Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 512 Wang Jian's Strategy

Chapter 512 Wang Jian's Strategy

As Wang Jian mulled over the precarious situation, a sense of urgency gnawed at him. He knew that confronting the powerful Star Lords head-on would be a fool's errand, given their immense strength and formidable status. Yet, the thought of standing idly by while Yu Qing faced imminent danger was a notion he couldn't bear.

'How can I protect Yu Qing from the Star Lords without putting myself in harm's way?' Wang Jian pondered, his mind racing with possibilities. 'I can't challenge them directly... but perhaps there's another way.'

With a determined glint in his eyes, Wang Jian resolved to leverage his influence within the Heavenly Jade Pavilion to thwart the Star Lords' plans. He knew that manipulating the sect's top management would be no easy feat, but he was prepared to employ every trick in the book to ensure Yu Qing's safety.

As he ventured through the bustling corridors of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, Wang Jian's thoughts churned with strategy. He knew that he would need to tread carefully, lest his intentions be discovered prematurely.

Upon reaching the grand hall where the sect's elders convened, Wang Jian adopted a composed demeanor, concealing the turmoil brewing within him. He knew that his next moves would be crucial in shaping the fate of both Yu Qing and the Heavenly Jade Pavilion.

Entering the hall, Wang Jian observed the elders gathered around a large circular table, their expressions grave as they discussed the looming threat posed by the Star Lords.

"Brothers and sisters," one elder addressed the group, his voice tinged with concern. "We must devise a plan to safeguard our sect from the encroaching threat of the Star Lords. We cannot afford to underestimate their power."

The sentiment was echoed by murmurs of agreement from the other elders, their brows furrowed in contemplation.

As Wang Jian listened to the discussion unfold, a plan began to take shape in his mind. He knew that he would need to gain the trust of the elders and sway them to his cause if he hoped to influence their decisions.

Approaching the table with measured steps, Wang Jian cleared his throat, capturing the attention of the gathered elders.

"Esteemed elders," he began, his voice steady. "I believe that I may have a solution to our current predicament."

All eyes turned to Wang Jian, curiosity flickering in their gazes as they awaited his proposal.

"In my travels," Wang Jian continued, choosing his words carefully, "I have encountered methods of defense that may prove effective against the Star Lords. With your permission, I would be honored to share my insights with you."

The elders exchanged knowing glances, their interest piqued by Wang Jian's offer.

"Very well," one elder spoke, nodding in approval. "We shall convene a council to hear your proposals. Your insights may prove invaluable in our efforts to protect the Heavenly Jade Pavilion."

With a sense of satisfaction, Wang Jian nodded in agreement, knowing that he had taken the first step towards achieving his goal.

As the council adjourned, Wang Jian retreated to the solitude of his chambers, his mind abuzz with plans and schemes. He knew that he would need to act swiftly if he hoped to sway the elders to his cause and secure Yu Qing's safety.

The next day dawned with an air of determination swirling around Wang Jian as he made his way through the Heavenly Jade Pavilion. His mind buzzed with plans and strategies, each one carefully crafted to protect Yu Qing and thwart the looming threat of the Star Lords from the Western Region.

As he approached the elders of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, Wang Jian's resolve hardened. He knew that he couldn't face the Star Lords head-on, but he refused to sit idly by while they posed a threat to the sect he had grown to care for.

"Good morning, esteemed elders," Wang Jian greeted them with a respectful nod. "I have a proposal that I believe will help safeguard the Heavenly Jade Pavilion from the encroaching threat."

The elders regarded him with keen interest, their curiosity piqued by Wang Jian's confident demeanor. "Pray tell, Wang Jian," one of the elders prompted, her eyes alight with curiosity. "What is this proposal of yours?"

Wang Jian took a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking. "I have devised a Great Grandmaster-level array formation," he began, his tone earnest. "This formation, once activated, will encircle the entirety of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, serving as a barrier against any outside threats."

The elders exchanged intrigued glances, clearly impressed by Wang Jian's proposal. "And how exactly would this array formation work?" another elder inquired, her interest evident.

