increasing intensity.

Cui Lan, her brow furrowed in concentration, felt a surge of power course through her as she poured her divine energy into the Sacred orb. Its celestial glow intensified, a miniature sun held captive in her hand.

The elders, each focused on their respective orb, mirrored her actions. Their faces, normally serene and composed, now displayed a fierce determination. Despite their reservations, they were all in this together.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the orbs reached a peak. They pulsed with blinding light, threatening to burst from the sheer volume of power contained within.

Wang Jian, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips, clapped his hands once. "Excellent work, ladies," he commended, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. "Now, replenish your reserves."

He produced a vial filled with glistening spheres, their emerald glow a beacon of rejuvenation. "These are the recovery pellets I concocted," he explained, his tone casual. "Just one of them will be good enough to help you recover your Spiritual Energy."

Relief washed over the women. The process of channeling their energy had been surprisingly draining. They started to pop the pellets into their mouths. The sweet, invigorating taste flooded their senses as their depleted energy reserves began to replenish.

Once their strength was restored, Wang Jian flicked his wrist, the shadow dome dissolving into wisps of darkness.

They found themselves back in the non-descript alleyway, the marketplace noise a distant hum once more. Wang Jian surveyed the area, his sharp eyes taking in the deserted surroundings.

"Alright, ladies," he said, his voice low and commanding. "The fun begins now. Unleash those fiery delights on the nearby buildings."

His tone held an undeniable authority, a stark contrast to his usual playful demeanor. The Eternal Slave Contracts, binding their souls to his will, served as a constant reminder of their precarious situation.

Cui Lan and the elders, despite their reservations, knew they had no choice but to obey. They each selected a building near them, a strategically chosen target on the outskirts of the marketplace.

With a silent nod from Wang Jian, they hurled the orbs. The orbs, infused with the stolen power, streaked through the air, leaving trails of blinding light. They collided with their targets, exploding in a blinding flash.

A wave of searing heat washed over the area, followed by an otherworldly light that bathed the marketplace in an eerie glow. The Sacred and Solar Attributes, anathema to the lunar-

based energies of the Blue Moon Eclipse tribe, unleashed their fury.

Buildings erupted in flames, an unnatural fire that burned with an otherworldly intensity. The flames, devoid of the usual orange hues, shimmered with a blinding white and gold, defying all natural laws.

Panic erupted in the marketplace. Shrieks rent the air as demons, both young and old, scrambled for cover.

The unnatural flames seemed to defy all logic, spreading with a terrifying speed, leaving behind smoldering ruins in their wake.

Cui Lan and the other women watched in stunned silence as the chaos they had unleashed unfolded before them.

But amidst the terror, Wang Jian remained a calm figure, a predator observing the unfolding hunt.

He hadn't intended for the situation to escalate to this degree. Ideally, he wanted to create a diversion, a localized incident that would allow him to slip away with the lunar essence unnoticed.

But the sheer destructive power of the Sacred and Solar Attributes had thrown his plan into disarray. The entire settlement was now in pandemonium, every demon focused on escaping the inferno, their attention diverted from their precious lunar essence.

Wang Jian, seeing the unexpected opportunity unfold, a sly grin spread across his face. He grabbed Cui Lan's hand, his grip surprisingly firm. "Let's go," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper.

Cloaked in the shadows, they slipped through the chaos, the terrified screams of the demons a macabre symphony. Their destination – the heart of the settlement, where the lunar essence was most likely to be housed.

This unexpected turn of events had presented a golden opportunity, one that Wang Jian wasn't about to miss. The Blue Moon Eclipse tribe, consumed by their own fear, had unwittingly created the perfect cover for him to steal their most prized possession.

As Wang Jian led them through the chaotic settlement, a mix of emotions flickered across the faces of Cui Lan and the elders.

Anger simmered – a deep resentment towards the depravity of the Eternal Slave Contracts that bound them. Yet, a grudging respect intertwined with that anger.

Witnessing the settlement in such disarray, a primal satisfaction bloomed within them.

These were devils, their sworn enemies, reduced to terrified creatures fleeing a fire they couldn't comprehend. It was a human victory, a twisted form of payback for millennia of suffering.

But beyond the human element, a deeper awe settled in. Wang Jian's display of power was…unprecedented.

His knowledge encompassed an astonishing breadth of Laws – Array Formations, Alchemy, the very essence of the Sacred and Solar Attributes, even the manipulation of flames at such an unnatural level.

They'd never encountered such a wellspring of talent in their entire existence.

Across the vast cosmos, across countless races and civilizations, whispers of prodigies reached them, each famed for a specific Law. But here was Wang Jian, a walking anomaly who defied categorization. A tremor of fear, a primal instinct for survival, warred with their newfound respect.

Unbeknownst to them, a subtle shift was taking place within their minds. The Eternal Slave Contracts, while forceful, weren't the sole reason for their obedience.

Witnessing Wang Jian's power, his seemingly boundless potential, began to subtly erode their resistance.

A seed of submission, a twisted form of admiration, was taking root in their subconscious.

The pride they held in their own cultivation, honed over centuries, felt utterly irrelevant in the face of such raw, untamed talent.

Wang Jian, oblivious to the internal turmoil he'd caused, pressed on. He darted through alleys shrouded in smoke, his senses scanning for any sign of patrolling guards.

Every now and then, a stray demon, face contorted in terror, would stumble past them, completely unaware of the invisible figures in their midst.

"Did you find the Lunar Essence?" Cui Lan finally spoke, her voice low, "Where is it? "

Wang Jian stopped, a mischievous glint in his eyes. He pointed towards a towering obsidian structure in the distance, its peak shrouded in churning smoke. "There," he said, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips, "the heart of the settlement.That appears to be their primary treasury, where their precious essence undoubtedly resides."

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