Villain Is Bodyguard of Heroine’s Poisonous Stepmother

Chapter 157: Let the protagonist be charged with murder first

Chapter 157: Let the protagonist be charged with murder first

At this moment, Su Han felt that Lin Chengwang was decent. He did not regret saving the old man’s life. However, Su Han didn’t hold much regard for the rest of the Lin family, especially Lin Yue, who actually declared he did not recognize his engagement with Lin Xiaoya.

“Dad, can you be more rational?” Lin Yue approached Lin Chengwang and whispered to him.

Didn’t he see that the Li family was furious?

“I am being very rational right now,” Lin Chengwang said and looked at Lin Yue with disappointment, then walked a few steps forward to face Gu Wanyu.

“Director Gu, my granddaughter already has an engagement, so we should call off the alliance with the Li family.”

“You think you can just call it off? Where does that leave the Li family’s honor?”

Gu Wanyu looked coldly at Lin Chengwang. Lin Xiaoya was the woman she had chosen for her little man, and if this deal fell through, how could she face Chen Luo?

“My Lin family can offer compensation.”

Lin Chengwang sighed. If Lin Yue had consulted with him, they wouldn’t be in this mess, and now they might offend the Li family. However, even if it meant offending the Li family, Lin Chengwang was set on Su Han. Seeing Su Han, he was very pleased with him. His master had once been his lifesaver, and this time his illness was cured by Su Han as well, literally saving his life again.

He now owed Su Han and his master two lives. Just because of this, he couldn’t break the engagement. Moreover, although Su Han appeared to have nothing, his background was impressive. Even though Su Tianche, the godly doctor, had been in seclusion for nearly twenty years, his connections were still formidable.

In both Magic City and the capital, Su Tianche’s connections were extensive.

If Lin Xiaoya were to marry Su Han, it would be beneficial for the Lin family, and wouldn’t be difficult to become one of the top four families in Magic City. It might even be possible for them to become the leader of these top families. Whether from a standpoint of benefit or perception, Lin Chengwang was fully convinced about Su Han.

“You say your Lin family can compensate? Do you think our Li family needs your compensation? Can you even afford it?”

Gu Wanyu sneered at Lin Chengwang, a hint of murderous intent flashed in her eyes. This old man had spoiled her plans, and she wanted to press him into a coffin board.

“If your Lin family wants to bear the wrath of the Li family, you can try.”

It was a blatant threat,

Hearing Gu Wan Yu’s threat, Lin Yue panicked first. If the Li family were to target the Lin family, could the Lin family withstand them in their current state? Of the remaining three major families in Magic City, would any help them against the Li family?

Impossible. Even if the Luo family and the Li family had enmity, they definitely would not help the Lin family. No one wanted the Lin family to become one of the new top four families in Magic City, including the original four families. An additional player in power meant an additional competitor, and who would want that?

“Director Gu, please don’t be angry, everything can be discussed,” Lin Yue hurriedly said to Gu Wanyu.

“Shut your mouth,” Lin Chengwang coldly scolded Lin Yue.

Then, Lin Chengwang looked at Gu Wanyu and the people of the Li family.

“If the Li family insists on targeting the Lin family, then the Lin family isn’t afraid. We aren’t made of clay.”

Lin Chengwang was a tough character. He has been threatened numerous times throughout his life, and even though the Li family was a formidable force, they couldn’t intimidate him.

After glancing at the formidable Lin Chengwang, Gu Wanyu sneered and turned to ask Lin Xiaoya, “Lin Xiaoya, what’s your decision? Do you want to be our Li family’s daughter-in-law, or marry this bumpkin?”

“Who are you calling a bumpkin?”

Su Han looked terribly upset. Although Gu Wanyu was also beautiful and possessed a mature charm that Lin Xiaoya lacked, Su Han felt a sense of disgust toward her.

It was normal for him to feel this way. Gu Wanyu had been pulled into the antagonist camp by Chen Luo, and now as a member of that camp, Su Han naturally disliked her.

Su Han’s hand touched the silver needles he carried with him, contemplating attacking Gu Wan Yu.

A doctor skilled in medicine could save lives as well as take them, knowing exactly which acupoints could incapacitate a person without leaving any trace. He wasn’t planning on killing anyone directly. Unlike Ye Chen, who was a war-hardened soldier with a propensity for killing, Su Han intended only to cause Gu Wanyu some health issues, and then wait for her to seek him out for treatment.

“Teach him a lesson,” said Gu Wanyu nonchalantly.

Just as Su Han felt disgusted seeing Gu Wanyu, she felt a desire to kill him upon seeing him.

She directed the Li family bodyguards who accompanied her to take care of Su Han.

“You want to fight me?”

Su Han showed contempt in his eyes. The tigers and black bears in the mountains were mere playthings to him. He grabbed one of the bodyguards’ hands and with a forceful twist, there was a loud snap. The bodyguard screamed in agony as his hand was broken.

Then, with a punch, he sent another bodyguard flying into the wall. The bodyguard hit the wall with a thud, and crumpled to the ground, spitting blood in a tragic state. The other two bodyguards followed suit. One smashed into a table and the other had his leg kicked so hard it broke.

“Such weak trash, your bodyguards are no good. Looks like you need to find new ones,” Su Han taunted Gu Wanyu.

Just as Gu Wanyu was about to lose her restraint and handle Su Han herself, a familiar voice paused her actions.

“Hello, is this the emergency services? I’m a five-star good citizen, there’s been a severe fight here.”

“Yes, that’s right, it’s happening here at the Emperor Hotel.”

The person calling the police was naturally Chen Luo. When faced with a situation where the protagonist was beating people up, how could he not step in to uphold justice?

Chen Luo glanced at the bodyguard who had been thrown against the wall and was spitting blood. He observed that he was the most severely injured.

“Brother, I’ll borrow your life to compensate you with a large sum of condolence money.”

The severely injured bodyguard’s eyes went dull, and then he stopped breathing. For a grandmaster at the Bao Dan stage, killing from a distance was all too easy, whether by projecting hidden energy to kill or using mental will to destroy someone’s spirit.

Chen Luo had just instantaneously destroyed the other person’s spirit, and not even a forensic doctor, let alone a martial artist, could determine how the death occurred. Thus, Su Han was going to be saddled with a murder charge.

At this moment, Su Han was still unaware of the severity of the situation, but he felt a strong hostility toward Chen Luo, who had suddenly appeared.

For some reason, Su Han found himself deeply disliking Chen Luo upon seeing him, even more so than his aversion to Gu Wanyu.

Lin Chengwang looked displeased. This young man had called the police, and it was clear from the state of those beaten that the situation was severe, surely leading to their arrest. Although the bodyguards had struck first, the degree of force used by Su Han was excessive and constituted excessive defense.

“Who told you to call the police?” Lin Chengwang could not contain his anger and his tone seemed accusatory.

In reality, it was an accusation.

“I am someone with an excess of a sense of justice. I must stand up when I see such brawls. Does the old gentleman have any objections?” Chen Luo asked with a light smile.

“Dad, this man is the CEO of Morningstar Group,” Lin Yue quietly reminded Lin Chengwang, hinting that Lin Chengwang should not provoke him.

The Morningstar Group was not something the Lin family wanted to provoke at this moment, especially since it had recently incorporated the Yongqiang Group, possessing financial and network resources that were no less significant than those of the Lin family.

The Lin family was not eager to provoke new enemies now.

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