Wang Jian smiled confidently as he explained the intricacies of his creation. "The array formation will harness the natural energies surrounding the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, weaving them together to create a protective barrier," he elaborated. "Once activated, this barrier will be impenetrable to all but those with the most formidable strength."

The elders listened intently, their attention fully captured by Wang Jian's proposal. "And you believe that this array formation will be sufficient to repel the threat posed by the Star Lords?" one of the elders questioned, her brow furrowed in thought.

Wang Jian nodded firmly. "I am confident that with the activation of this array formation, the Heavenly Jade Pavilion will be able to withstand any outside threats," he affirmed.

The elders deliberated among themselves, their expressions thoughtful as they considered Wang Jian's proposal. After a moment of silence, one of the elders spoke up, her voice laced with approval. "Wang Jian, your proposal is both bold and ingenious," she commended. "I believe it would be wise for us to implement this array formation as soon as possible."

The other elders murmured their agreement, their reservations fading in the face of Wang Jian's compelling argument. "Very well," the eldest elder declared, her voice carrying the weight of authority. "Let us proceed with Wang Jian's plan and ensure the safety of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion."

Wang Jian's heart swelled with satisfaction as he watched the elders rally behind his proposal.

To gather the resources for this array formation, Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan told Wang Jian to list all the resources he would need for this array formation, and she would mobilize the beautiful elders of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion accordingly to ensure that he gets those resources.

Wang Jian gets a bit lost in thought before he tells her that he needs a couple of hours to prepare this list.

Soon, Wang Jian retreated to the quiet solitude of his chamber, his mind buzzing with plans and calculations. He knew that the success of the array formation hinged on securing the necessary resources, and he was determined to ensure that nothing stood in their way.

As he settled into his seat, Wang Jian retrieved the Astral Vision Network, its shimmering interface illuminating the dimly lit room. With a practiced hand, he navigated through the network, his eyes scanning the vast expanse of stars that stretched out before him.

"Alright, let's see what we have here," Wang Jian muttered to himself, his gaze focused on the multitude of stars displayed on the screen. Each star represented a potential source of resources for the array formation, and Wang Jian needed to identify the most promising candidates.

His thoughts drifted to the Lin Ancient Family's starry expanse, a region teeming with powerful cultivators and untold riches. It was here that Yu Qing's aura had first emerged, drawing the attention of countless Star Lords and cultivators alike.

Wang Jian's lips curved into a wry smile as he considered the challenges that lay ahead. The Lin Ancient Family's starry expanse was a dangerous place, fraught with peril and intrigue. But he knew that if he wanted to gather the resources needed for the array formation, he would have to venture into its depths.

With a sense of determination burning in his chest, Wang Jian began to compile a list of the resources required for the array formation. He meticulously noted down each item, taking care to prioritize those that could only be found within the Lin Family's starry expanse.

Hours passed in a blur as Wang Jian poured over the data, his focus unwavering as he mapped out their strategy. Finally, satisfied with his preparations, he leaned back in his chair and stretched, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over him.

"Now, it's time to put the plan into action," Wang Jian murmured to himself, a spark of excitement igniting in his chest. He knew that the next step would be to present his list to Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan and rally the beautiful elders of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion to their cause.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Wang Jian set his plans into motion.

Upon his arrival, Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan greeted him with a warm smile. "Have you prepared the list of required resources, Wang Jian?" she inquired, her tone expectant.

Wang Jian nodded, handing over the parchment containing the detailed list. "Here you go, Pavilion Mistress," he replied, his voice tinged with determination. "I've outlined everything we'll need to begin preparations for the array formation."

Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan accepted the parchment, her eyes scanning over the contents with interest. "Impressive," she remarked, her tone filled with approval. "You've put a great deal of thought into this, Wang Jian."

Wang Jian nodded humbly, a sense of pride swelling within him. He was grateful for Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan's acknowledgment of his efforts, knowing that her approval was a crucial step towards realizing his plan.

"Now," Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan began, her gaze meeting Wang Jian's with unwavering resolve. "We will mobilize the elders of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion to gather the necessary resources. I will ensure that everything on this list is acquired without delay."

Wang Jian's heart soared at her words, his confidence in their plan growing stronger with each passing moment. "Thank you, Pavilion Mistress," he replied gratefully.

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