Villain: I transmigrated with Mind Control Powers

Chapter 24: Chapter 24 - Rumours

Rumors about Jarod spread like wildfire throughout the Lei family and beyond. These whispers painted him as a sex fiend, a man of depraved desires who could not be trusted. Everywhere he went, he found people whispering behind his back.

In the servants' quarters, the gossip was relentless. The dimly lit quarters cast long shadows on the walls as a group of servants huddled together, their voices low but animated.

"Did you hear about Jarod?" one servant leaned in, eyes wide with scandalous delight. "They say he seduced Elder Zhao's daughter last week."

The other servant shook his head, chuckling. "That's nothing. I heard he was caught with three women in one night. The man's insatiable."

Another servant, a young woman with a mischievous glint in her eye, joined the conversation. "Three? That's child's play. I heard he was found with five at the annual festival! How does he even have the energy?"

They all burst into laughter, the sound echoing off the stone walls. Just beyond the door, hidden in the shadows, Jarod stood listening. His face contorted with anger as he heard the slanderous remarks. He clenched his fists so tightly that his nails dug into his palms, drawing blood. His breathing became shallow and ragged as he struggled to contain his fury.

In the bustling market, the atmosphere was lively with vendors shouting their wares and customers haggling for the best prices. Amidst this chaos, two merchants spoke in hushed tones, their faces drawn with concern.

"Jarod Lei? He's nothing but trouble. My cousin works at the Lei mansion. She says the rumors are true—he's been seen sneaking into women's quarters at night."

The other merchant nodded, his expression grim. "If even half of it's true, he's a disgrace to the Lei family. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up getting himself exiled."

A passing customer, who had overheard the conversation, couldn't help but chime in, "Exiled? He'll be lucky if he isn't lynched by the elders' wives! They're furious, and who can blame them? A man like that, preying on the innocent... It's shameful!"

Jarod, trying to blend into the crowd with his hood pulled low over his face, overheard every word. His anger flared, his face reddening with a mixture of rage and humiliation. He turned sharply, shoving past a group of shoppers as he stormed away, his mind seething with thoughts of retribution.

[Ding! Congratulations, host! You have gained +500 Villain Halo and +5000 Villain Points for angering the protagonist Jarod Lei.]

Even in the training grounds, where warriors honed their skills, the gossip followed Jarod. As he practiced his techniques, he could hear the whispers from a group of young disciples who had gathered nearby.

"Did you hear the latest? Jarod's been caught sneaking around the women's quarters again. How many does that make this month?" one of them, a tall boy with a mocking grin, whispered to his companion.

"I lost count after ten! The man's got a problem, that's for sure. If he spent half as much time training as he does chasing skirts, maybe he'd be worth something," his companion, a girl with a quick laugh, replied.

Their laughter was like a knife to Jarod's pride. He slashed at the training dummy with renewed ferocity, imagining it was one of the gossiping fools. Each strike was filled with his anger and frustration, but no matter how hard he trained, the rumors seemed to cling to him like a shadow.

[Ding! Congratulations, host! You have gained +500 Villain Halo and +5000 Villain Points for affecting the mentality of the protagonist Jarod Lei.]

In the courtyard of the Lei family mansion, a group of elders sat discussing the latest rumors over tea. Their voices were low and somber, the gravity of their words reflected in their furrowed brows.

"It's a disgrace," one elder said, shaking his head. "Jarod's behavior is unacceptable. If these rumors are true, he has brought shame upon us all."

Another elder, her eyes sharp and unforgiving, added, "We cannot let this continue. The Lei family must maintain its honor. If Jarod cannot control himself, we may have no choice but to take drastic measures."

Jarod, passing by the open window, caught fragments of their conversation. His heart pounded in his chest, a mix of fear and fury coursing through him. The very people who should have been his staunchest supporters were now discussing his potential downfall. The betrayal cut deep, and he knew he had to act swiftly to restore his reputation.

In a nearby tavern, where the air was thick with the smell of ale and the sound of raucous laughter, the topic of Jarod's indiscretions was also a hot topic. A burly man with a booming voice regaled his table with the latest tale.

"I heard Jarod was found in the bathhouse with three of the town's beauties, all at once! Can you believe it?"

A woman at the next table snorted. "It's not just the bathhouse. Word is, he's been using his status to coerce women all over the place. Someone needs to put him in his place."

The tavern erupted in laughter and agreement, the patrons clinking their mugs in solidarity. Jarod, sitting in a dark corner nursing his drink, felt the weight of their judgment. He slammed his mug down, the sound silencing the room for a moment, before storming out, his mind a storm of vengeful thoughts.

As if the public humiliation wasn't enough, the rumors even reached Sylvia, straining their relationship. One evening, she contacted Jarod outside of Song estate, her eyes filled with hurt and suspicion.

"Jarod," she began, her voice trembling, "I've been hearing things. Awful things about you. Is it true? Have you really been... involved with so many women?"

Jarod's face turned red with a mix of anger and desperation. "Sylvia, you know me better than that! It's all lies, spread by someone who wants to see me ruined."

Sylvia's eyes narrowed. "And who might that be? Everyone is saying the same things, Jarod. It's hard to believe they're all lying."

Sylvia's eyes filled with tears. "Aric told me... and I've heard rumors. I don't know what to believe anymore."

Jarod clenched his fists, anger flashing in his eyes. "Aric? Of course, it's him. He's trying to turn you against me, to manipulate you."

"I know it's Aric," Jarod spat, his voice dripping with venom. "He's the only one who stands to gain from my downfall. He's jealous of my position and wants to see me suffer."

Sylvia's resolve wavered, but she couldn't shake the doubt that had taken root. "Jarod, I love you, but I need to know the truth. Have you been with other women?"

Jarod's expression hardened. "Sylvia, I swear to you, I have not. Aric is lying to you because he wants to destroy us."

Sylvia looked unconvinced. "You need to prove these are lies, Jarod. Until then, I can't stand by you. This isn't just about us; it's about the family's honor."

Her words cut deep, leaving Jarod seething. His fury toward Aric intensified, his desire for revenge growing stronger with each passing moment.

[Ding! Congratulations, host! You have gained +1000 Villain Halo and +10000 Villain Points for spreading rumors and undermining the protagonist Jarod Lei.]

[Ding! Congratulations, host! You have gained +1500 Villain Halo and +15000 Villain Points for creating rift the relationship between Sylvia Song and Jarod Lei.]

The system's notifications brought a smug satisfaction to Aric. He knew the rumors were working, chipping away at Jarod's confidence and stability. Each point gained was a step closer to securing his position and ensuring Jarod's downfall.

Aric leaned back in his chair, a satisfied smirk on his face. "It's only a matter of time, Jarod. Soon, you'll crumble under the weight of your own paranoia and rage."

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